Chapter 18 (angst bc yes)

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I have never in my life had a man love me that much. But I don't really wanna talk that much about it, since it makes me horny just thinking about it. We're watching a movie with Six right now. I recall it being called.. Puss in Boots or something? It's about a weird little cat man who runs around and, like, goes on crazy adventures. Anyways, Mark is cuddling the shit out of me right now. I have my leg strewn across his lap as he holds the inside of my thigh. I also have my arms around his waist. He has his arm stretched around my back. Since I'm pretty exhausted from our little fucking thing we did, he's cutting me some slack tonight. Six is on the other side of the couch, like he usually is. He's cramming a handful of popcorn into his mouth. His eyes widen as a fight scene appears on the TV.
"Get 'em!"
Six shouts at the TV, which makes me flinch a little. Mark tightens his grip around me and pulls me closer to him. Now that I really focus on it, Mark's body heat is really warm. Like, abnormally warm.
"Hey, Markie?"
I've stuck to calling Mark 'Markie' just because it sounds cuter. Mark doesn't seem to mind.
"Yeah, baby?"
"You're really hot."
I rise from his lap and plant a soft kiss on his forehead. That's how I check people's temperature. My parents used to do that back when I was a kid. They would softly kiss my cheek or forehead and be able to tell if I was too hot, too cold, or just right.
"Yeah. You're really hot."
A worried look spreads across Mark's face.
"Oh no. Then I guess I'll go check my temp, just in case."
He gently lifts me off of him bridal-style and lays me down on the couch. He then walks to the bathroom to go and check his temperature. I turn to Six as he's watching the movie.
He doesn't respond, zoned in on the movie.
"Damn, alright."
I turn back to the movie and continue watching it.
I yawn, as the movie's plot line is moving really slowly. Suddenly, I hear Mark shout.
I jump off the couch and race to the bathroom. Once I reach it, I am met with a scared-looking Mark.
"What's wrong?"
He's visibly shaking, holding the thermometer in his right hand. He turns to me and holds it up.

"106°F" it reads.

                               -MARK'S POV-
Turns out, Cesar is very protective. Like to the point that once I showed him the thermometer, he quickly pulled me to the front door, grabbed his keys, and raced to the hospital.
"Are you that worried about me?"
I'm in the passenger seat, slouching due to my high temperature. Cesar got me some ice water to drink, so I guess that's cool.
"Yes I am, Mark. Now just take it easy so I can drive. I'm really freaked out right now."
I quickly shut my mouth when I see the beads of sweat running down Cesar's face. His breathing quivers, as his hands start to shake on the steering wheel.
"Hey.. it's okay. I've been worse."
I gently rest my hand on Cesar's arm as he continues to shake against me.
"I'm just.. I'm just worried about you, Mark. I don't want you to die on me."
I muffle a gasp as I cling onto Cesar's arm.
"I'm not gonna die! It's just a little fever. I'm gonna get through this. It's okay."
Cesar sniffles before nodding and giving me a soft peck on my forehead. I smile warmly at him before slinking back into the passenger seat. Cesar's heavy breathing has ceased, and he's calmed down for the most part. I take a sip of my water and let it run down my throat as it cools down my insides a little. I start to wonder what I might have. Could it be a simple cold? Or something as major as the flu? Well, my throat doesn't hurt, so it's not strep. I don't know. Might as well just leave the diagnosing and everything to the professionals. I look back at Cesar to see him fiddling with the radio. "Whatcha doin'?" He turns back to me and lets a soft smile appear on his face.
"Just.. trying to figure out a good station to listen to."
Cesar plays with the radio a bit more before finding a station he likes. He slowly nods his head to the beat of the music. I follow, actually liking the song that comes on.
"What's this one called?" Cesar asks, still nodding his head.
"It says it's called 'Heat Waves' by Glass Animals."
We silently nod together before Cesar pulls into the hospital parking lot.

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