Chapter 6

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                      -CESAR'S POV-
It's the next morning. We act like last night never happened. But the feeling still lingers in the air. Well, its lunchtime now. Me and Mark both surprisingly agreed on spaghetti, even though we are both massive idiots and don't know how to make it. "Ugh!" I hear Mark's frustrated grunts coming from the kitchen. I rush in and find him struggling to reach a box of noodles on the top shelf of a high cabinet. "Need some help, big guy?" He swivels around like he just remembered I was still here. "No, get outta here." He shoos me off like a fly and continues to struggle to reach the box. It's kind of upsetting me, how much trouble he's having just to reach a box of noodles. I turn to walk away when I spot a stool in the corner of the room. Perfect. I waltze over to the stool and grab its handle. I hoist it up and over to Mark. "If you don't need me, then you might need this." He turns to me once again. I drop the stool in front of him and walk to the living room. "Thanks." He calls out to me. I'm already in the living room, so his voice barely reaches me. I sit down on the couch. "Where's the remote?" I ask myself. "It's right here!" I turn to the right. Mark's sister is sitting on the opposite end of the couch. I jump so hard, I almost fall off the couch. "Woah, did I scare you? Sorry. My names Sarah." She reaches out her hand, signaling for me to shake it. I do so. "I'm Cesar. Uh.. sorry about yesterday." Out of nowhere, Sarah turns bright pink, and then red. "No, I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have barged into Mark's room like that. It was kind of a breach of privacy. Please tell him I said that. Also, you guys looked really.. how should I say this? Into each other." I stare at her. "No, no, no. That was a one-time thing. Never gonna happen again. He actually made me do that so he would make cookies with me at my house. It kind of got carried away, I guess." I scratch the back of my head. "Oh, it's fine! I know my brother. But, the look on his face when he was kissing you. He seems like he REALLY likes you. He's never this nice to people." Sarah stops mid-sentence after witnessing my surprised expression. "He.. likes me?" I can feel my face start to heat up. "I think so." Sarah smiles at me. "Shh.... he's coming. Pretend like this conversation never even happened. Just look at the TV." I snap my head towards the TV as Mark comes in with two bowls of piping hot spaghetti. I notice one of the bowls has two forks inside it. "Here you go." I watch as Mark hands Sarah her own bowl of spaghetti. He plops down on the couch next to me. "Hey! Where's my bowl?" I ask. He glances at me. "Oh, I didn't tell you? We're sharing." There's no way in heck Mark actually did this. With his sister sitting two couch... cubes (?) away from us? Uh, I don't think so. "MARK! There is no way I'm sharing with you! Can I please have my own bowl?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Nope. I only made enough for two bowls. Plus, Sarah's already ate all of hers." I glance over at Sarah's bowl. It looks like it's been licked clean. "First off, those are some superhuman eating skills. Second," I turn back to Mark, "I am not sharing with you--" He shoves a forkful of spaghetti into my mouth. I am hit with a flavor that is hard to put into words. He carefully pulls the fork back. "Is it good?" I have no words. I slowly chew, not wanting to let go of the flavor. "MMM!" I finally make a sound. Mark smiles. "I assume you like it?" "Mhm!" I swallow, and reach back into the bowl for another bite. "Hang on, Mr Speedy. I haven't tried it yet." Suddenly, Mark takes my fork and twists it around a bunch of spaghetti. "Uh, Mark? That's my fork." I stutter. "I know!" He then pops the fork into his mouth. I can tell by his facial expressions that he also likes the pasta. "Mm. That's good." He licks his lips. "What's on?" He slides the remote out of my hands and presses a series of buttons. Oh my.. he's really cute right now. He has a drop of spaghetti sauce on his cheek and it doesn't seem like he's noticed yet. "Mark? Your cheek." I point on my face to the spot the drop is on his cheek. Sarah gets up off the couch to deposit her bowl into the sink. "You get it." "Oh, alright." I reach up with my hand. "No, no." He pulls my hand down. "Get it off my face." He faces back to the TV. "But, I was trying to!" I protest. "You just don't get it, do you?" He reaches a finger into the noodles and blobs spaghetti sauce on my cheek. "Hey! Why'd you do that?" I ask. "I'm trying to show you. Now hold still." He holds the right side of my head with his hand. "Why..?" "Shh." I stay still and shut my mouth. Mark slowly leans closer to my face. "What are you--" In a matter of seconds, Mark gently licks the spaghetti sauce off my face and goes back to watching TV. "WHAT THE HECK?!" I am astonished that Mark actually did something like that. "Now, do it to me." He points to the spot of spaghetti on his face. "I don't think-" "Just do it, Cesar. It's one little lick!" I don't think this is a good idea. "No, Mark. I don't think I should." Mark glances at me. He has puppy eyes. "Ugh, Mark..?" "Pweasee??" I can't resist Mark's puppy eyes and pleading. "Fine." He sweetly smiles at me and faces forward. I take a deep breath and slowly inch closer to Mark. Once I reach his face, my nervousness level skyrockets. "Are you sure about this..?" I'm trying to get Mark to rethink his choices. "Yes, I'm sure. Just get it over with so we can watch more TV." I let out a sigh. It quivers. Slowly, I close my eyes and gently lick the sauce off of Mark's cheek. The flavor of the sauce hits me, but there's also something else. It kind of feels like... lust? But why would Mark feel lust right now? It makes no sense, so I just ignore it. I reel away from Mark, and I'm sure I look like a tomato by now. "See? That wasn't too hard!" Mark wipes where I licked him with the back of his sleeve. I sink into the couch and try to focus on watching TV.

