Chapter 19

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(Yeah so Mark and Cesar were being some horny fuckers in this part, so just roll with it😁💀)

I fall back into my bed and sigh. I can't believe I actually raised a hand at Cesar. I really didn't mean it. I really didn't. All I want now is to tell him I'm sorry for what I did. I was just.. extremely frustrated that he kept egging me on. The truth is, I was really thinking about how life would be if I hadn't met Cesar. Like, who would be my new boyfriend? What would he look like? Would he be as kind as Cesar? Who knows at this point. I just want to say sorry to him. That's all I want to do. A knock on my door stops my thoughts from running like a getaway train.
"Come in."
I've stopped crying long enough to be able to breathe. Six steps in with Cesar by his side. He's carrying a large bowl of Blue Bell Ice Cream. It's my favorite flavour. Chocolate chunk.
"I.. I figured I wouldn't eat this alone."
Cesar chimes up and gestures at the tub of ice cream in his arms. His eyes look red, like he's been crying. I'm sure my eyes look like his, too.
"Wanna.. share it?"
I let a smile appear on my face as I nod and pat the bed beside me. Cesar sits down and offers me my own spoon. I gracefully take it as he pops the lid off the container. He scoops a giant amount into his spoon and shoves it into his mouth.
"Mm!" Cesar smiles into his spoon as he pulls it out of his mouth.
"I'll leave you two alone, okay?" Six says.
We both nod as Six leaves the room. I turn back to the ice cream, scooping some into my spoon. I smile as the sweet chocolatey flavour hits my mouth.
"Sho gwood."
I suddenly contract a brain freeze. I drop my spoon into the ice cream and put my hands up to my head. Cesar laughs, but instantly regrets it, as he gets one right after me.
"Augh! Those hurt!"
He says as he raises a hand to his head. I laugh and gently put my arm around him. He stops what he's doing and looks back at me. The room falls silent. A look of curiosity appears on his face.
"Uhm.. are we.. good now?" I ask. He takes a moment to answer.
"Y-yeah. We are."
I then push him slowly and gently into me as our lips tenderly meet. Cesar wraps an arm around my neck as he tilts his head and melts into the kiss. After a couple seconds, we pull away. Cesar looks at me and I look at him. Then, Cesar leaps into my arms and pulls me into the tightest hug he's ever given me.
"I'm so sorry, Mark. I was just worried about you. I didn't mean to make you upset and-"
"Hush. It's okay. I'm sorry, too."
I stroke his hair lovingly as I feel him lean into my arms even more. The ice cream is pretty much forgotten about, lid put onto it and all.
"I love you so much, Mark."
"I love you, too."

