Chapter 2

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                       -MARK'S POV-
Why the fuck did Cesar just ask me to kiss him? Were those words really what he wants from me? Or did they just slip out on accident? Either way, I take them seriously. As I'm watching TV, it's all I can think about. America's Got Talent means nothing to me now. It's all about Cesar. Almost as if on cue, Cesar waltzes into the living room and sits down on the couch cushion next to me. He let's out a small laugh before speaking. "Sorry about earlier. I wasn't thinking and the words kind of just slipped out, I guess." He turns back to the TV. One of the contestants sounds like a dying donkey. Cesar lets out another laugh. "Do you.. forgive me?" He's looking me straight in the eyes now. I blush a little. "Y-yeah, I guess." We stare at each other for a minute. Cesar suddenly turns away. "Okay! That's good!" What was that? Cesar is acting really weird. He's never gotten this close to me. Ever. I try to focus on AGT, but it's no use. "Hey Mark?" I perk up. "Yeah? What's up?" "Can I take your car to go get something from the store? I brought my wallet." He smiles at me. A genuine smile. I have no choice but to say yes. "Sure, just don't speed and don't crash." I walk over to my key hook and pick off the keys. I throw them to him and he catches them. "Thank you!" He walks out the door. "And whatever it is, be sure to buy the cheapest one!" I yell after him. "I won't!" Cesar yells back. I fall back onto the couch. Why is Cesar acting like this? He should be cute and funny, not hot and seductive. I put my hand on my chin. "What is his deal?" I ask myself. "Meh, nevermind. I'm sure it's nothing." I brush it off and continue watching AGT. A couple minutes later, Cesar returns. He's carrying a singular bag in his hand. I notice its double-bagged. "What did you get?" I ask him. "Oh, just a little surprise! But we'll have to wait for later until we can try it out!" Cesar sets the bag on the table and sits back down on the couch next to me. "Can't you just show me now?" I ask. Cesar shakes his head.
We watch TV for another 3 hours. It's 8:45 now. Cesar gets up and grabs the bag. He carries it over to where we are sitting and opens up what's inside. It's a fat bottle of tequila. "Cesar.. what the fuck?"

                      -CESAR'S POV-
I bought Mark a bottle of tequila thinking he would gladly drink it with me. Instead, he looked at me like I just came out of the mental hospital. "Why did you buy this??" Mark asks me. "I thought it would be fun to drink it together! Just as buddies, you know?" He doesn't seem convinced. I walk back into the kitchen and find two shot glasses. I bring them over to Mark and give him one of them. "Watch. I'll take the first shot so you know I didn't poison it or anything!" I pop open the bottle and pour enough tequila so it's to the rim of the shot glass. I tilt my head back and take the shot. "See? Nothing to be worried about. And if you don't want more than you can handle, I won't force you to do anything!" I hand him the bottle. He hesitates, but takes it anyway. He pours himself a shot. "Are you sure about this? What if we get really drunk and I can't drive you back home?" He asks. I respond, "Well, then I'll just stay two nights! If you don't mind, I might take a shower tomorrow morning. I feel dirty." I've been wearing the same shirt and sweats all day, and I'm starting to smell bad. "Ok.." He takes his shot. "Mmm. What brand is this?" He looks at the bottle. "YOU PAID 50 DOLLARS FOR THIS!?!" He snaps his neck towards me. "Its a small price to pay to have a good time with my best bud!" I wrap my arm around him. He hands me the tequila bottle.
After a couple more shots, we are both fairly drunk. I've had 4, and Mark has had 6. We moved to his bedroom because there was nothing too interesting on TV. "Hey, Cesar?" His breath reeks of alcohol. I'm sure mine does also. "Yeah?" I'm pouring yet another shot as he talks. My vision is woozy and I'm quite dizzy. "I love you, you know that?" "I do." I take my newly poured shot. "No you don't." He slurs his words, so now I know he's drunk. "What do you mean?" I sit back down on his bed. He turns to face me. His eyes look drunk, but he makes it clear he's serious by grabbing my shoulder. "I love you. But not just as a friend. Even more than that." What the? Did this dude just.. confess to me?! No, he's drunk. There's no way he's serious. I turn red and look down at my shot glass. Maybe this was a mistake. "Uhm.." I have no idea what to say next. He cocks his head at me. "Do you love me?" He asks. I freeze. I do, but as a friend. But should I tell him that? Or should I pretend? "I, uh.. I love you too, Mark." I choose to pretend. He grabs my chin and turns my head. I'm looking him straight in his eyes. "Are you sure~?" His grip on my shoulder tightens. My brain is frazzled. "Yes?" "Prove it then. Prove that you love me." He pulls me towards him. I try to wiggle away. It's not working. Our legs are touching, and my chest is inches away from his. "Come on~" I'm stunned and my body doesn't move. "Mark... this has gone too far." I spit out. He leans closer to me. I can feel his breath. "What has gone too far? My feelings for you, perhaps?" I fiddle with my hands. What made it come to this? A little alcohol has made Mark go all love-crazy, and I am not comfortable at all. He leans fully into me. Our lips meet for a moment. My heart is racing. He pulls away. "Feel good?~" He asks. "Umm actually, I'm really tired. I think we should just call it a night and-" He kisses me again, this time harder. I try not to give in to his stupid antics, but I'm afraid it's too late. I lean into him and put my legs around his waist. My arms wrap around his neck. I can feel Mark tugging on my shirt. "Mmm~ you taste better than tequila~" Really Mark? I'm only doing this because it's my one chance to kiss him, plus he won't remember anything about it in the morning. Maybe I need to start getting him drunk more often. He lets out a satisfied moan. Looks like I'm the one in control now. I start to kiss his neck. His breaths are heavy and he pulls me close to him. "Aughh~!" Another moan escapes him. I lay on top of him. "Are we done here yet? Or do you want to beg me for more~?" I say this seductively to make him stop. "Oh, baby.." He passes out. A wild snore escapes him. I climb off of him and stare at my hands. What is wrong with me?!?! Why did I just kiss my best friend?! I close my eyes and purse my lips. "What have I done..?"

               ---END OF PART TWO---

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