Chapter 7: The sweet smell of sabotage

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The sun beamed its scorching heat down upon the outcast boarding school of Nevermore Academy for its annual tradition; The Poe Cup.

Crowds of students gathered in the small stands that were set up along the banking of the lake, bunting and confetti filled the air as final preparations were made.

"I look like an absolute joke." (Y/N) said to Ajax and Xavier who has just finished his face paint of a jester.

"Isn't that the point?" Ajax questioned the namesake of their team the jesters causing Xaier to pinch the bridge of his nose.

"Yes we're meant to look stupid, that's the point of a jester." The captain of the team sighed. "Anyway we gotta go and get ready, let's go." The three dressed up jokers puller back the curtain to their tent to be met with the blinding sun light.

"Thing's ready." Wednesday moved next to Enid who was wearing a black leotard made to look like a black cat.

"Thats good but where id your costume!" Enids mouth dropped to the floor seeing her roommate and new teammate still displaying her stylised uniform.

"Costume?" The girl gagged internally dreading having to wear a matching costume.

"Its in the tent!" The werewolf dressed as a cat squealed eager to see her friend in her outfit.

Wednesday walked out of the tent wearing a snug fitting replica of what Enid wore, the colour of the costume not helping in the sweltering heat.

"OMG Wednesday you look purr-fect!" Enid smiled widely upon viewing the morbid girl. "But where are your whiskers?"

"You're lucky I put the ears on, which is ironic for a black cat." Wednesday looked away from Enid and over to the tall boy that walked to just a few feet away from her.

"Wow, well aren't you gorgeous my dear." (Y/N) smiled at the sight of his girlfriends new attire.

"You won't be able to win the Poe Cup with compliments." She said trying to hold back a smile at the silly dressed man infront of her.

"Just getting my last one out before we crush you." A competitive smirk emerged on his face before he left to join up with the rest of his team

"We can't lose now." Wednesday turned to Enid not backing down from her lovers challenge.

"You bet."


"What do we have here? The runt of the litter." Bianca said from the boat to the side of the black cats, her face heavily coated with glitter and makeup.

"For the record I don't belive I'm better than everyone else, only that I'm better than you." Wednesday coldly responded to the girl who was taken back by the sudden unexpected words.

(Y/N) observed the small tussle the two girls were having from afar, not hearing a word he still knew Wednesday was winning.

"Hey. Forget about her right now we have to win this. Icarus' peak hasn't won a Poe Cup in 30 years." Xavier turned around seeing the boy looking off in the distance.

"Yea- yeah I got it." He shook his heads of any thoughts about the small girl and faced forwards gripping his oar tighter.

I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allan Poe Cup. This is one of Nevermore's proudest annual traditions, dating back 125 years. Each team must row across to Raven Island, pull a flag from Crackstone's Crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk. First team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year, as well as some special privileges." Principal Weems announced through a microphone to the spectators gather along the lakeside to cheer their favourites on. Each competitor eager to start had their ears perked up for the headmistresses signal.

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