Chapter 8

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                      -MARK'S POV-
I hear a loud thud come from my room. Cesar perks up and responds to the noise as well. "What.. was that?" "I don't know. Probably something falling. Don't worry about it." We go back to watching TV, this time with a little tension due to the sound. A few seconds later, another thud. This one louder. "Okay dude. Now I'm getting scared." I feel Cesar begin to shake, like a scared little puppy. "What do you want me to do? Check it out or something?" "Actually yes, I would love that." Cesar stops shaking as much to get up. I follow, walking over to a kitchen drawer. I open it, and grab the fully loaded pistol I have stowed away in it. "Oh, okay. I just thought it was something falling, but if you want to arm yourself, that's fine too." Cesar looks at my hand that's holding the pistol and then back up at me. He has a hint of nervousness in his eyes. "Ces, I'm not gonna shoot you, so there's no reason to be nervous. Actually, you should be happy I have this thing!" I hand the gun carefully to him so he can check it out and get comfortable with it. I've turned the safety on in case his finger accidentally pulls the trigger. He examines it for a minute, popping out the wheel to make sure it's actually fully loaded. He then hands it back to me and drops his arms. "Okay, I think I'm read-" An extremely loud thump occurs, making us both jump out of our skin. "Whatevers over there sounds really impatient." I remark. Cesar takes my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine. He's trembling even more now. "I.. I- I'm scared, Mark." I watch as a tear streaks down Cesar's face.
"You're gonna be fine, dude! Don't even worry about it! Whatever's down there probably can't stand several shots in the head." I wrap my arms around Cesar and pull him into a tight, reassuring hug. He hugs me back. Another loud bang occurs, but we aren't really paying attention to it. I let go of Cesar after a couple of seconds. "You ready now?" I ask. Cesar, after a few long seconds, nods his head slowly. "Okay then. Do you have a weapon of your own?" I ask. Cesar suddenly reveals the giant kitchen knife he grabbed without me noticing. "Woah. Okay then. Let's go." I take Cesar's hand again and we walk down the hallway to face whatever this thing is..
Once making it down the hallway, I face my bedroom door. It's closed, so whatever's in there has no way of escaping. Or it just hasn't tried to yet. I place my hand on the doorknob. I feel a shiver go down my spine as another loud thump happens. This time, it sounds like it's just beyond the door. "Oh fuck. Whatever's in there, it sounds big. And angry..?" I mumble so Cesar can't hear me. I don't wanna shake him up more. He's already really scared, and I would hate to be the cause of it worsening. I hear Cesar swallow. I turn back to him and see that he's shaking harder than ever. I try to reassure him. "Hey, it's okay! Like I said, nothing in there is stronger than a couple gunshots." He lets another tear fall down his face. I can tell he's really uncomfortable. "You can go back to the couch if you want." "N-no. I'm.. I'll be okay." Cesar wipes his tears with his sleeve and grabs the doorknob. I lay my hand on top of his. We both twist the doorknob together and see..

             ---END OF PART EIGHT---

(Hehe cliffhanger. Also, I might only upload on this twice or maybe three times a week because I have to juggle school and extracurricular activities so yeah. Also sorry for these being so short lol)

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