Chapter 7

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                      -CESAR'S POV-
I never want this to stop. I want this to continue forever. This endless amount of candy is more than anyone can ask for. I open my mouth and let the candy rain fall in. This is amazing!- "Cesar, wake up. You're drooling on my bed." I snap awake and find myself back in Mark's bed, this time with a giant drool puddle next to my mouth. "Ugh.. five more minutes bab- I mean Mark." I roll over and try to return to my dream. "Did you.. almost call me babe? It's fine if you almost did. At least you didn't actually say it." "Yeah." I'm half asleep so I'm not really paying attention to what I'm saying. "Can you make me breakfast?" I ask. "Uh, sure. Whaddya want?" "Waffles. With a side of.." I'm back in my dream. The candy rain is back, but this time someone else is. Oh no. It's my alternate. "You." I hear myself growl this in real life as well as in my dream. This is about to be a fight to the death. "WHAT?!?" I jerk up to see Mark with his chin practically on the floor. "Hm? What's up?" I swallow. Mark scared me. "DID YOU... did you just say you wanted a side of me?" "Huh?" I have no idea what he's talking about. I guess I was sleeptalking and accidentally said I wanted a side of Mark. I let out a laugh once I realise what's going on. "I was sleeptalking and I must have said I wanted a side of you on accident. Sorry." He sighs and walks out of the room. Did I offend him or something? I just told him the truth. I thought that was what he wanted. I guess not. I flip back over in my bed and drift back off. But this time, I don't go back to that candyland. I just go to pitch blackness. Dang it. Looks like no more dream for me.
I can hear Mark's footsteps. He doesn't sound upset, even though I thought he was. "Cesar, I got your waffles." I flip over to face Mark. He's carrying a plate of two waffles stacked on top of one another. "Aww! Thank you!" "You're welcome. Now hurry up and eat them." I take my fork and knife the Mark kindly gave me and stab my waffle. I take my other hand and cut the waffle into fourths. Mark sits on the bed next to me. He watches as I shove the whole syrup-covered thing into my mouth. "Mmm! Now thatch goawd." I say. Mark giggles. "Can I have one?" Mark asks. "Sure!" I stab another fourth and hand the fork to Mark. He shoves it in his mouth and chews for a minute. After he's done, he speaks. "That is good! I might have to make one for myself." Mark tries for another, but I snatch the plate before he can. "Oh no, Mister! You just ate one eighth of my waffles." "Okay.. sorry." Mark pulls out the puppy eyes. "That won't work." He intertwines his hands. "Mark, I said no." I watch as Mark gets on his knees. "Pleaseeee~?" I sarcastically roll my eyes. "Ugh, fine. But only if I get to feed it to you this time." Marks eyes turn into little slits. "Okay!" Mark sits on the bed and waits. I stab my fork into my waffle and pull up another fourth. I then turn to Mark. He opens his mouth and I shove in the waffle. I hold back a giggle as Mark turns red. "Mm! I think it tastes better than last time!" "Maybe it's because I fed it to you." "Maybe~" Mark boops me on the nose with his finger. "Hey! I didn't say you could do that yet!" "The early bird gets the worm, Cesar. Sometimes, you just gotta take risks!" I think for a moment. "Hey, uh.. I know a spot where we can watch the sunset. Do you wanna.. maybe.. sorta.." Mark interrupts me. "Yes, Cesar. I would love to watch the sunset with you." "Yay!" I pull Mark into a hug. He gets startled, but he wraps his arms around me anyways. After a few seconds of just holding each other, we pull apart from each other. "So, uh.. what do you wanna do in our free time?" "I don't know. Maybe we could watch a movie?" Mark gets up from the bed while I shove yet another waffle fourth into my mouth. "Sure!" I get up off of the bed and walk into Mark's living room. I flop down on the couch and let out a deep breath. His couch is so comfortable. "So, what movie?" Mark asks. He grabs a basket full of DVD's. "Do you have any.. rom-coms?" I ask. It's embarrassing, but it's true. Rom-coms are my favorite genre of movie. Mark grabs one of the movies out of the basket and set the basket back under the table, where he found it. Mark walks to the TV and slides the DVD into the tray. He walks over to the couch and plops down next to me. "Can you find the remote?" Mark looks around, struggling to find it. "Here." I found it a while earlier, while Mark was fiddling with the DVD's. I hand it to him. "Thanks." He switches on the TV and leans back into the couch. The movie starts playing as I scoot into Mark. He wraps his arm around me as I lay my head on his chest. We stay like this for over an hour as we sit and watch the whole movie together..

             ---END OF PART SEVEN---

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