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Payu's P.O.V:

I opened the door and wheeled Rain's chair into the house.

His parents walked over to us immediately.

"I made dinner come on let's eat...Nong Payu you can stay over if you want" Rain's mother said.

"It's fine auntie thanks for the offer though but I need to get back to the workshop" I said.

"Oh...Alright maybe next time then" She said.

Rain tugged at my sleeve so I gave him my hand.

Stay for dinner.

He looked up at me with his puppy eyes after he was done writing on my palm.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Ok ok I think I can stay for a bit" I said smiling.

Then wheeled the chair to his room.

"I'm going to set the table" Rain's mother said.

That left me alone with Rain's father.

It was still a bit awkward to talk to him alone since that day at the hospital.

So I decided to stay silent.

"Do you want to come to the balcony to talk?" He asked.

"Sure" I said then followed him.

"You want a cigarette?" He asked as he raised one to me.

"No thanks I don't smoke" I said.

He nodded and took it back.

"I'd say you're such a goody two shoes" He said as he lit his cigarette.

I shrugged.

"I might be but I think I'm average" I said.

He nodded again.

"I won't apologise for what I said to you that day since as you can see...Rain is my only child...He's been sheltered almost all his life but still had to go through a lot" He said.

Then took a breath from his cigarette before letting it out.

"Any parent would have been angry so I don't think I did anything wrong...After all no one wants to see their child bedridden don't you think?" He asked.

I nodded in agreement.

"But then again...My son loves you and I care about him so I should do my best to keep you around" He said.

Then turned to me and let another cigarette breath out.

"So...That means you should do a better job from now on because I don't plan on leaving my son to an incompetent person" He said.

"I'm not incompetent" I said.

He raised an eyebrow.

"What? You being an elder doesn't mean I should tolerate your insults" I said.

He sighed heavily and nodded.

"In that case I'll just have to wait for what you'll do next" He said shrugging.

Then patted my shoulder before leaving the balcony.

I walked over to the dining room after him and sat down next to Rain.

After the incident with Nat at the advertising company I managed to convince Rain to stop what he was going to do.

We both apologised to Dao's father and asked him to keep going with the case to which he agreed.

Body Language (PayuRain)Where stories live. Discover now