Chapter 30

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(This chapter has some disgusting shit in it lol. So yeah, that's all the warning I'm gonna give.)

(Idea inspiration was from @IchiiroF ♡)

                               -MARK'S POV-
Cesar and I both aren't talking about yesterday. It literally went from Frosty eating to ass eating in like the span of a couple hours.. anyways, now we're at Kohl's just shopping for random clothes.
"Ooh! Check this out!" Cesar gets my attention as he holds up a cute shirt with a little marshmallow in the center. It says, "Enjoy the soft things in life!" with a little heart at the end.
"That's pretty cute. How much is it?"
Cesar examines the shirt and finds the light blue tag. He picks it up with his thumb and index finger and closely squints at the back.
"Its cheap! Only $15!"
"Okay, then put it in the cart." Cesar lifts the shirt into the cart we dragged along with us and places it on the side, with the hanger facing outwards. We have about ten clothing selections already, but what damage can just one more do?
"You ready to go home now, Ces?"
"Yup! Wait.. do you have enough money to pay for all this?" Cesar's face shifts as I dig in my pocket for my wallet. I grab it out of my back pocket and open it, flipping through the cards I have inside.
"Oh shit. I think I left my card at home. Guess I'll have to use my 100% off discount coupon."
"What do you- OH MY GOSH!!" Cesar throws his hands up as I pull my gun out of my waist holster. Don't ask why I always carry a gun on me. I playfully cock the gun, despite the safety being on.
"I'm just kidding, Cesar." I put my gun away and pull out my debit card from my other pocket.
"I never keep my debit card in my wallet. Just in case I get robbed."
Cesar and I grab the last bag and finish loading our stuff into the back of my car. I slam the trunk down and walk to the front of the car. Opening the door, I step into the drivers side and start the car. I shut the door and yawn as I start the car. Cesar fumbles with his seatbelt, struggling to get it over his lap. Soon enough, he gets it and signals for me to drive. I step on the gas after getting my seatbelt on and slowly pull out of the parking lot.
"So, uhh.. how are we gonna make sure these clothes fit? We didn't try any of them on." Cesar pipes up and says.
"Well, we could just model them. Like a little fashion show."
Cesar raises his arms up in a little cheer.
"Yeah! That sounds fun!"
I turn my head back to the road and continue to drive.
I don't know why, but something doesn't feel right. Something feels.. off. Like my gut has something to tell me. I wriggle in my seat as I think about the possibilities. Maybe.. Six did something? No, he wouldn't do anything bad. He's too sweet of a person.
"Hey, Ces?"
"Do you feel.. what I'm feeling?"
"Well, that depends. What are you feeling?"
"Just like something bad is happening. Or what is going to happen."
"Oh, well, I don't think I'm feeling anything like that. Maybe you're just overreacting?"
"I guess.."
We soon arrive at the house. I press the little button I have in my car to open the garage. The door slowly opens, revealing the slick garage floor.
"We're here, Ces." I place my hand on Cesar's thigh and gently shake it. Cesar passed out while I was driving. Granted, the Kohl's is like thirty minutes away, so I don't blame him for taking a small nap.
"Ngh.. huh? Oh. Okay, I'll get the clothes."
"Alright." I open the drivers door and step out of the car. Cesar walks around to the back, popping the trunk open and grabbing handfuls of clothes. I, however, walk to the garage door. Taking my keys out of my pocket, I open it and-
"What the fuck..?" I look down and see a dead raccoon. It looks to have its stomach cut open with some kind of sharp blade. I feel a small sense of nausea creep into me as I lean over the dead animal, closely examining its body.
"Mark, what are you- HOLY SHIT!"
Cesar comes up from behind me and spots the raccoon on the floor. I turn to him and watch as he keeps his eyes glued on the corpse. He then claps his hands over his mouth, making a horribly nauseous noise.
"BLEURGH-" Cesar pushes past me, racing into the house and sprinting for the restroom. I'm assuming just laying his eyes on something that disgusting just made him want to throw up.
"Is that a-.." I peer deeper into the raccoons stomach and see a smaller raccoon, still in the stomach of the bigger dead raccoon. It seems to be a baby, not moving and just kind of laying in the mother's stomach. Some of its body seemed to get caught in the crossfire of the knife, because it seems to be partially slit open. I guess it didn't make it.
"Good God, that's disgusting." I walk into the house and hesitantly grab a pair of rubber gloves. Adjusting the gloves comfortably onto my hands, I then crouch down over the raccoon and plot on where exactly I'm going to grab it.
"Right there? No, the baby would fall out. Maybe.. right there! Wait, no, that's not sturdy enough."
After a couple minutes, I manage to find a spot at which both the mother and the baby raccoon will be supported. It looks disgusting, but I won't have to look at it for much longer. I gently take the raccoon, well raccoons, in my hands and slowly but carefully lead them towards the garbage bin in the corner of the garage. A sense of nausea slowly grows inside me as I hold the dead corpses in my hands.
"God, this is horrible.."
Once reaching the trash can, I hover the raccoons over the entrance before dropping it. The sound of the body hitting the empty bottom of the trash can causes me to scrunch my nose in disgust. I sigh and take my gloves off, throwing them into the garbage as well. I then walk back to the house and see if Cesar is done with his little nausea wave. Instead, I am greeted with.. an empty house. Well, somewhat empty. I can hear Cesar throwing his guts up in the other room, but.. somethings missing. No, not something. Someone.

                   ---END OF PART THIRTY---

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