Chapter 23 (NSFW + a lil smut)

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(Mark and Cesar take a shower together which is very wholesome but Cesar is trying to fight back some complicated urges... oh also smut at the beginning)

"Do you want me to be gentle?"
Mark asks after he finishes unbuttoning my shirt. I bend my arms back as Mark pulls it off of my arms.
"Y-yes please. And.. while you're at it.. if it isn't too much to ask-"
"Just say it, Ces."
"Okay. Can you.. throw some praise in while you're at it? Praise just.. it really turns me on for some reason, so.."
I lean back and flop onto the bed as I turn red from embarrassment.
"Sure! I have a thing for it as well, but I also like degradation, if you want to try that sometime."
Mark is a lot more open about this stuff than me. I don't really talk to people about that. I find it quite embarrassing, to be honest. But when its Mark we're talking about? Well, I'll tell him whatever the hell he wants to hear.
Mark strips off his pants, tossing them across the room as he does. He then removes mine, taking a moment to admire my legs before tossing those as well.
"Goddamn. I wish I was built like you."
Mark puts his hands on my bare thighs and gently climbs onto the bed and kneels in between my legs. He bends down and kisses me, gently pulling my bottom lip with his teeth as he goes.
"Augh~ Mark, please~"
Mark laughs in response as he disconnects from the kiss and removes his hands from my thighs. He strips my boxers off and throws those by my pants. Following suit, he takes his off as well, throwing them with his pants. My erection is hard and throbbing, eager to be tended to. I'm sure Mark's is the same way.
"Do you wanna use lube?"
Mark stares back at me as he retrieves a bottle of lube from his bedroom drawer. I let myself think about it for a moment. Maybe this is my chance to prove to Mark that I'm not a wussy!
"No. I'm good!"
Mark gives me a 'are you sure?' glance. I nod my head as Mark lowers the bottle back into the drawer.
"I'm still gonna prep you though, right?"
"Yeah. That'll stay the same, please!"
I smile up at Mark and he smiles in return.
"Such a good boy~"
I feel my erection grow at Mark's words. When I said I had a thing for praise, I wasn't lying. A droplet of precum is slowly dripping from my cock. Mark notices.
"Want me to get that for you?"
I look up at him with a confused glance.
"What do you-"
And before I can even finish my sentence, Mark lowers his head and gently kitten licks my tip. I writhe in my spot as Mark picks his head back up and smacks his lips, savoring my taste.
"Mm! Now, let's get things rolling, shall we?"
I'm too fucked up to respond. Mark then sticks his middle and ring finger into his mouth for a moment before slowly lowering his hand down to my awaiting hole.
"May I..?"
I vigorously nod my head. I wait a few seconds before I am bombarded with an indescribable feeling. I moan loudly as Mark's digits curl up inside my tight walls. Since I am being pretty vocal, I grab a pillow and begin to moan into that so Six doesn't hear me.
I let out one last moan as Mark's fingers are removed.
"Sounded like you enjoyed that, didn't you?"
Mark smirks at me and chuckles. Beads of sweat are already accumulating on my forehead and Mark hasn't even done anything yet. My panting speed quickly escalates as Mark grabs his cock and lines it up with my entrance. But not before teasing me by running it across my folds.
"M-MARK~ stop teasING-.. get ON wITH It~"
Mark complies and slowly starts to line it up again. And, just as I think he isn't going to follow through, Mark aggressively shoves his cock inside me.


