Chapter 32

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Few weeks later

December 23 :

"OMG I have no clue what to get Jc" I said falling back on Kimberly's bed ,
"Sex?" She said looking at me in the mirror as she put on her make up.

" No , I want to get him something that can last " I said , I was screwed Jc already had my gift for Christmas and I had nothing .

I got up from the bed , " I'm going not the mall , wanna join?" I said . She shook her head yes and put her make-up back in her bag .

"Let's go bitch , I'm driving" she said grabbing her keys off of the white dresser.

I followed behind her , how was she so confident? I had no confidence what so ever , I was a potato (a/n me in real life ) .

We got in her car and headed for the mall. Aka hell before Christmas....


" Kimberly how about this ?" I said picking up a bracelet , she raised one of her eyebrows .

" a bracelet ?" She questioned ,

"Yes it's one of those bracelet you put charms on that is memory or something you like " I said .

"It looks girly" she said .

Shit. " umm sir ? Do you have a one of these for men?" I asked the guy behind the counter . He nodded and pulled it out from behind the counter.

"Great " I said . Now I just need to figure out what charms to get .


"Can we got please " I whined to Kimberly , I already had Jc's gift wrapped . I sucked at wrapping so I had the people in the mall do it.

" just five more minutes" she said looking at one the Hollister Christmas sweater .

" give me the keys and I'll wait in the car " I said holding my hand out for the keys . She rolled her eyes and handed me the keys and went back looking at the sweater .

I walked out to the parking garage and to Kimberly car , I felt like someone was following me . I walked a little faster , I finally reached the car.

I unlocked it and got in and closes the door. " you're going crazy " I said to myself out loud .

"I don't think so" someone said , I turn my head to see Alex outside of the car with a smile on his face .

I went to go to lock the door , but he open the door before I could lock it .
"Come on sweetie " he said grabbing my out of the car .

"Get off of me" I yelled , he quickly put his hand over my mouth.

" tsk tsk , you shouldn't treat me like that " he said with a nasty smile on his face .

I tried getting him off of me but he would move , hell no he is not winning this time . I bit down on his hand , " you bitch" he growled.

He slapped me across, my face . "HELP!" I yelled .

"GABBY?" I heard Kimberly yelled , Alex dropped me and took of . "Oh my god , what happen?" Kimberly said . Dropping her bags.

"He tried to rape me "I said holding my face . "Who?"she said , tell her .

" I didn't see " I said . Idiot.

" okay let's get home "she said .

I nodded and got up and looked around for Alex , he was nowhere to be seen.

"What?!" Jc yelled .

" I didn't see him , and he only slapped me " I said .

" do you see your face , it's purple and black . And he almost raped you " he yelled even louder.

" my face is fine I taken worst hits and he didn't rape me let's just be glad " I yelled back .

"She is right , calm down Jc . She is fine " Kimberly said softly.

" I'll go get you some ice " Kimberly said to me .

" I'm sorry I yelled at you , it's not your fault I'm sorry " Jc said , I walked over gave a hug .

I wanted to tell him , but I couldn't.


Hey guys hope you like this chapter , and DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT MY NEW BOOK !!!

And love you guys



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