Special Chapter(6)

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Som's P.O.V:

I opened the door to my new apartment then walked in.

It has been a really long time since I last came here but finally I was able to move on from what happened and so I decided to go back to Bangkok and take care of the Thai branch.

After sometime I was done with unpacking so I sat down on the sofa to watch TV.

There was a TV program talking about young artists who won great prizes in France so I turned the volume up a bit.

They talked about P'Payu and his new collection of statues.

The work were still fascinating and I chuckled to myself when I saw that most of them looked like Rain and things he liked.

Then the presenter invited him to talk so he sat down in front of her and waved at the viewers with a big smile on his face.

"Can you tell us more about your new collection?" The presenter asked.

"It's called Colors" P'Payu said.

"That's such an odd name can you tell me more?" She asked.

"Hmmm...It's about a bland life with only one person who has all the colors" P'Payu said.

"That person with colors is your muse right?" She asked.

"You can say so" P'Payu said smiling.

"Do you have any plans for the next collection?" She asked.

"It's a secret" P'Payu said.

The presenter chuckled.

"Then do you have anything to say to your fans?" She asked.

P'Payu smiled and leaned back in his seat.

"To all the people who like my work I've decided to move on to the next level...I'll be putting my work in the national art museum in Thailand Bangkok starting next week so stay tuned and come to the fan signing" P'Payu said.

"That's a really big announcement" The presenter said.

The rest of the interview continued on with P'Payu playing some mini games then it was over.

I took out my phone and sent P'Payu a congratulating text.

(The next day)

Payu's P.O.V:

I woke up to someone lightly patting my shoulder.

"Good morning" I said as soon as I opened my eyes.

"Good morning...Get up already I made breakfast and I also have a surprise for you" He said smiling.

I smiled then reached out and ruffled his hair.

"Five more minutes" I said.

Then pulled the blanket over myself.

"No...Come on we have a lot of things to do today" He said as he tugged at my hand to pull me off the bed.

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