I jolt upright in my bed. Mark is sleeping soundfully in bed next to me, the covers just barely revealing his face. I guess my mind is just replaying what happened last night into my dream. All that stuff that happened in my dream? Yeah, it happened for real. The kitten licking, the teasing, the praise, all of it. It's a little sad that I didn't get to the good part.
"Mm.. Ces, lay down."
I hear Mark's grumbly-sounding voice come from right next to me. I turn to look at him and see that he's staring right at me.
"Okay, okay. Sorry. Just.. had a dream.. about last night."
"Yeah, I heard your moan. And I'm sure Six did too. That shit rang across the entire house."
I cover my mouth as I lower myself back down on the bed. Mark's arm reaches across my stomach to my left side and hooks onto me. He then pulls me into him, cuddling me like it's the last chance he'll ever get to.
"Eww what?"
"You smell like shit, Mark!"
I wheeze out laughter as Mark raises his armpit to make sure he doesn't stink as bad as I make him out to. He knows I exaggerate stuff like this a lot, but when I see his face scrunch up, I know he knows I'm not kidding.
"Goddamn. Thanks for letting me know. I'll go.. *yawn* hop in the shower."
Mark pushes his covers aside as he lets go of me and climbs out of bed. He stumbles a little as he waltzes over to his closet to grab a fresh pair of clothing.
"Want anything while I'm up?"
Mark turns to me from the other side of the room as he rummages through one of his many dresser drawers, retrieving a fresh pair of boxers.
"A kiss or two would be nice. Then you can go take a shower!"
I grin up at Mark as he walks over to me and gently pecks my forehead. As he starts to walk away, however, I grab his arm.
"I said 'or two'. Not just one, Markie!~"
Mark understands what I say as he leans back down to kiss my forehead again. When he tries to, though, I quickly slide up onto the bed. Now, instead of his lips meeting my forehead, they meet mine. Mark is clearly surprised, yes, but takes it anyway. His hand comes up to my face and gently strokes my cheek. We pull away from each other before we get too distracted.
"C-can I.. take a shower with you?"
Mark's face shifts, from calm and collected to startled and overwhelmed.
"You don't have to say yes, Mark. I'll be fine if you don't want me to."
"Who said I didn't want you to~?"
My cheeks immediately flush red as I hide my face in the covers.
"Really?" Excitement lines my tone.
"Yeah. Just as long as we don't do anything besides showering, got it? No sex in the shower."
I mumble a fake grunt of annoyance as I smile up at Mark and watch him smile back.
"Well, are ya gonna get up so we can go?"
Mark pulls my arm and practically drags me to my room to get my stuff.
The shower is almost ready, with the water at a semi lukewarm temperature. Mark is already stripped, sitting on a towel on the toilet, waiting for the water to reach his liking. I, on the other hand, haven't even taken my shirt off yet.
"Okay. I think it's ready, Ces. Oh, why aren't you naked?"
Mark looks me up and down and acknowledges my still clothed body.
"Well, I'm just cold. It's pretty cold in here."
I run my hands up and down my arms to simulate my coldness.
"The shower isn't cold. Just take it all off, baby! Your body will adjust, I promise."
Mark gets up off the toilet and holds my shoulders. He kisses my forehead before turning back around and sticking his hand into the shower to feel the water.
"OW! That's hot."
He recoils his hand back, it now being bright red. He bends over and adjusts the knobs to make the water cooler. I can't help but stare at his ass. My face burns up, looking at him as he struggles with the handles. My mind, even though I try to help myself, goes straight to what we could do while we're in the shower. Maybe I could shove him against the wall and kiss him senseless or just degrade him until he...
It's only now that I realise Mark is staring at me.
"What are you looking at?"
Mark's tone is stern and serious. I quickly turn my head, pretending not to be looking at him.
"N-nothing! Just.. looking at the picture."
I point to one of the pictures Mark has framed on the wall. It's a beautiful landscape, but right now my mind is in no position to admire and forests or deserts.
"I know what you were doing. You're clearly hard."
Mark points to my crotch. I look down to see a large bulge in my pants. I mumble a curse as I pull down my shirt to hide it, even though Mark has already seen it. There's no way I can hide my embarrassment now. I look back up to see Mark's eyes trailing slowly up and down my body.
"I'm.. I'm getting in the shower. You can come in whenever you want."
Mark's fluffy hair bounces as he steps into shower. He closes his eyes and holds his breath as he puts his head under the water. I sigh as I face the mirror and pull my shirt off. My chest looks oddly tanner, like I've been sitting in the sun for ten minutes.
I then take my pants and boxers off. As much as I want to do this with Mark, I just don't know how long I can hold back for. Recently, I've been strangely horny all the time. I can't put my finger on the reason for it, though. Whatever. I walk over to the shower as Mark isn't looking and stick my hand under the shower head. The water isn't hot, but it's pretty far from cold. I decide to step in anyways. Mark still isn't paying attention, too focused on washing his hair to notice me behind him. Man, if we were in a horror movie, Mark would definently die first. I reach around him and grab the shampoo bottle, getting my hair wet and then applying some to my scalp. Mark hears the bottle snap shut and opens his eyes.
He gets shampoo in his eyes, which makes me laugh out loud. Frantically, Mark swipes at his eyes, attempting to get the shampoo out.
"Mark! Hold still..."
Mark stops rubbing his eyes as I pull his hands off of his face. His eyes are screwed shut, which is probably why he can't get the shampoo out. I take my thumb and gently run it across both of Mark's eyes.
"Okay. Now try to open your eyes."
Mark complies, and his eyes flutter open. He squints a little before realizing that I got the soap out of his eyes.
"You're welcome, Mark!"
I turn around and grab the body wash from behind me. I hold it out to Mark and he grabs it out of my hands. He opens the bottle and squirts some into his hand. I, on the other hand, grab the conditioner and apply some in my hair. I avoid looking at Mark while he washes himself, even though I've been looking at him this entire time.
Our shower continues like normal, nothing good happening at all. No kissing, no touching, and certainly no fucking. Well, we're out now, Mark having a towel tightly wrapped around his waist. I have the same thing going on.
"Well, that was a first! I enjoyed it. Also, thanks for getting my back."
"You're welcome, Mark. I'm gonna go watch TV. You can do whatever."
I walk out of the room and into the living room. I grab the TV remote off of the table and flop onto the couch. Pointing the remote at the TV and pressing the 'On' button, the TV whirls to life, showing me a boring news channel. Six walks in right as he hears the television, and sits down on the other couch.
"Hey Cesar! Didn't expect to see you in here. What are we watching?"
Six also has a towel wrapped around him, so he must have taken a shower too. Probably before us though, since the water would have been either really cold or really hot if he took it the same time we did.
"I don't know. Some random channel, I guess."
I flip through channels in silence as Six prepares himself a bowl of chips..


Word Count: 2193

"Too Innocent To Believe.." Mark X Cesar Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Where stories live. Discover now