Chapter 31

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"Ces? You okay?"
I blankly stare at the cereal bowl in front of me. The milk inside has almost turned a grayish color due to the marshmallows in my Lucky Charns dissolving. I reach out to the spoon and absentmindedly stir the little bits of cereal inside.
"Cesar. Why aren't you eating?"
Yes. I hear Mark. But, for some reason, my body isn't allowing me to respond. It seems like my mouth is glued shut. Stir after stir, I try to figure out how many days it would take for me to just starve to death if I don't eat now. I have slight anorexia, which is an eating disorder, but it doesn't appear very often. It only really occurs when I feel unsafe or just downright depressed. A sigh slips through my nose as I scoop up a spoonful of cereal. Although, instead of eating it, I just pour it back into the bowl. Even though my stomach is telling me to eat, my brain has different opinions on the matter.
"Are you having one of your moments?"
I stare a little more at my cereal before slowly nodding my head. I hear Mark sigh, and out of the corner of my eye, I see him rub his face with his hand.
"Alright, well.. I promise you. Eating isn't bad, okay? So what if you gain a little weight by eating fucking cereal? You'll just piss and shit it out!"
Mark laughs at his own joke, but I don't see anything funny about the situation I'm trapped in. He then stops laughing and his head comes into my view.
"Hey, I'm sorry. Can you please eat? I don't know exactly what I did, but can you please just.. take a bite?"
I shake my head, registering Mark's words into my memory. Maybe I should just take one bite. Then again, with Six not here and everything, its gonna take a lot of courage just to eat this bowl. Six was usually the one to get me out of all these anorexia fits, but he's not here to do that today.
"Mngh... I want Six.."
"Well, Six isn't here right now so you're gonna have to listen to me. Okay? I know I'm not much help compared to him, but you're fonna have to eat or else you'll starve."
"I'll feed you~!"
I let my jaw fall open as Mark reaches for my spoon and scoops out a spoonful of Lucky Charms. He then moves the spoon towards my mouth and carefully tips the spoon, letting the cereal fall into my mouth.
"There! Now chew."
I slowly chew, the flavour of the marshmallows not even appealing to me anymore. They just taste like.. tender lumps of sugar now. I feel my eyes start to slowly well up. I hate this. I just want to be normal and I want to eat normal and I want to eat without being told to. I let a tear slip down my face as I make myself swallow the food trapped in my mouth.
"See? That wasn't so hard. Want another bite?"
I can tell Mark is trying to help, but I don't think anything's working. He clearly didn't notice the tear on my cheek. In desperation, I make myself nod my head the slightest bit. Mark thankfully notices, and scoops another spoonful of the cereal out of my bowl. Suddenly, I hear the front door handle being jiggled. Mark immediately drops the spoon back into the bowl and hops off from the barstool he's perched on. He rushes over to the door and looks out the peephole. His face instantly lights up and he opens the door.

"Hey, Mark!"

