🧡Chapter 11- Chill ishh

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Chapter 11


The friends try and decide what they want to eat when Tia and Tyree finally break away from their conversation about Alicia. She walks over to Taylor and sits on her lap.

"Hey baby momma."

"Uh uh don't come over here after you abandoned me for Julian and then I've been here for ten minutes and you were busy over there with Tyree, ignoring me" she says playfully pushing her off of her.

"I didn't abandon you for anyone calm down." She playfully rolls her eyes

"You haven't been home in three days!" Taylor yells dramatically, making Tia laugh

"Girl I don't even live with you!"

"So? I have your location and I know that you've been here since 2 AM Friday well technically Saturday morning."

"Remind me to stop sharing my location with your crazy ass!" Tia said making everyone laugh.

Her and Tyree went around and hugged everyone while the others talk amongst themselves Tia, saving Keyshawn for last.

"Hey." She says with big smile "Hey wassup Ma?" He asks as he gives her a one armed hug around her shoulders. "I uh wanted talk to you about something."

"Okay, wassup?" He asks as she sits down next to him.

"So I know that it's the weekend and everything and I'm pretty sure that you don't just go around befriending patients so this is a very weird situation to navigate in terms of the fact that I need to ask you for medical advice."

He gives her his undivided attention. "What's going on? You okay?"

"Um well you know how you said that the birth control would help? It did help for a few weeks but now the pain has come back."

"Well I'm sorry to hear that. I knew that it might have been a long shot because the birth control doesn't typically shrink existing cysts, but there have been some rare cases where it eliminated the pain long term. Now I think it's best and really the only option, to move forward with the surgery."

Tia sighs. "That's what I was afraid of! I hate going to doctors and hospitals!"

"I understand that, but you'll be in great hands with me." He nudges her a little with a smile, causing her to smile back.

"I mean that is what the reviews said. That's why I came to you in the first place." They share a laugh

"Yeah, so how bad is the pain on a scale from one to ten?"

"Ummm it's usually an eight, but most times it only lasts for about ten to twelve minutes then it goes away."

He nods "And you've been taking over the counter pain medication?"

"Not all of the time, just whenever the pain is too much for whatever I need to do next. Like when I'm at work and I can't just take another break or something."

"Okay, well obviously I would need to have you come in before I could make a decision on your treatment plan, but from what it sounds like surgery is going to be the way to go. Just call and schedule an appointment sometime this week."

"Okay, I will."

"Now I'm not even going to lie to you. My schedule is pretty much full right now but there's cancellations and other things that come up so you'll just want to call and get your name in the system. However, if you are at a point where you're just in too much pain just come in and call me personally when you do and I'll make the time to get you in as soon as I can."

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