Chapter 22 (NSFW)

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(Nothing too smutty, just kissing and gay shit. Also, Mark drops a plate and gets cut with the glass, so if you are sensitive to blood and shit [AS I AM], click away for your own good)

My stupid shift is about to end and I can't wait. I'm practically crying, trying to restock some of the stuff we ran out of earlier in the back. Suddenly, the bell rings for us to go home.
I mutter under my breath as I grab my car keys out of my pocket and throw them up into the air. I catch them, of course (cause I'm cool like that), and quickly rush out of the doors of the building. I spot my car almost instantly in the parking lot and run over to it. I can't wait to see Cesar. And, yes, I did take him to IHOP this morning as his little treat. He loved it, and when we kissed, he tasted like Belgium waffles and coffee, which is what he ordered.
My shift was unbelievably long today. I don't know why, it's always been the same. I guess it's just because of Cesar and his 'finishing this after work tomorrow' thing. I tiredly get into my car and lay my head on the steering wheel. It's almost like I could just fall asleep here. You know those moments where you could just sit down and contemplate your life for hours? Yeah, that's kind of the moment right now. I sit there for a couple more seconds before lifting my head off the wheel and sighing. I put the car into 'Drive' and slowly drive out of the parking lot.
I fumble with my keys as I try to unlock the front door. I am more than eager now to see Cesar. Not just because we're possibly gonna make out, but because I wanna squish his little baby cheeks and tell him I love him. I also want some food and Cesar makes the best lasagna in the world. I slide my house key into the door and unlock it. I open the door and walk in.
"I'm home!"
"Hey, Mark!"
I am not greeted with Cesar's voice. Instead, I hear Six greet me. He's sitting down on the couch reading a book. I walk over to him and examine the cover of the book. Looks like its called "Portrait of Markov". Never heard of that one before.
"Where's Cesar?" I try to hide the anxiousness in my voice as much as possible. It still seeps into my sentence, though.
"Oh, he said he was going to the store to get you something! Said he'd be back in around ten minutes."
I suppress a sigh as I thank Six and walk to the kitchen. I bend down to the fridge and check to see if there's anything I can eat.
Ooh, hot pockets. I grab one out of the box and toss it into the air. It lands on the counter with a 'bang!' as I grab one of the plates out of the overhead cabinets.
"Oh- SHIT-!"
In the blink of an eye, the plate slips out of my hand and crashes onto the floor. Thousands of shards go flying, one even managing to graze the side of my face, leaving a nasty cut on my cheek.
"YOU ALRIGHT?" Six calls from the living room. I'm too busy trying to comprehend the situation. It all happened so fast. As I'm staring at the floor, I hear the handle of the front door jiggle. Shit. Cesar's home.
"I'm back!"
Cesar's voice rings through the house. All I can think is how to clean this up before he sees. I quickly rush to the pantry and grab the broom I have stowed away in there. I also grab the little tray thing so I can scoop all the porcelain shards up. I drop to my knees and begin sweeping. One after another, the shards all fall into the tray. I dump said tray after it becomes too full.
"Where's my little Markie?~"
I hear a hint of seduction in Cesar's voice as I overhear him asking Six where I am. I can't quite hear Six's reply, but I'm sure he told him I was in here.
"Shit, shit, shit.. augh!" I wince in pain as one of the shards cuts my index finger. I gently lick the wound, preventing it from bleeding too badly. The wound on my cheek is still unattended, the blood from it making it's way down my face. The sudden sound of footsteps quickly approaching stops me dead in my tracks. I look up to see Cesar towering over me (for once).
"Oh, gosh! What happened?"
Cesar kneels down onto the floor and tries to help me with the cleaning. I stick out my arm to prevent him from touching any of the pieces.
"Don't touch. I learned the hard way."
I hold out my index finger as a drop of blood falls from it. Cesar's attention then gets drawn to the gash on my cheek.
"Baby! Your face!"
Cesar rushes up from his knees and grabs a damp washcloth and a box of bandaids. I slowly stand up, being careful not to step on anything as Cesar heads towards me.
"Hold still. This might sting a little."
Cesar holds out the washcloth and gently grazes my cheek with it. The warmth of his touch seeps through the washcloth and onto my face. I lean into his touch as he cleans my face. Once he's done with that, he removes the washcloth and gently applies the bandage. He also tends to my finger, taking the time to wrap it up in a bandage as well.
"There. All better! Now let's finish cleaning this up."
Cesar kneels back down onto the floor and begins, carefully, sweeping the straggling shards up into the dustpan.
"Ces, I love you." He doesn't look up from his work, but replies anyway.
"I love you, too!"
"I couldn't stop thinking about you at work today."
Cesar giggles as he dumps the last of the porcelain pieces into the trash can.
"Me neither. Oh! I almost forgot. I bought you something!"
Cesar gets up off of the floor and rushes back into the living room. He grabs a white plastic bag off of the couch and brings it to me.
"Here you go! I saw it the other day whilst I was buying groceries and.. it made me think of you."
I examine the bag for a minute and ponder what could be inside it. Snacks? A box of chocolates? Flowers? I have no idea. Gently, I untie the bag and grab what's inside.
"Aww! Thank you, babe!"
It's a small teddy bear holding a heart. It's about the size of my hand, and the heart reads, "My heart is just for you♡". I set the teddy bear down on the counter and grab Cesar by the waist. I pull him into a tight squeeze and lay my head on his shoulder.
"Thank you so much.."
"You're welcome! I didn't think you'd appreciate it that much." I let Cesar go and cock my head.
"I'll appreciate anything you get me! Even if you don't get me anything at all! I still have you, and that's all that matters."
A soft smile lights up Cesar's face as he turns to the kitchen counter. He picks up the small bear and brings it to my face.
"Boop!" Giggling as he does, he makes the bears hand boop my nose. I laugh a little too as Cesar puts the bear back onto the counter. I then reach my hand out and gently hold Cesar's chin in my hand. My thumb grazes Cesar's bottom lip as I take my hand off. He squints his eyes and smirks at me as his hands wrap around my hips.
"So, uh.. Cesar.. what were we gonna do after I got home from work?" Cesar knows I know, so his grip on my waist tightens ever so slightly.
"Hm.. I don't know, Mark! What were we gonna do?" He leans a little bit closer to me as I slowly spin around so Cesar's back is facing the counter instead of mine.
"I think you know where I'm goin' with this."
Cesar once again smirks up at me as I lift him up onto the counter. His legs fall around my waist, replacing his hands, as we are now at eye level.
"Right here? Right now?" Cesar's tone is quite nervous-sounding, his voice having a slight quiver to it.
"Relax. It's alright. Plus, Six doesn't even go in the kitchen that often so.." I lean into Cesar's face a little more as our foreheads touch.

