Chapter 21

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Mark is still annoyed with me because of my movie choice for tonight. I mean, come on! What's wrong with Equestria Girls?
Anyways, after about an hour and a half, Mark pretty much had enough.
"Ugh! Cesar, why did you pick this?"
I turn to Mark as I shove yet another handful of Lays potato chips into my mouth. Instead of being overenthusiastic, like Six and I are, he is just slouched over on the couch, gazing longingly at the floor.
"Because it's cool! There's nothing wrong with it, is there?"
I try to make up some sort of comeback in my favor.
"Well, no, but it's still pretty boring. The plot fucking sucks, pardon my language, and the show is literally aimed at small children."
"True, but would you rather watch something gory and violent?"
"Actually, yes! Yes I would, Cesar."
"Then good for you! Tonight isn't your night to choose, so you're gonna sit here and watch what I picked without further complaining! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!"
"Oh, so you wanna talk about complaining? What about the other night, when I picked a horror movie and you were all 'oH No MarK iTs toO scArY!!1!'?! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THAT?!"
Six shouts to stop us from quarreling any further.
"Both of you, go to bed if you want to keep arguing like this. I'm going to bed anyways, so you guys can stay here if you'd like. Just don't be too loud with your shouting. Goodnight."
Six exits the room and leaves Mark and I utterly stunned.
"What.. just happened?"
"I guess Six was just kind of sick of your shit."
I glare at Mark as I say this sentence to further intimidate him.
"Oh, THAT'S IT!!!"
And before I can even comprehend what he said, Mark jumps over to my side of the couch and tackles me into it. I immediately fall into the couch due to his weight being on top of me. I try to fight back by punching him in the back, but it doesn't work. Good thing I know his weak spot. I knee him in the stomach, to which he grunts and recoils off of me. I buy the time and make a run for it, slithering out from under him and racing across the room. Too bad for me, Mark used to be in track, so the chances of me ever getting away on foot are slim to none. He catches up to me in no time, and when he does, he slams me into the floor. He pulls me back, making me topple backwards onto the floor. Mark uses his feet as cushions for my head, so I don't hurt myself. I look up at him for a moment and taunt him by sticking out my tongue playfully at him. Mark audibly gasps.
"So THAT'S how we're gonna play this, huh? Come here!"
And before I know it, Mark is now standing at my feet and is ready to beat the living shit out of me. In the blink of an eye, Mark grabs both my hands and pins me into the floor. He collapses on top of me and laughs in triumph.
"Hahaha! I've got you now, idiot!"
I'm too busy staring at him. Does he even realise the position he's got himself into? I guess not, since he continues laughing like nothing's even gonna happen.
"Whatcha gonna do now? I've got you pinned down! I'd like to see you try to get up! Oh wait. You can't!"
He keeps taunting me, laughing as he does. That's it. I've had enough. I lock eyes with him to get his attention. Mark notices, his speaking coming to a halt as he just stares into my eyes as I stare into his.
A few seconds pass, neither of us saying a word. Just the sounds of us trying to catch our breath fill the room. Mark tilts his head a little to the right. Perfect. In one movement, I manage to pry one of my hands out from under Mark's and place it onto the back of his neck. Before Mark can even say or do anything, I firmly press down on Mark's neck and bring his lips to mine for a moment. It doesn't last long, a peck or two was really all I needed. I just wanted to make Mark confused. And, boy did I do that. His expression completely changes, going from cocky and triumphant to confused and bewildered. Once I have him in this little trance, I roll my body as hard as I can to the left, making Mark tumble off of me and to the ground.
"Who's the sucker now?"
I laugh as I quickly glide to my feet. Mark is still just on the floor. I take this moment to race into my bedroom. I run past Six's room in the process, his loud snoring making me laugh my ass off. I hear Mark's footsteps right behind me. I guess he likes giving chase instead of just giving up. A couple more steps and I've reached my room. Instead of going in and locking the door, I decide to just hide behind the door. That way, when Mark comes in to find me, I can slam the door behind him and, hopefully, press him against it as well. I let out a giggle as I slide behind the door and wait for Mark. Since he wasn't even that far behind to begin with, he arrives fairly quickly. He speeds into my room and looks around for a moment, trying to find me.
"Oh, Cesar~! I know you're in he-"
I cut Mark off by throwing my body against the door, making it slam hard. I then grab his hood and pull him back onto the slammed door. He chokes a little, as the force of my pull made his hoodie squeeze his throat. I grab both his wrists and hold them up against the door.
"Heheh, gotcha."
I recognize the look in Mark's eyes as he tries to hold back a laugh. I'm sure he can recognize mine as well. For a second or two, we kind of just stand there, Mark not being able to squirm out of my grasp. ..aaand then it all kind of goes to shit. Mark and I both have the same idea, slamming our lips together in sync. I loosen my grip on Mark's wrist just enough for him to shake my hand off and wrap his hand around my neck. Our kiss grows even deeper as Mark gets enough leeway to flip over and push me against the door. I can feel Mark's hard-on rub roughly against my thigh. Not gonna lie, I'm pretty hard right now, too. But do I want Mark knowing that yet? Nope. I gently push against Mark's chest, indicating to him that we should go somewhere more comfortable. Mark agrees with his mouth still on mine, walking with his arms around me to the bed. I force our lips to disconnect as I hold my hand out towards the bed.
"You first, princess."
"Ooh! Princess now, am I?"
Mark chuckles as he sits down on the bed. I can clearly see Mark's obvious erection sticking out from his lap.
"You sure are! And you're only mine~"
I decide that Mark shouldn't have to wait any longer. Without further hesitation, I lift my leg up and proceed to straddle Mark's lap. He quietly moans as I begin to slowly grind on him. Our boners collide with each other multiple times, but neither of us seem to care all that much. I make it more enjoyable for Mark as I lean down and softly start to kiss Mark's neck. He brings his hands off of his sides and firmly onto my ass.
"Ugh~ Shit, Ces-.. don't stop~"
Mark practically begs me to keep going. What does he expect me to do? I mean, we're already this far in! Why would I stop? I pop my lips off of Mark's neck and look at him.
"IHOP tomorrow?"
I quicken my grinding to get Mark to answer faster.
"Y-yes, yeah. Whatever you want~"
"Good boy~"
I smile at Mark as I watch him tilt his head back. I begin to fiddle with his shorts, tugging playfully at the waistband of them. Mark's heavy breathing and soft moaning fills the once quiet room. I look at my bedside clock out of the corner of my eye and notice that it's 10:28.
"Oh, shit. It's getting late, Markie. You wanna.. continue this tomorrow after work?"
Mark can barely lift his head up. He sadly removes his hands from my ass, dragging them as he goes, and sighs.
"Yeah.. but can we cuddle lots tonight?"
"You can never go wrong with cuddling."
I prop myself up and off of Mark and proceed to take my shirt off. Mark follows, and also takes his shorts off as well. Neither one of us like sleeping with any types of clothes on except boxers. We both have a high cold tolerance, and we both HATE the heat. Mark throws the covers of my bed off to one corner and slips under them. I jump in after him, and Mark's arms immediately go around me, pulling himself into me.
"Goodnight, hun."

"Goodnight, Ces."


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