🧡Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Julian's hands move to her butt and give both cheeks a firm squeeze. She moans into the kiss and starts to lift up his sweater. He uses one hand to stop hers that is now traveling up his chest. She puts her other arm around his neck to deepen the kiss. He moans and breaks the kiss, causing her to whine and pull him back in. He pulls away again.

"Mhmm baby?" She kisses him again. "Mhhhmmm baby? Baby? Baby?" He moans between kisses.

"Hmm?" She asks "We gotta, *kiss* we gotta, *kiss* mhmm *kiss* we gotta stop." He says as he pulls away and sits up.

"Sorry." She says softly

He looks over at her, "Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong it's just that we still have some things to discuss."

They sit up right and turn to face each other. He grabs her hand and intertwines their fingers. She gives him a light smile, but he can tell that she's a ball of nerves.

"Don't be nervous, this is a good conversation." He assures her with a smile

"Okay good." She sighs in relief, causing them both to laugh.

"Baby, I have loved you since ....well I can't pinpoint the exact timeframe, but I can tell you the day that I realized that I was in love with you. Remember that day when you called me and I was all over the place? I didn't know which way was up and which way was down. I had just gotten the call that my mom was in the hospital, and I was away at that medical conference. I was freaking out because I knew that I couldn't leave to get back here because I had sessions to teach and attend. And you just happened to call me at the right moment and you were able to calm me down and get me to relax when my own girlfriend at the time couldn't. She was no help at all and just made everything worse, but you were there for me and you dropped everything to go sit at the hospital in my place. And you gave me as many updates as you could. That's why we broke up because I realized I loved you and how selfish and manipulative she was."

"You never told me that." She says in shock that this is the first time she's hearing this.

"Because I didn't want to put that on you, that wouldn't have been fair. I broke up with her because I realized that she wasn't the one for me, but I knew that if I told you that at the time you would have felt guilty about it when you didn't do anything wrong. And I also valued our friendship enough to want to make sure that I was actually in love with you and not just because you were there for me in a crisis when my girlfriend wouldn't be."

"I get that, so what happens now? I mean we've been kissing, you've been calling me 'baby' , and we've also said 'I love you', so where do we go from here?" She looks into his eyes, nervous about what his response will be.

"I want to be with you. I want us to be in a REAL relationship. None of that situationship, talking, bullshit that people are doing these days! I want you to be my girlfriend and I want to be your boyfriend."

"Just us, committed to each other?" She asks

"yes, that's what I want. Is that what you want?"
Now it's his turn to be nervous as he waits for her answer.

She nods with a huge smile on her face. "Yes, that's what I want."

He breaks out into a smile as well before he leans in to kiss her. "I love you." He says. "I love you too boo" she says as she pecks his lips.

"I'm hungry so I'm going to go heat up some leftovers. You coming?" He asks as he stands up, heading towards the kitchen. She gets up and follows him wearing a goofy smile on her face.

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