Chapter 33

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"Mark? You awake?"
Cesar's voice floods my ears as I lay idle in my bed. My body is still trying to recover from… last night. I really didn't mean for, or want, Cesar to find me. I kind of just wanted to die on that bathroom floor without anybody caring about me. But thank God Cesar found me. If he hadn't, I would be...
"Mark~ I know you're awake, baby."
Cesar talks again, but I'm never quite sure if its him. The voices yesterday really screwed with my head, and I even heard him talking to me. But he just wasn't there. So.. how can I be sure he's with me now? I feel myself whimper, and pull the covers up over my chest. I'm still on my side, but I'm cuddling something. It doesn't feel like Cesar, so it must be just a pillow or something.
"I'm gonna kiss you if you don't wake up~"
I still fail to believe Cesar is actually here talking to me, so I don't move an inch. I press my face into my blanket.
"Alright then. You asked for it!~"
I then feel a hand on my face. My eyes flutter open as Cesar's face comes into view. He notices I have my eyes open now, but doesn't take his hand off of my chin.
"Nuh uh! You can't just wake up now! I need my kiss~"
Cesar then leans down to me and holds his lips on mine. The plush feeling of them overwhelms me, as it almost feels like soft feathers on my face. He keeps his face in this position for a couple seconds before finally letting me go, his lips leaving from mine.
"Mm~ you ready to get up now?"
I bring my hand up for Cesar to grab onto so he can hoist my body up out of bed with him. He gets the hint, and does exactly what I want him to. First climbing out of the bed himself, and then pulling me up with him. My legs are still a little weak, but they can still hold my weight.
"Want me to help you?"
"Yeah. Thank you."
Cesar takes my arm and slings it around his shoulder. He then rises up on his tip toes to stand at my height and walks with me, helping me with walking. We walk into the living room together where Six and.. wait. There's no one in here.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Six and Sarah went to the mall. Sarah wanted to give him a new experience."
I laugh a little at Sarah's reasoning. She really just wanted to give Six a new experience.
"That's cute, haha."
"Well, in the mean time, you wanna watch a movie together?"
"Sure! What movie did you have in mind?"
"Meh, I was thinking something like John Wick or The Matrix."
"Oh, alright! I'll get those fired up."
"I'll go get us some drinks."
Cesar leaves the room, presumably to get the two of us some drinks. I luckily have enough balance in my body to walk to the couch, grab the remote, and set myself onto it. I flip on the TV and scroll down to the search bar. I then type in "John Wick" and click on the first movie I see. I then lean back onto the couch and wait for Cesar.
About five minutes have passed, but Cesar still isn't here. Last time I checked, it doesn't take five minutes just to prepare some simple drinks.
"Cesar! You almost done?"
A bunch of clattering follows, with loud fizzing coming from the drinks.
"S-sorry! Just had to clean up a spill!"
After a few seconds, Cesar comes racing into the room with two red plastic cups filled with soda. Although.. one of them looks a little peculiar.
"Here. Sorry I took so long, haha."
Cesar hands me the plastic cup in his right hand and sets the one he has in his left hand on the coffee table in front of us. He takes the remote softly from my hand and flips on the movie.
"Hang on, let me turn the lights off."
Cesar gets off the couch and walks over to the light switch. I take this moment to peer into my drink. I notice there's an abnormally large amount of fizz in my drink. But the amount of fizz I'm seeing can't just be caused by me taking it out of Cesar's hand. No.. there's something weird going on.
"Yeah?" Cesar turns to me from the other side of the room, his eyebrows in a quizzical position.
"Did you do something to my drink? It's fizzing.. like, a lot."
Cesar's face goes from soft and without a care to panicked and worried.
"Oh! Your drink? Uh... n-no. I must have knocked it around or something, haha.."
Cesar's voice changes, rising significantly higher in pitch and much quicker in speed.
"Um, okay..?"
Although I'm quite suspicious of Cesar and the drink, I put the cup up to my lips anyways. Tipping it back slightly, I pour the fizzy soda substance into my mouth. Nothing seems off about it, the taste is still the same. But the fizzing.. maybe Cesar is telling the truth. Maybe he was just not as careful with mine as he was with his.
Once Cesar returns to the couch, he unpauses the movie and we continue watching together. I notice, though, that Cesar's eyes are much more focused on my drink than they are on anything else.
"Ces.. the movie's up there, ya know."
" Oh, sorry.."
I've caught him several times, just staring at my cup as the soda level gradually lowers inside it. He looked once when it was full, once when it was about a third of the way down, once when it was almost finished, and twice when it was done. Actually, I think the second glance on the last one was at me. His eyes have pretty much been focused on everything except the movie.
"Hey, Mark?"
I don't avert my eyes from the movie, as John Wick is about to pull one of his crazy stunts and I wanna watch.
"Do you feel.. different?"
"What do you mean?"
"Just.. different. Like, drowsy or anything."
"Well, I'm kinda tired, but that's about it."
Now that I think about it, I've had a pretty hard time keeping my eyes open ever since I finished that soda. I thought soda was supposed to help you stay up longer. I guess this soda has reverse effects. I start to feel my eyelids slowly close, blurring the movie in front of me.
"Actually.. I'm really tired."
That's all Cesar says. Just.. 'good'. What does he mean by 'good'? Why would me falling asleep be any good for him? How would that benefit him in any way? Wait.. the drink. Suddenly, my mind is working at a thousand miles per hour, slotting puzzle piece after puzzle piece into place. Cesar. The drinks. The suspiciousness of it all. This wasn't any normal soda. That explains the fizziness. And why Cesar took so goddamn long to get my drink. He wasn't "cleaning up a spill" like he said he was. No.. he was..

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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