                   -CESAR'S POV-
The sappy moment has ended as Mark and I are now sitting further up onto the bed, just casually talking about random topics.
"Ya know, I wonder what it would be like if I was a girl."
Mark brings up another subject that has me slightly intrigued. I tilt my head in curiosity.
"Well.." I take a shot at answering his question.
"You would have.. woman parts. And, uh.. probably long hair, if you choose."
Mark slowly nods as I answer.
"Oh! And you'll get to see what the inside of a women's restroom looks like!"
Mark slightly chuckles before setting his arm around my shoulder. He pulls me close to him, so I'm not quite flush against him, but I'm pretty close. I lay my right hand on Mark's chest and feel his body warmth fill me. I sigh in content and lean up to peck Mark on the cheek.
"I love you!"
Mark smiles down at me.
"I love you, too!"
He kisses me on the forehead before bringing me into his lap. I curl up into a ball on his thighs while Mark runs his hands through my hair. I almost feel like I could fall asleep. He lifts my head up by my chin and tilts his head to kiss me. It starts out as a couple pecks, but soon begins to grow deeper. Our tongues wrap around each as we pull each other closer and closer together until we are pressed flush against one another.
"Guys! Dinners ready!"
Six calls from the kitchen, but neither of us hear. We are too busy trying to take each others pants off. I manage to get Mark's off, but he's still struggling with mine. I decide I've had enough of it, so I just take them off for him.
"Mm~ I think I heard Six say-"
Six suddenly shouts from the kitchen, scaring the shit out of both me and Mark.
"Let's finish this after we eat, okay?"
I stroke Mark's cheek with my thumb as he leans into my touch.
I carefully put my pants back on, making sure they don't brush too hard against my load. Mark does the same to prevent himself from staying in heat. We both walk to the kitchen as Six is about to shout again.
"DINN- oh, hey! Where were you guys?"
"Oh, we were-"
I clap my hand over Mark's mouth, preventing him from telling Six anything about what we were just about to do.
"We were just too caught up in our ice cream is all. Now, what's for dinner?"
Me, Mark, and Six are all sitting at the table, enjoying our dinner. Six has made fish sticks, which are actually not as bad as I thought they'd be. I usually hate seafood, but today is quite the pleasing exception. I shove the fifth one I've had into my mouth and slowly chew, savoring the delicious flavour. "Are these store bought?" I ask once I've finished my mouthful. "Nope! I made them myself!" Six smiles at his achievement. I smile in return.
"So, uhm, Cesar. You ready to continue that thing we were doing earlier?"
Mark turns in my direction and pops the question. I am just about to shove another fish stick in my mouth. It freezes in front of it. I then put my fork down and think for a moment.
"Yeah, sure! Uh, Six.. you can just stay here for now, haha."
I take Mark's hand as I climb down from my chair. Six's head swivels to the doorway Mark and I are about to walk out of.
"If you don't mind me asking, where are you guys going?"
Six's voice is tinged with confusion and inquiry. Mark and I stop dead in our tracks and turn to face him.
"Oh, well.. we were just going to.."
Mark struggles to come up with an excuse.
"We were.."
"Going to watch anime! Yeah! I know this really cool one and I wanted to show Mark! You might think it's pretty boring though."
I say the first thing that comes to my mind. Even though it's totally a lie just so we can go make out in privacy, I wouldn't mind letting Mark watch an episode or two of Attack on Titan.
"Oh. Okay! Just let me know when you guys are finished!"
I nod before I retake Mark's hand and walk out of the kitchen to the bedroom. Mark sits eagerly on the edge of the bed, his legs swinging off the side of the mattress.
"So! What are we really gonna do?"
Mark's smile widens at he stares at me. I chuckle and sit down next to Mark.
"Well, whatever you want, Markie!"
I gently brush Mark's hair out of his eyes and place my hand on his thigh.
"Any ideas?"
Since I'm pretty stupid when it comes to sex shit, I don't really know about much else we could do. I might have to tell Mark that I'm.. not really in the mood right now to.... ya know.
"Umm... have you ever heard of.. this is so fucking embarrassing.."
Mark covers his face with his hands. I quickly tear them off and peer into his lovely hazel eyes.
"Have I ever what? It's not embarrassing to ask!"
He hesitates for a couple beats before finally responding.
I bring my index finger to Mark's lips to quiet him down. He needs to learn not to shout when it comes to these things. Six could hear us.
"Have I ever heard of what? Sorry, I'm deaf."
"Lap dancing. Have you ever heard.. of lap dancing?"
"Oh. No, I haven't actually. Tell me about it!"
Mark's face flushes red as he struggles to come up with a way to explain to me what 'lap dancing' is.
"Well.. it's kinda like.. how can I say this?.."
I tilt my head at him, meeting his eyes with mine.
"Take your time, sweetheart."
He gently smiles at me and tries, yet again, to organize his thoughts in a way I can understand. Yes, I've heard of lap dancing and yes, I know a little bit about it. Well, I know that you have to sit on your partner's lap and like.. yeah I don't know.
"Its where you kind of just dance on your boyfriends lap, I guess. I don't really.. know how to do it."
Mark's shyness creeps in and he lays his head on my shoulder.
"I honestly don't know why I even brought it up."
"It's okay, honey! Maybe we could do it later, when one of us actually knows how to, haha."
Mark nods his head and looks up at me. His eyes ask for infinite kisses, so I decide to give him some.
I tilt his head to face me and press my lips against his. We gently peck each other as Mark's hand creeps onto my neck. He pulls away and looks at me again, this time his eyes possessing a more desperate look.
"How did we end up dating?" I laugh at Mark's random comment.
"I don't know, but I'm glad we did."
I suddenly feel a push against the back of my neck as Mark presses his lips against my neck. I muffle a couple moans, but the rest slip out without my control.
"Mm~ M-Mark~"
Mark giggles into my skin before finding my sensitive spot in a couple swift movements. Mark knows I love when he kisses my neck, so he tries to do it as much as possible. Also, he knows I love praise. I've never really been a big fan of degradation, but I can deal with it if we're deep enough. I gasp as Mark sucks on my sensitive collarbones. He pulls away, leaving the spot red, but no hickey remains.
"Damnit. Guess I'll have to try again-"
Mark leans down to kiss my neck again, but I stop him by grabbing a chunk of his hair. I don't pull back roughly, just hard enough to get him to look at me. I look into his glossy eyes for a moment before smirking and latching onto his neck in return.
"Ahh~ Ces- OOH! R-right thERE~"
I hit a sensitive spot on Mark's neck and he melts into me. He scoots further into my lap as our legs become entangled in one another. I suck a little harder on his neck to get another one of his pretty little moans out.
"Hngh~ C-Cesar~ stay JUST LIKE THAT! Ahh~"
I suck the spot until I think it's ready before disconnecting. And, sure enough, a dark hickey lies in my wake.
"If we keep giving each other hickeys, Six might suspect something."
Anxiety creeps in Mark's voice as he slightly pushes himself off of me.
"Hey, it's okay. He already knows we're dating, so he wouldn't care!"
I gently caress Mark's face and give him a warm, reassuring smile. He smiles gently back before resting his head on my shoulder with a sigh.
"What's wrong, hun?"
My Spanish accent comes out due to my nervousness. Mark slightly chuckles before yawning.
"I'm just.. just tired."
"Oh. So do you want to continue?"
Mark looks up at me again and meets his eyes with mine.
"Yeah. Just nothing past kissing, though. I don't have the energy for it."
"Well, yeah. Makes sense since you're sick."
I lift a hand off of Mark's waist and stroke his hair softly. He lets out another sigh, this one of contentness, and leans more into me. Our chests are pressed up against each other as Mark leans even further into me. Soon, he has so much force on me that I topple over.
I quietly scream as Mark lands on top of me, his head on my chest. He giggles before lifting his head and looking at me.
"I love you."

"I love you, too."

          ---END OF PART NINETEEN---

(Word Count: 2214)

(Oh yeah AUTHORS NOTE LOL: sorry I have not been uploading much. I've just had a lot on my plate recently, with school and band activities. Also I tried out for volleyball if you wanted to know lol. So yeah. Sorry for inconsistent uploading, and hope you enjoyed this part😁)

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