SEASON ONE; lavender gaze

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                           ➳After what happened in Philly, (y/n) was grateful for a bit of silence in the middle of nowhere, taking a break by the roadside with the group. They hadn't eaten in about a day, so (y/n) was glad to get out and forage for a few minutes. The basket she clipped onto her belt was very helpful, letting her have a freehand to hold a knife. 

One could never be too careful, she'd learned. 

The ditches were not overly bountiful, but she managed to find some yarrow - good for stopping bleeding - and a small raspberry bush. Her hands were stained red, but she'd gathered enough for each of them to have 3, maybe 4. Still, better than nothing. 

Faintly, she could hear the swish of 10k's sling killing Zs. It was comforting, knowing that there was another sharpshooter covering their backs. Gently, she hummed to herself as she rummaged through the foliage. 

From behind the bush, she heard a growling. She removed her hands and held her knife more defensively, creeping around to pike the monster. But, she noticed it was wearing a straw hat, and she had an idea. 

"Find anything good?" Garnett asked she strolled back to the group, wearing the straw hat. She flipped open the little basket, and he whistled. 

"Not much, but enough for a little snack." she said cheerfully, handing him a few. Slowly, she went around the group, doling out the little berries to each of her friends. 

"Nice hat," Addy commented offhandedly, tipping the brim down over (y/n)'s eyes. The girl chuckled.

"Yeah, it's cute," she commented, overhearing the group arguing about whether or not zombies had souls. She scrunched her nose and frowned, when she heard Cassandra advocating for them. She leapt up into the back of the truck, kneeling down to give 10k the little red jewels, then Cassandra hers. 

Satisfied, she sat down to enjoy hers. When the boy began to speak, however, she found herself unable to eat. He told the story of his Pa, and how he had to pike it. He was agitated, and (y/n) had never wanted to hug someone more. 

"I couldn't do it," his voice broke "I couldn't hurt my pa, no matter what he'd become. I sat there for the longest time, staring into his eyes. Looking for some sign that he was still in there." (y/n)'s eyes burned, remembering her very own family, all those years ago. 

"And?" Doc asked "What did you do?" 10k looked over at him, mouth set in an angry line, almost like he was near tears. 

"I killed it." He said curtly, and the girl's heart ached for him.

"Damn kid," Doc commented, purposefully avoiding (y/n)'s gaze "you had to put down your own dad?" 10k shook his head. 

"Didn't kill him," he spat "I killed it." Cassandra piped up.

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