🧡 Chapter 29 - Family and Friends Part 2

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Julian walks through the halls of the hospital, somewhat relieved that he and Tia are back on good terms but he is still struggling with the fact that she thought he would even imply that she was or would be a bad mother

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Julian walks through the halls of the hospital, somewhat relieved that he and Tia are back on good terms but he is still struggling with the fact that she thought he would even imply that she was or would be a bad mother. He also feels sadness for Tyree, who has suffered through enough loss for a lifetime and has to endure even more now. Obviously, as a surgeon and human, he realizes that loss is just a part of life, but he also can't help but feel like Tyree's had more than his fair share.

He rounds a corner and almost bumps into Alan. "Sorry." He says, maneuvering around him and walking past. "Julian?" He calls, making him turn around. "Is Tia okay? I have been calling her for a few days and I haven't heard back." This is news to Julian, is she avoiding her dad's calls for the same reason she was avoiding her brother's? because if she is that would make sense if he wasn't in the country and Julian didn't work in the same building as him.

"Uh, she's fine. I just left her at the house."  Alan nods skeptically, sensing nervousness in his voice. He watches him for a second before saying, "Well, the next time you see or hear from her tell her to give me a call." "Will do," he says with a slight smile before rushing off and letting out a sigh of relief. He heads into the lab and finds Lisa and two of the residents. "Hi, Dr. Micheals." Hayes says "Hi Hayes." he says with a small smile. "What's going on?" he asks due to the fact that he wasn't expecting anyone to be in there.

"We just came by to irrigate the trachea," Lisa says with a smile that pisses Julian off. He huffs in frustration. "Give us the room please." He says to the residents who nod and leave. "What's wrong?" She asks, taking in the annoyance on his face. " I specifically told you that I would handle the irrigation and then you let residents do it?!" He fusses. She sighs. "I was standing here the whole time and you weren't here to do it."

He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose in an effort to keep calm before speaking. "I'm not sure if you just all of a sudden think I'm incapable of doing my job or what you have going on. Quite frankly I don't care, If you feel that I'm not doing my job effectively or efficiently then file a complaint with HR! If you're not going to that then stay out of my way and let me do my job!" he snaps before storming out of the lab and leaving her baffled. She thought that she was being helpful because he wasn't around so she figured that her taking the initiative would impress him. It never occurred to her that her plan might backfire. She wipes away a stray tear and walks out of the room.


The rest of Julian's day went by smoothly and he is now on his way back to Tia's place. He makes a mental note to talk to her about their current living situation because while most of his time lately has been spent at her house he doesn't want to give up his place.

He pulls into the garage and braces himself for what he might be walking into. When he steps through the door he notices that it's dark in the house which confuses him a little because Tia's car was parked next to his when he pulled in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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