I instantly recognize the voice. I snap out of my episode and turn to the door to see Mark embracing the figure who I knew would turn up at some point.
She's got her vacation bags and everything. Looks like she was out exploring the world while Mark and I were probably making out on the couch. It's a funny thought, really, but I've been following her whole vacay journey on Instagram. Endless amounts of videos and pictures with her friends were posted there. I'm assuming she left about two weeks ago. Wow. Two weeks have already passed. That's actually a lot longer than I thought.
"Oh, hey Cesar! How've you been? I noticed you've been keeping up with my on Insta!"
"Good.." I try to add a little light to my tone, but it doesn't really work.
"Well, alright! I'm gonna go unpack my shit."
I watch as Sarah releases her embrace with Mark and walks down the hallway to her room. I hear her door firmly shut, before Mark turns back to me with a worried expression.
"Have you eaten a little more?"
"Yeah. I think I'm better now."
"Okay, good."
Mark walks over to me and gives me a little pat on the back, rubbing my shoulders a little bit to ease me.
"There there, baby.. it's okay."
Mark is clearly sad at the fact that I don't eat that much. But the whole anorexia attack thing doesn't happen very often, like I've said. And now, I feel hungry for something else.
"Can we.. kiss?"
"Sure! Here, come down."
Mark gently places his hands on my hips and helps me down from the barstool. He then cups his hand around my cheek and leans into my lips. The familiar sensation hits, and I feel like all my worries melt away into the kiss of my lover.
"Mm~ baby?"
"May we.. take this a step further?"
"Ooh, yes please~"
Mark's tone switches from calm to seductive as he agrees to taking things to the next level. I follow as Mark walks me over to the couch. He gently places me down on one of the cushions, and makes my legs go up by my chest. He then spreads my legs just enough so that he can crawl between them. He then wraps his warm hand around my neck and pulls my lips into his again. This time, Mark is increasingly more aggressive about it, not even waiting for permission to slide his tongue into my mouth. He simply parts my lips with it and slips it in. Of course, I moan in surprise by it, but I'm not mad. Actually, I kind of love it.
Mark smirks against my face, drinking my flavour. His hands intertwine with mine, despite there being a cast on my left wrist. Soon, my legs fall around Mark's waist, my calves resting on Mark's back as he continues to kiss me. I manage to get my right hand out of Mark's grip and fumble with the side of the couch until I reach the lever that allows it to pop out extra legroom. Well, in this case, more gay room. The couch pops out, scaring Mark a little as it was kind of unexpected. He pulls himself off of me and sits up.
"Ooh, getting comfortable, are we~?"
"K-kiss me~"
"Haha, okay~!"
Mark leans down and gives my lips a quick peck before sliding down my jawline and down to my neck. His small pecks continue as my arms wrap around Mark's back. I hold him steady, as all his support is basically on his arms.
"HaAh~ Mark, please~ just.. grind on me~"
Mark recently taught me how to lap dance and how to take a lap dance, so if I ask him to give me one, he is more than happy to deliver. It takes him a second, but the request registers in his mind and he quickly sits up.
"Okay, put the couch down."
I do as I'm told and put the couch's extension back.
"Good boy~ now get in your little position..~"
I shimmy my way to a sitting position on the edge of the couch, grabbing pillows from the couch and putting them behind me for better leverage.
"Mm~ now just sit back and.. enjoy the show~"
Mark chuckles a little before sitting on my lap and straddling me. His legs go around my hips as he slowly begins to deliver the lap dance I need so desperately.
I tilt my head back a little as Mark goes back to kiss my neck.
Sarah's voice fills the room. My eyes instantly widen as I snap my gaze to see Sarah, standing in the doorway with her arms crossed. Mark, however, just continues, not even hesitating at his sisters warning.
"Mark.. I'm gonna count to three.."
Oh God. The dreaded countdown. I just hope that Mark understands the consequences if he continues this. Yet.. he's still kissing my neck.
Mark continues, his licks and bites getting the slightest bit more hungry. I bite my lip, suppressing a moan.
Yeah, there's no sign of Mark stopping.
"THREE!!! AHH!!"
The last number follows, but it's definitely not in Sarah's voice. It actually sounds more like..
"Six! What did I say about messing with my magic shit?!"
Six then falls from the roof and onto the couch next to Mark and I. Or, that was the plan at least. Instead, Six misses the couch by mere centimeters and lands on the floor right next to the couch. I look up to see a large portal on the roof. It looks like a gaping hole, but that is definently not what the upstairs of Mark's house looks like. Then suddenly, a mess of blonde curls comes into view. Gabriel's face pops out of the portal and begins glaring at the Six on the floor. He has a sleeping mask on, and yawns, seemingly not wanting anything to do with Six at the moment.
"You know what? You got lucky and landed in the right house, so I'll spare you a lecture. Bye honey."
The portal then shuts, leaving only the ceiling where the ceiling should be. Six then groans, lifting himself up off the floor, clutching his head.
"Ugh.. oh, hey guys."
Sarah's screams pierce my ears like needles, and Six quickly covers his ears and spins around to face her. When she's finished, Six makes a statement.
"..that was not necessary, but okay. Hi. The name's Six. I'm not here to hurt you, and I have been living with Mark and Cesar for.. oh god, like a couple months now? I don't know. I'm not the best at keeping track of time."
Sarah stands, still in the doorframe, this time with a shocked look on her face. Mark is still on top of me, but it following my gaze and looking at Sarah as well. Actually, everyone in the room is looking at Sarah. Well, except Sarah herself of course.
"..Marcus. Valley. Heathcliff."
Oh shit. Things are about to get real. Mark props himself up off of me and is now just sitting up on top of me, his ass still present on my now softened boner.
"Y-yeah?" Mark is physically shaking, and Sarah can probably tell, too. Her intimidation is working.
"Tell me everything."
"So, you're telling me, this Six guy is actually an alternate and just randomly showed up at your house and ate your chips but since he hasn't tried to kill you yet, you've just been letting him live here??"
"Yeah Sarah. It really isn't that hard to understand."
Six, Mark, Sarah and I are all sitting on the couch talking about the reason Six is even here in the first place. Since Sarah wanted to know, Mark basically just spent the last ten minutes telling her everything that's happened while she's been gone. Well, minus him.. cutting himself. She would have FLIPPED over that. Actually, while we're on that subject, I've been observing Mark and I think...

I think he has depression.

Not major depression, which stops him from like getting out of bed in the mornings. But bad enough to make him zone out a lot and just look gloomy all the time. I've always taken Mark to be one of those people with a "resting bitch face", but he doesn't have one of those. He just constantly looks sad all the time. And when I try to ask him about it or ask him what's wrong, he'll always dismiss it as him just being 'hungry' or 'tired from the night before'. But I've seen Happy Mark. And Happy Mark? Well, he's barely ever been present recently. I've only seen him genuinely smile once or twice recently. I think that's why my anorexia has been acting up more than usual. Because I'm worried about Mark.

"Cesar? You in there?"

Mark's voice shakes me out of my thoughts. I blink a couple times before turning to Mark.
"Oh, sorry. I was just.. thinking about stuff."
"Haha, well Six is gonna make pasta, so try to stay in this world until then!"
Mark flashes a smile at me, but I can tell it's nowhere near genuine. He might as well just be frowning at me. But before I can confront him about this, Mark gets up off the couch and walks to his room. Sarah has probably already gone to her room, since she isn't present in here anymore. But I'm still hesitant on following Mark. He probably just needs some alone time..

              ---END OF PART THIRTY-ONE---

(Word Count: 2237)

(Also I am SOOOOO sorry I haven't updated this in so long. I got myself a boyfriend and I have been really busy with my life with band and choir. I'll try to update this more, but dont be surprised if my updates are less consistent than they were months ago♡ thank you for all the support. Love you guys🥰)

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