                      -MARK'S POV-
When will this guy get it? Does he not know how to take hints or something? It's kind of obvious I like, no, love him by now, but he just doesn't get it. Why would I make him lick my fucking cheek for no reason? I guess he just needs to be told straight out. But first, I want to see how he does with me cuddling him.
Slowly, I inch closer to Cesar until our bodies are almost touching. He seems to notice this, because he says something about it. "Why are you so close to me all of a sudden, Mark?" I can tell he isn't uncomfortable, just not familiar to this kind of situation. I guess no one really taught him any of this stuff in advance. "Oh, no reason." We go back to watching TV. Slowly but surely, I slink my arm behind Cesar and rest it on his shoulder. He blinks a little quicker for a moment and looks over at my arm, but then just decides to ignore it. He's playing hard to get, I assume. I carefully pull him into me. He slides on the couch until he's pressed up against me. "I know what you're trying to do, Mark." His tone suddenly turns serious. "Oh, do you now? Alright then. What AM I trying to do?" I start to lean a little closer to Cesar. He notices and leans closer as well. He suddenly lets out a little chuckle. "What's funny, Cesar?" I ask. "You're trying to hide something, huh?" He starts to blush. "No..?" I say. Cesar then grabs my chin and pulls my head down to lock eye contact with him. "You like me, don't you?" My mind goes blank again. "Shit, you got me." I smirk at him. "But there's another question. Do you feel the same?" I ask. I can see his pupils dilate. "Mmm..." He has to think for a moment. "Uhm.." Come on, Cesar. Spit it out. "Maybe." He finally says something. "What do you mean may-" Suddenly, Cesar launches himself at me and our lips meet. The feeling is sensational. He leans into me and pushes my arms to my sides. "Mm!~" I let out a moan without really thinking about it. He kneels down into the couch and kisses me harder. I can tell he isn't going to stop anytime soon. Hopefully Sarah went into her room. Because if she didn't, this will be hella awkward. Cesar's eyes are tightly shut. I decide to close my own and just enjoy the moment. Cesar knows where my spot is, my neck, but I don't know where his is. Who knows? It might also be his neck. Probably not though. It's probably his mouth or his... nevermind. He's moaning a lot too, so I assume it is just his mouth. I can feel Cesar's hands touching me everywhere. He then scoops me up and continues kissing me. Where is he taking me? God knows at this point. I'm just gonna let it happen. He sets me down on the hallway floor and stops kissing me all at once. What is he doing? "I'll be right back. Hang on." He races to my bedroom. Okay..?
I wait for around ten minutes before I get the urge to go check up on Cesar. He said he'll just be right back, but it's already exceeded that. I get up from the floor and walk to my room. "Ces..?" He's nowhere to be found. I can hear him giggling from my closet. I stifle a sigh. "Oh no, where's Cesar?" I flatten my voice so he knows I've already found him. He continues to laugh from the closet. I take a step into my room and notice a note on my bed. "If you can find me, I'll give you what you want." 'What you want'? But, what do I want? I glance over at the closet. I can see the gleam of his eyes through the slits. "Where is Cesar?" I beeline towards the closet and swing it open. "Found you!" I suddenly hear rustling. I turn my head to see Cesar crawling out from under my bed. "Aw man! I thought I hid pretty well! Wait. Mark?" He looks at me looking in the closet. My heart begins to pound. "If you were there.. then who is..?" My head snaps towards the closet. Nothing. None of my clothes are out of place or anything. "Okay.. that's weird." I slowly close the closet door. "Well, you found me so.." Cesar starts to fiddle with his fingers. "Let's just.. continue this tomorrow, okay?" Cesar is fully out from under the bed and it standing in front of me. "Yeah." I crawl into my bed and grab one of my pillows. "You want me to sleep on the couch?" Cesar asks. "Come here." I say it like I'm serious. "Okay.." Cesar inches towards me and stops at the foot of my bed. "No, closer." He walks to my side of the bed and stands at my legs. "Closer, Cesar." "Mark.. I'm tired." He rubs his eyes and walks to my bedside. He's staring down at me. "What do you--" I suddenly yank his shirt and pull him into my bed. "Ahh!" Cesar screams, as it was probably unexpected. Once I get situated, I drape my leg over Cesar's waist and my arm on his chest, just like what he did to me a couple nights ago. "What are you doing, Mark?" "Returning the favor from last night!" I flash him a smile that I know he won't see, but I still do it anyways. I scoot in closer to him. My chest is pressed up against his back. I can feel his breaths. They're slow and steady, but his hearts racing. He must be nervous that I'm this close to him. But he'll have to get used to it because I'm not moving. I tighten my grip on his shirt. Since he isn't wearing his suit anymore, the only thing keeping me from his chest is his shirt. Cesar is my best friend, but does it really have to stop there..?

                ---END OF PART SIX---

"Too Innocent To Believe.." Mark X Cesar Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora