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Rain's P.O.V:

I frowned when P'Payu stopped the car in front of Dao's workplace.

"Well...I was going to the shop today and thought that maybe you would like some company" He said.

I looked out of the window.

"So...Do you think you can do it?" He asked.

I sighed heavily and nodded.

He smiled and ruffled my hair then got off the car and helped me out.

"I'll pick you up when I'm done with my work at the shop" He said.

I nodded again.

He started wheeling my chair over to the door of the nursery then Dao walked out to greet us.

"See you later" P'Payu said then kissed my cheek before leaving.

I smiled at Dao lazily.

"Well...I still think that I need help at the kitchen so...Do you want to join?" She asked.

I nodded and started wheeling my chair inside the place.

After sometime we were busy making a little meal for the kids at the nursery.

"That's not how you do it...Here...Let me show you" She said.

Then started showing me how to cut the vegetables properly.

"Do you want to try on your own?" She asked.

I nodded and started cutting the vegetables slowly.

And soon enough we were done.

She walked out and clapped her hands to get the children's attention.

"Bunnies it's time to yum yum" She said smiling.

The children ran over to her immediately and she started handing them the food.

"Eat slowly and don't make a mess ok?" She asked.

"Thank you big sister Dao" The children said in unison.

I wheeled my chair over to the children.

"Say thank you to big brother Rain here he also helped with the cooking ok?" She asked.

So the children thanked me.

I smiled and nodded shyly.

Then they sat down on the tables to eat their food.

"Well...P'Payu told me that you're not feeling ok...He's worried about you so he decided to bring you here" She said.

I looked away.

She sighed heavily and shook her head.

"You remember when we first met? You had a dull look on your face similar to the one you have now...So I'm going to tell you this once and without beating around the bush" She said.

Then she grabbed a chair and sat down in front of me.

"And not just P'Payu who's worried it's Sky and your parents as well...The point is...You have a lot of people waiting for you to get better so you should stop their worrying don't you think?" She asked.

I looked at my lap not knowing what to say.

"You're underestimating yourself and that's not good...You know how to work in a professional company position you're a talented dancer and you're still willing to learn other things...I know that my words won't help much because I know you're depressed but you're still one of the strongest people I ever met" She said smiling.

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