Chapter 9

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                      -MARK'S POV-
Cesar and I slowly twist the doorknob. The door creaks open. We both peer inside and see.. absolutely nothing. My room is a mess though. The covers on my bed are strewn everywhere, and my window is open. My closet is open, too. One of my drawers of my dresser is ajar and so is my bedside table. "H..hello? Is anyone in here?" I stutter. I strain my ears to see if I can hear anything out of the ordinary- "BURRRRPP!!!" A huge burp comes from under my bed. Cesar giggles. "What the hell was that?" He asks. It's the first time I've genuinely heard Cesar say a 'cuss word'. He's usually a saint, never cussing at all around anyone except himself. But, I guess a loud burp from someone random was just the little push he needed. "Aw, shit." I hear a muffled voice and then a crinkling of a chip bag come from under my bed again. Whoever this is, they are chowing down on my chips. I'm sorry, but I just can't let that shit slide. I walk further into my room, Cesar sticking to my back like glue. "WHO IS THAT?! WHOEVER YOU ARE, SHOW YOURSELF!!" I yell at the mystery person. Cesar suddenly clings to me harder. He must be frightened at my sudden outburst. "It's okay. I've got you." I turn around and give Cesar a quick squeeze hug for reassurance. I turn back around to see a tall, hooded man standing just by my bed. He sees me looking at him and stops moving. Sure enough, his face is covered with bright red Takis powder. We all freeze, just staring at each other. It takes a few moments for the mystery man to speak.
"'ve grown, kid."
I raise my gun and point it directly at the intruder. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!!!" The man holds his hands above his head. "Woah, woah, woah. Put the gun down. I can explain why I'm here-"


I place my finger on the trigger and shoot. The bullet passes right through the home intruders shoulder. To my surprise, he shows no reaction. "Heh.. hehe..." The man starts to laugh. First, it's only a couple giggles. It quickly escalates, with the intruder placing his hands on his face and shaking up and down."HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" The laughs echo through my house. "I'LL SHOOT AGAIN!" I threaten and hold the gun back up to his other shoulder. "HAH.. ha.. heh.. ughhh......" Suddenly, the intruder falls back, hitting his head on my dresser and passing out. I stare at the figure for a minute. "Well, shit. Now we have a body to clean." I put my gun in my holster and carefully approach the man. He doesn't move. Cesar has run back into the living room to grab some rope I have in my garage. "HNGHHH--" I try to lift the body, but it's no use. It just won't budge. I guess I have to drag it. I grab the body's gloved hand and slowly drag it down the hallway. It leaves a trail of black blood on the wood floor. "Damnit.. more cleaning.." I mutter and roll my eyes. That isn't my main focus right now. I finally reach the garage and drop the man's hand. It lands with a 'thud' on the concrete floor. "Now, do you have the rope?" I turn to Cesar. He's fiddling with something in a drawer. He suddenly pulls out a long rope and holds it out to me. "Yup! Sure do!" He gives me a warm smile, something that makes me feel like we aren't about to tie up a lifeless body to a chair. "Okay, great." I take the rope and quickly run to the kitchen to get one of my dining chairs.

                      -CESAR'S POV-
This is actually way more fun than I pictured it to be! I mean, I didn't really think that tying a man to a chair would be particularly exciting, but it is. Me and Mark take turns binding this guys ankles and hands. Once we're finished we stand and marvel our work. The man's head is slumped to its side, and his arms are tied behind the chair so he can't move. For extra security measures, I decided to tie his waist around the chair as well, so he'd have absolutely no chance of being able to move. "Hang on.." I tell Mark. I walk over to the man and place my hand on his chest. I feel a soft beating coming from his chest. I turn back to Mark. "He's still alive. We just have to wait until he gets up." "Okay! Wanna cuddle while we wait?" Mark asks me. "OH HELL YEAH!! I-I mean..." I am taken aback by my sudden outburst. Mark is too by the way he looks at me. "Yeah. I'd like that a lot." I take Mark's hand and we practically skip out of the garage..

              ---END OF PART NINE---

"Too Innocent To Believe.." Mark X Cesar Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Where stories live. Discover now