Chapter 10

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                          -???'S POV-
What the fuck? How did I get in this situation? I have a bullet in my shoulder now. "Heh..hehe.." I laugh to try to assert some dominance. I can see some kind of fear in the boy with the knife's eyes. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I can't hold on much longer. I think I'm gonna... pass out. "HAH.. ha.. heh.. ughhh......" I feel my head hit something hard before I black out..
Gabriel told me that if I ever got into a situation like this to just stay calm and try to at least use some of my powers. I don't have much, but it's worth a try. How long have I been out for? I slowly open my eyes. What the..? I'M IN A GARAGE?!? I suddenly realize I can't see my arms. I'M ALSO TIED UP?!?!? This is definently not how I planned this shit to go. All I wanted was to come down here to grab a quick meal.. maybe Subway or somethin'.. and now I'm.. I also come to the realization that there's a fat piece of tape over my mouth so I can't speak. Who were those people? Why did that one guy shoot me? I struggle in my chair, knocking myself over and landing on my bullet hole in my shoulder. "KHHHH--" I let in a sharp inhale through my nose. This really, really hurts. I feel my eyes start to well up. No, no. Don't cry. That shows weakness, just like Gabriel says it does. No.. don't-
I feel several tears streak down my face. My muffled sobs try to break free of the tape, but it's no use. I tightly close my eyes. There's no way I'm going out like this. "Hey, Mark? He's awake!" I hear footsteps behind me. I start to shake. Whoever this is probably wants to either torture me or kill me. Maybe even both. I can feel myself trembling even harder at the sudden thought. I don't wanna die like this. "Hngh.." I suddenly feel my chair being propped up. Almost in an instant, I'm back to being upright on the chair. "Ooh... that looks nasty. MARK! BRING SOME BANDAGES AS WELL!!" The attackers sudden shouting makes me whimper even harder. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna- "Why are you crying?" The man is suddenly in front of me. My eyes widen and I feel a pulse of fear race through my entire body. "MMM!!!" I try to scream, but the tape takes all the sound. I squirm in my chair, causing it to topple backwards. I feel my head hit the concrete floor. The force isn't enough to knock me out, just to make my head really start to throb. I allow myself to silently continue sobbing. The man quickly leaves the room, assuming he is going to get a torturous weapon to kill me with. I let my tears soak into my hoodie as they run down my cheeks. But.. I can feel the tape start to soak up the water instead, making it start to slowly peel off. This is my chance! I squeeze my eyes shut and let my tears run onto the tape. They soak the tape more and more until..

                       -CESAR'S POV-
I run to help Mark find some kind of bandages when I hear sobbing come from the garage. "No...noo...... *hic*. Th-this isn't how... I die.....*hic* is it..?" Looks like the intruder managed to get the tape off of his mouth. I'm surprised he isn't trying to call for help or anything. I walk back to the garage and peek around the doorway. I see the chair still toppled over, with the man repeatedly mummering to himself and slowly shaking his head. "Nononono...." "Hey, um.." The man's head snaps in my direction. "Sorry about the gunsh-" "DON'T KILL ME PLEASE!!!" I watch as the man practically pleads for his life. "..what? Why would I do that?" I look straight at him, I'm sure with a look of confusion plastered on my face. "PLEASE!!... huh..? You... aren't gonna *hic* k-kill me?" He stares at me with a look of scaredness and confusion in his eyes. "No! I don't see a reason to! Well, I mean, unless you try something. But you can't really do that since.. ya know.. you're tied up and everything." I gesture to the intruders bindings before Mark  shoves past me with the bandages and first aid kit. "I've got the.. oh.." Mark sees that the man is more frightened by his presence. "Wow, uh.. I'm sorry if I scared you, sir. Uhm.." I watch again as the man's eyes begin to fill up with more tears than before. "D-don't shoot me again.... p-please.." The man begins to cry harder. "No, no, stop!" I rush over to him and prop him upright again. He allows his head to droop off to the side. "Uhmm... if I untie you, will you promise not to...try and.. pull anything..?" "WHAT?! CESAR NO, YOU'RE CRAZY!! WHAT IF HE--" "Calm down, Mark. He seems genuinely scared of us." I look back to him. Tears are dripping off of his face. Seeing him cry like this is really making me sad. He looks pathetic. He lets out a sniffle which pushes me to my breaking point. I step closer to him and whip out my pocket knife. He looks up and his pupils dialate. "Wh-what are you *snif* doing?" "Don't. Move." I walk behind him and gently slit the ropes that are tying his arms back on the chair. Instantly, when the ropes are cut, the intruder places his hands on his face to try to cover the fact he's crying. "Hey, you don't need to do that, okay? We just need to know why you came in Mark's house in the first place." I watch as Mark stares at me in disbelief. I then lean down and whisper to the man. "And Mark is still pretty peeved you stole his chips, so you and him might not have a good start." I chuckle, and listen to him chuckle back. "O-...okay. I'm ready now." The man lifts his face out of his hands and stares at me with tired eyes. I can tell he's been crying for quite a while, due to the fact that his eyes are swollen and red. "Uh.. um... where do I start?" The man looks confused, almost like me being here is making him lose his train of thought. He also still has his hood on, so I can't get a good look at his face. "Well, I am an.... okay. You guys might not want to hear this but... I'm an.. an alternate?" I hear Mark swiftly cock his gun as soon as the words come out of the man's mouth. "WOAH WOAH WOAH! MARK CALM DOWN! HE HASN'T TRIED TO HURT US YET!" "YEAH CAUSE HE HASN'T GOTTEN THE CHANCE TO!" Me and Mark continue to bicker back and forth. I eventually convince Mark to put his gun down. "Okay. Now, continue sir--" My eyes widen. All that's left is an empty chair and a couple of ropes..

               ---END OF PART TEN---

"Too Innocent To Believe.." Mark X Cesar Fanfiction (NSFW + CUSSING)Where stories live. Discover now