"..I think we're good."

Cesar's arms wrap around my neck as our lips tenderly meet. It starts off slow, with soft pecks and neck kisses. It quickly advances, however, with my hands going down to the insides of Cesar's thighs and his going up my shirt and onto my shoulders.
"Mm~ you taste so good~"
Cesar mumbles as our lips disconnect. I take a breath for a moment before turning my head to see that my fucking HOT POCKET, WHICH I WAS SUPPOSED TO COOK EARLIER, is still out.
"Shit!" I try to back away from Cesar, but he grabs me harder to make me stay in place.
"Oh no, Mark. You're not going anywhere~ we can eat when we're done here."
Cesar's eyes are pleading for me to stay with him and kiss him more. I guess I really have no choice
"Ugh, fine. Come here-"
I can barely finish my sentence as Cesar's mouth gets slammed into mine upon permission. His tongue glides into my mouth with ease as I moan into the kiss. I slide my hands up onto Cesar's waist and gently squeeze. I then move my hands up to the top of Cesar's collar and carefully start to unbutton his work uniform. It's a light blue button-up shirt with blue jeans. It looks stunning on him, and even has the extra feature of being easy to take off. Once I get down to the third button, I remove my lips from Cesar's and glance down at Cesar's now half-buttoned shirt.
"Is this okay?"
Cesar looks down at my hands like he just now realizes what I'm doing, and then looks back up at me.
"..Not yet. Maybe a little bit more kissing, first."
I respect Cesar's decision, even though it makes me the slightest bit upset, and proceed to rebutton his shirt.
"Sorry. I didn't know you didn't want me to."
I say a quick apology before I press our lips together again. This time, Cesar's kissing feels a lot more passionate than before. It also seems... hungrier. Like he craves me. His hands harshly grab my shoulders as he slides himself forward on the counter. I grab his waist and hold him on the counter so he doesn't fall. One of his hands brushes away some of my stray hair I have on my face. I don't know how he managed to do this with his eyes closed, but I'm not complaining. I pull away from the kiss after a few seconds.. okay, that was a lie. After a few MINUTES. The sound of Cesar's heavy breathing fills my ears.
"N-now you can take it off. Please~"
Cesar gestures to the shirt and tugs on it, desperate for it to be removed. I start to unbutton it, one button after another getting unfastened. Just then, I hear footsteps.
"Oh shit. Six is coming! Jump down and-.. Uh-.. ACT LIKE YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING!"
I immediately remove Cesar from the counter and he darts across the kitchen to the pantry. He swings open the door and puts on the act that he's just looking for something to eat. I go ahead and stick my hot pocket in the microwave.
"Hey guys! What are yall doing?"
Six waltzes in and stands beside me on his tiptoes, presumably looking for something in one of the higher cabinets.
"Oh, nothing! Just getting something to eat before we go back to my room."
Six stops what hes doing and turns to me.
"Mark. Cesar. I know you two are dating. You can stop hiding it. I saw you guys kissing on the countertop. It's not that big of a deal. Just.. stop trying to disguise it already! It's not like I'm homophobic or anything. I literally have a boyfriend. You guys have nothing at all to worry about."
Six crosses his arms and stares holes into me.
"Uh..." I'm speechless. I mean, what can I say after something like that?!
"You two go have fun. I'll be in the living room. Like always.."
Six mumbles as he leaves the kitchen. Cesar and I look at each other and I click my tongue.
"Whelp.. that was something."
"You bet it was."


(Word Count: 2177)

"Too Innocent To Believe.." Mark X Cesar Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Where stories live. Discover now