🧡Chapter 26 - Thoughts

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Taylor's POV:

So I made the decision not to get back together with Alex a few weeks ago, because I just feel like we've outgrown each other

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So I made the decision not to get back together with Alex a few weeks ago, because I just feel like we've outgrown each other. He wasn't really okay with it, but it was my decision to make. I've also been spending some time with Lando here and there, but right now it's really nothing more than a friendship.

We dated for about three years in college, but we broke up when I decided to move back to California and he decided to stay in Atlanta. There wasn't any bad blood or anything, we just decided that we didn't want to do long distance. So I think that now that we're both in California now I think that we might be able to get back together at some point, but since I just got out of a relationship that's not necessarily where my focus is right now.

I will admit that I am enjoying our friendship and the fact that we have even been able to work together on a few projects. I'm an editor for Essence magazine and he's a photographer so we are bound to be in the same circles and we just decided to embrace that.

Sterling's POV:

I wake up to my doorbell ringing

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I wake up to my doorbell ringing. I groan before getting out of bed to go answer it. It's my day off from the hospital so I want nothing more than to sleep the day away. I slowly make my way to the door, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. The doorbell rings twice. "I'm coming!" I yell, annoyed with whoever is waking me up this early in the morning.

I open the door to find Angel standing there with an angry look on her face. "Hey baby," I say sleepily

"Glad to know that you're not dead." She says.

I sigh at her dramatics before stepping to the side to let her in and closing the door behind her. "Wassup?" I ask. "Why you giving me attitude?" I add, grabbing her hand and leading her to the couch.

"Did you forget that we were supposed to go out to breakfast this morning?"

"Shit!" I say under my breath. "I did forget, baby, I'm sorry. I was just so tired after coming home from work." She nods before getting up. I grab her arm. "Where are you going?"

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