Chapter 4

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                      -CESAR'S POV-
I took first aid class as one of my electives as a freshman in high school, so I'm semi-experienced when it comes to wrapping bandages. Mark is out cold on the floor. I must have made him lose his balance. I quickly rush into my bathroom and pull out my first aid kit. I open it and take out the roll of medical bandages. I race back to the living room and wrap them around his head. The blood quickly soaks into the bandages. Fish sticks. I wrap faster. Soon, the whole top of his head is covered with bandages. I hold his head in my hands. "Mark. If you can hear me," I hold back tears. "Please.. please wake up. I can't lose you too." I put my head on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat. He's still alive. He must've just passed out from blood loss. I hold him closer to me. "It's gonna be okay, Mark. I've got you." I can see his eyes flickering open. I quickly loosen my grip on him to avoid him thinking I was trying to do anything. "C..Cesar?" "Mark! You're alive!" I hug him closer than before. He says something, but it's muffled because of his head being pressed into my stomach. I let him go. "Glad I'm alive? What happened?" He asks. "You fell. Remember? You ended up almost bleeding out. You could be dead if it wasn't for me!" I smile at him. He smiles back. "I think I'm just gonna stay here for the night, if that's okay with you." Mark says. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
I let Mark rest for a couple hours before proposing another fun Christmas activity. I know he doesn't celebrate Christmas that much, so I'm gonna give him the best year yet! I walk over to the couch, where he's resting. "Hey, Mark?" His eyes snap in my direction. "Yeah?" "Um.. I know how bad you're injured and all, but I have some cookies we can make!" He rotates his head this time. "No." "W-why not?" "You saw how the innocent little Christmas tree made me end up!" He gestures at the top of his head. "Not happening." I don't take no for an answer. "Well, what can I give you in return for you making the cookies with me?" I ask. I am willing to give up anything at this point. My suit, my car.. heck, even my Christmas tree! "I want you to.. prove to me that the other night was real and that you did give me an enjoyable time." ...WHAT!?! When I said I was willing to give up anything, I was not expecting that! "Woah! That's too far!" I turn red again. "Oh, so no more cookies then. What a shame." Mark shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head. "Uh.. But! ... Fine." He smirks at me. I am totally lying. Why would I ever want to kiss him again?! And why would I even try when he isn't wasted drunk?!?! I guess if I want to make cookies, then this is the price I have to pay to get them.
We set out all the materials needed, and soon it's time! "What kind of cookies are we even making?" Mark asks. "Homemade chocolate chip cookies! I know they're your favorite." I smile and wink. He winks back and I blush. I grab the bag of flour we need and hand it to Mark. "Here. Hold this while I go to the restroom." I walk to the restroom and do my business. As I'm washing my hands, all of a sudden, I hear a loud, "Achoo!!" and a big thud afterwards. What the heck is Mark doing?! I run back to the kitchen to see my kitchen covered in white. Mark is sitting right in the middle of a flour pile, constantly sneezing. "What happened?" I ask. "I had to sneeze and when I did, I dropped *achoo!* the flour bag. Sorry." He looks like he's about to cry. I feel a sneeze coming on. Uh oh. This isn't gonna be good. "Mark...." "I know you won't forgive me, you don't have to say it." "Watch out... ACHOO!!" I let out one of the biggest sneezes I've ever done. Flour goes all over my face and clothes. "Noo! This is my favorite suit.." Now I probably look like the one who's about to cry. "Here. Take this." He takes off his hoodie and hands it to me. It's the only thing not covered in flour. "Thank you!" I hug Mark and take his hoodie. I put on the hoodie after I change out of my suit. I return to the kitchen. Mark cleaned up the entire mess while I was away getting redressed. "Woah! This place looks amazing!" Mark notices me. "Oh. Uh, thanks." He lets out a weak smile. I walk over to the table where the ingredients are all lined up. "Hey, Cesar?" I turn to him. "Yes?" "Y-you have some flour on your.. you know what? Just let me get it." He takes his thumb and rubs it against my cheek. I can feel the warmness of his hand on my face. "There. Got it. Oh. There's more." He takes his thumb again, but this time he rubs it under my bottom lip. His thumb stops moving. I notice he's staring at my lips, with his slightly parted. His eyes are barely open. I can hear him breathing. "Did you get it yet?" I ask. He shakes his head slightly. "Oh- uh yeah." He removes his thumb from my chin and grabs the mixing bowl. "What's first?"

              ---END OF PART FOUR---

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