Chapter 26

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I didn't dress up to go out with Alex , I wore a sweater and black jeans and sandals.

Jc walked me down to the lobby and Alex was waiting , he dress casual . "Call me after "Jc whispered into my ear and kissed me on the forehead and walked back towards the elevator .

"Shall we ?"he said , holding out his arm . I looked back and I turn back and grabbed his arm.


We got to the restaurant and it was nice , it had cute little lights in the middle of each table .

"Hi welcome , what would I be getting for you guys today?"the waiter asked .

"Can I get a ice tea and chicken salad "I said .

"And you ?" She asked Alex .

" the same please "

"Okay it will be out in a few "she smiled and walked off .

"So what did you want to talk about ?"I said .

"Umm us.."he said .

"Us?"I asked , I was just making sure I heard him right.

"Yes , I wanted to say I feel like Jc is treating you well and you have those scars , and I know he was one of the reasons you cut " he said.

"He is fucking crazy " I thought.

"Umm Jc treats me very well , and kind of none of your business why I have these scars" I said .

He sat back in his chair , " I can help you "he said .

"I don't need help" I said , I got up and walked out the restaurant . I need to tell Jc that he is fucking crazy .

I caught a ride back to the hotel , I got to the elevator . There was a sign on the doors of the elevator that read out of order , sorry for inconvenience .


I finally found the staircase door and began to walk up it . Just 10 more flights to go .

I pulled out my phone and began to text Jc , but someone pulled my hair and fell backwards and my phone flow out my hand .

I fell back down the stairs , I got up and saw Alex ."what the hell? !" I said .

He locked the staircase door and pushed me against the wall. I couldn't move , I couldn't scream for help . I felt completely weak.

He ripped my clothes off and began to rape me .

I couldn't feel anything , I couldn't say anything too.

He finally finished , "see I am better than Jc "he laughed coldly into my ear.

I put my clothes on and picked up my phone and ran all the way up the stairs to our room .

I ran into the bathroom and got into the shower and scrubed him off of me .

I got to tell Jc , wait what would he say?
Would he be angry at me for letting him do this to me .

I need help.


Hey guys Hope you like this chapter , I know it's crappy . But vote and comment

Love you guys



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