Chapter 25

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Cesar was telling me yesterday that, once he got off of work, we could paint together. I've never been much of a painting person. In fact, I don't really do Arts and Crafts. I just don't have the creativity factors, patience, or just pure artistic skill. Luckily, though, Cesar has all of that and more. He said he'd teach me the ropes, but I might as well hang myself with them even trying. All I have left to do is to wait for Cesar to get home. Since I have an early shift, I got off before him today. It sounds like he gets off at 5:00, and it's only 4:15 right now. Of course, Six is here to provide some kind of company for me while Cesar is away but.. I'm not really sure about what him and I could do. He doesn't really know much about the "Human World", and barely knew how to walk when we took him in. We had to teach him how to do everything down here. I guess it's different where he comes from. Plus, he's in the living room right now, so he might not even want to do anything. I glance over at the clock and check the time. 4:28. Looks like time passed a lot quicker than I thought it would. But, I really just spent thirteen minutes just contemplating what I would even do while Cesar was gone. I sigh and pick myself up off of my bed, stretching a little as I do.
I now realise that, even if Six wanted to do something, there isn't anything really to do. Well, except.. meh, no, Cesar wouldn't like me rearranging his painting equipment. Then again..
I think for a moment before deciding to get Cesar's painting stuff ready for him. I walk across my room and open the door. Walking to Cesar's room, I open his door. The smell of cinnamon candles greets me, as one is burning on top of his dresser. He must have lit it before he went to work.
"Okay.. where would his painting shit be?.."
I look around the room to see if I can spot anything. I find one of Cesar's old paintings hanging up above his bed. I'm sure it's been there for a long time, I just haven't really paid any attention to it. It's of a beautiful forest, dotted with spruce trees and wildlife of all kinds. Foxes, deer, wolves..
"Did not know you were that good, Cesar."
Looks like I have my new role model when it comes to the aspect of painting. I scour around Cesar's room a little more before finally finding something. A bundle of empty canvases, a worn out easel, and a shitload of unopened paint bottles. I also find some brushes, a couple paint palettes, and a dirtied apron, paint splotches sprinkled all around it. I carefully pick up the palettes and brushes first, making sure not to get the brushes mixed up. I put them on the floor beside me and grab the next thing. First is the easel, which I set alongside the brushes. Next is the apron, which I carelessly throw onto the easel. And last is the paint and canvases. To my surprise, canvases are a lot heavier than I thought they'd be. I set them down on the floor and look at all the supplies. I then pick up the paint and palettes and carry them into the kitchen. I pass Six on the way, who turns to look at what I'm doing.
"Woah! What's all that?"
"Painting supplies. I'll explain it to you."
I set the palettes and paint down on the table and stride over to Six. Then I start my looooong explanation.
"Well, basically, painting is when someone takes a brush and some paint and draws on a canvas, which is pretty much an empty sheet of paper, to create something marvelous. Then, they frame their artwork. Or, if they choose, they could store it somewhere safe to look at later. And, if they don't like it, they could just trash it."
I go into a little bit more detail before I see Six starting to get bored.
"Yeah.. I think I get the gist of it."
Six looks up at me with tired eyes. He must not have gotten much sleep last night.
"Okay, well.. you wanna come help me with the stuff for Cesar?"
Six nods his head and lazily pulls himself off the couch.
"What first?"
Everything is set up and ready to go for Cesar. He said we were going to paint outside, just to get some inspiration, so I didn't fully set everything up yet. I hear a car pull into the driveway. Looking at my watch, I suddenly realise the time is 5:03. We just finished, so Cesar got back at the perfect time.
His keys unlock the door and I watch as the door knob is slowly turned. Cesar comes bursting through the door.
"I'm ho-" Cesar gasps with delight at the sight in front of him. "Mark! Did you do this?"
"Well, I had a little help.." I point to Six, who is now napping on the couch.
"Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!"
Cesar wraps me in his arms and nuzzles his head in my left shoulder.
"You're welcome, Ces. Now, what are we gonna paint?"
Cesar picks up one of the paint palettes and canvases.
"First, we have to take this stuff outside!"
"Oh, right."
Once we have everything outside and situated, Cesar grabs a chair and sits down in front of the easel, paint palette and brush in hand. He looks so much like an artist. His perfect posture, the way he studies the landscape for inspiration before painting, the way his gentle breathing shows how focused he is. It's so amazing. How did he fucking learn this?
I, on the other hand, look COMPLETELY different. My posture is not even close to his, me being slouched in the chair with a face of frustration. I'm finding it quite hard to just look at a piece of land and paint it. My breathing shows how drop dead annoyed I am at not being a good artist like Cesar.
"Need help?" I snap out of my thoughts to see Cesar looking over from his easel towards me. "You seem frustrated."
"Oh, yeah. I just.. can't think of anything to paint. That's all."
"Well don't get upset! Sometimes, I find myself facing the same problem. And when I do, I say to myself, 'Just paint whatever's on your mind'. It doesn't have to be pretty or neat. Heck, it doesn't even have to resemble anything! Just paint what you think is right, and then add some of the more fancy details later! You don't have to paint exactly what's in front of you. Just use your imagination and I'm sure you can come up with something spectacular. Sound good?"
I nod, having absolutely no clue what Cesar just spat out. I'm assuming he meant 'go with the flow and whatever happens happens'.
I hesitantly pick up my brush and squirt some red paint in my palette. I then dab the paintbrush into the paint and think about what I could possibly paint that's red. Well, there's an apple.. yeah no, that's too boring. Maybe a flower..? Nope, unoriginal. FUUUUUCK!!

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