SEASON TWO; my boyfriend's an alien!

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                                  ➳Despite the heat of the dry, desert days, (y/n) had to suppress a shiver as Warren drove them into the inky blackness of the night. Luckily for her, Tommy's arm was warm against her own, as they stood side-by-side at the very back of the Jeep. 

Before they got into their new ride - earlier that day, before the sun had abandoned them - Addy, Doc, and Murphy had practically jumped into the backseat, leaving the two teens no other option. 

Not that (y/n) minded, of course. Hanging onto the black frame of the Jeep, listening to the 'Super Sweet Mix' they'd found in the stereo system, it felt like she was a normal teenager again. 

Well, a normal teenager with a gun, and a talent for killing zombies. But she'd take what she could get. 

Vasquez turned down the music, much to the girl's dismay. Buzzkill. "We need to get off the road. 

"I don't like being so far into Zeros territory," Warren admitted as she drove "But I guess we really don't have a choice." 

She had a point there: the only other option was for them to take an extra week travelling North to avoid the Zeros. With the supplies they had(or lack thereof), that wasn't exactly a good option. 

In the moonlight, Tommy cast her an uneasy glance, but neither of them said anything. Silence lapsed over them again, with only a dead's mans music keeping them company along the dark and lonely road. 

(y/n) narrowed her eyes, tearing her gaze away from the shadowed scenery, when the music warbled and crackled. 

"Hey, where'd the music go?" 

She'd hardly even spoken the words before it was back on, and it was business as usual. As usual as it got for them, anyway. 

Mere seconds later, Murphy called out to Warren.

"Wait. What's that?" 

The woman slowed down the car enough for them to all catch a glimpse of road kill: A zombie, diced neatly into pieces. It was still alive, and bared its teeth as they headlights illuminated the scene. 

"That's a new one," Addy commented, observing the sliced zombie on the shoulder of the gravel road. 

Tommy leaned forward, grinning.  "I want whatever did that." 

(y/n) snorted before smiling at his figure, leaning forward with intrigue. "Of course you do." 

"Some kind of," Doc paused for the right word "Samurai surgeon." 

"Some things you just can't unsee." Addy said, then turned to face the boy who'd cocked his gun right behind her head. 

"Save your ammo use a-" (y/n) began, but the shot fired anyway "-knife." She finished lamely, while he cast her a tiny grin over his shoulder in her direction.

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