Chapter 32: Ripping into the details

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"So there's now an investigation into a death in Hyde Park?" Wednesday fixated her eyes on the headline displayed across the front of the newspaper.

"I heard it was some outcast hater." Enid timidly said with a frown as she peered over and read the article that her friend held.

"Thats good isn't it? One less racist in the world?" Ajax said leaning in on the other side of Wednesday to see the newspaper.

"Not particularly, it only points more fingers at us and it doesn't line up with Hodgsons murderers pattern" The girl brought her hand up to her chin in a thinking position as she searched for ways to link the separate death.

"Maybe we shouldn't think about it too much, we're going on the Jack the Ripper tour today, surely you'll enjoy that Wednesday?" Enid moved her head away from the newspaper and looked at the shorter girl as they sat on the bench within the hotels lobby.

"He is my favourite serial killer, I have been looking forward to it." She admitted as the small group of Nevermore students gathered in their friend groups awaiting Mrs Palings arrival.

"Anyway I have to get off, Ashley needs to teach me some more stuff about recording things. Bye bye!" Enid jumped up from her seat and dashed around the lobby looking for her new friend and mentor. Ajax got up from his seat and followed closely behind

"Keep an eye on Winters, I don't trust her at all." Wednesday spoke to the severed hand that had emerged from her backpack and creeped onto her shoulder.

'Why?' Thing signed as he turned his palm to Wednesday allowing her scowling face to see him.

"Follow. Ashley. Closely." Wednesday pronunciated each word slowly and with a forceful voice that scared the small appendage.

The macabre girl coldly stared deeper at Thing making the hand spring up and scurry away across the floor making sure to keep out of sight.

"Why did you leave me all alone (Y/N)? I'm going insane, its not enjoyable." Wednesday whispered as her head dropped and she pulled out the tiny remnant of paper that had been left over from when she burnt (Y/N)'s letter. She read the line over and over to pass the time until a weight sat down next to her prompting the teenager to stuff the clipping away.

"How're you coping Wednesday? It must feel awful." She looked to her side to see the taller woman of Mrs Paling along with her twead blazer and pearl necklace to accompany it well.

"I'm fine, its nothing to me." She lied with an impeccably still and straight face as she glared down the principal.

"Its completely okay to let your emotions out to someone my dear child, its only human and you've nothing to be ashamed about." Paling smiled sincerely as she brushed back her auburn hair and moved to place a hand on Wednesday's shoulder making her pull away in disgust. (That dialogue is also directed towards any of you out there dealing with anything, always talk to someone about it, it will help. Stay safe 👍)

"Well the person who I would share my feelings and emotions with is currently wanted for a crime he never committed Miss, what do you want me to do about that?" The pig-tailed girl raised an eyebrow as the headteacher paused for a second to come up with an answer.

"Theres nothing you can do Wednesday I'm sorry, everybody shares the same view in that we must get through this together. Would you care to share thst vision?" Paling enquired nicely.

"Never." The teenager simply replied with no emotion in her voice at all.

"I'm sorry you feel that way Wednesday, I was maybe hoping to cheer you up but it seems it didn't work. Have a good day Miss Addams." The woman frowned as she rose to her feet and strided off once again leaving the girl alone.

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