Chapter 5

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                       -MARK'S POV-
What the hell was that? That feeling I just felt. It kind of felt like.. I was turned on by Cesar?! Well, whatever. We have baking to do. I take the mixing bowl. "What's first?" I ask. Cesar still seems frazzled by what I did. "Uh.." He looks at his cookbook. "First, we need four eggs, one and a half cups of milk, two cups of flour, and two cups of sugar." I grab the ingredients and the measuring cup.
After mixing all the ingredients together, we take a giant baking tray and roll the newly formed dough into balls. We stick them one by one onto the tray. I grab for one ball and stick it onto the tray. Cesar grabs one ball and sticks it onto the tray. We continue this until there's only one ball left to place. "I'll get it." We both say this in unison and grab for the ball. Both our hands collide. "Uh...." Cesar grabs the last ball and places it. We stick the tray into the oven and set the timer for 10 minutes. Cesar then takes my hoodie off and hands it to me. "Thanks." I put my hoodie back on. While we're waiting, I bring up what I said earlier. "Umm... so. About earlier." I try not to fire him up too much, seeing as how he reacted earlier. I rethink how I feel. "I.. I don't need you to do anything. I honestly said that because my head hurt a lot. You don't need to kiss me or anything." He stares at me throughout the entire sentence. When I stop talking, he hesitates to say anything. He finally speaks. "But... what if I want to? What then?" My eyes widen. "What do you mean, Ces? I didn't think you were into that kind of thing." "I'm not. I'm just asking. But if I wanted to, would you still say no?" I think for a moment. "Yes? I mean I don't wanna let you down so.. I guess." I shrug my shoulders. "Okay." He stares forward. "So, if I wanted to kiss you, you would say yes because you won't hurt my feelings?" "Yeah, I guess." I respond. The timer for the oven buzzes. Me and Cesar rush to the oven and open it. It smells like cookies. I take an oven mit and pull out the tray. A dozen golden-brown chocolate chip cookies emerge. "Mmm! These smell really nice!" Cesar wafts the scent nearer to him. I place to hot tray on the oven door and carefully remove each cookie. I place them down onto a plate Cesar got for me. They smell amazing. Once all the cookies are on the plate, I carry the plate to the couch and set it down on Cesar's coffee table. The smell spreads across the room. Soon, Cesar's whole house is gonna smell like damn cookies. Cesar dawdles up behind me and sits down on the couch. He pats on the cushion next to him, signaling for me to sit down. I do so. He takes a cookie and holds it up. "A toast!" I raise a cookie up as well. "To cookie-making and best friendship!" Cesar clinks the cookies together and shoves his in his mouth. I follow.
After about 20 minutes, we only have one cookie left. Cesar takes it. I sigh. I'm stuffed, so much so that instead of trying to snatch it out of Cesar hands, I just let him have it. He must think my sigh is of sadness, because he offers it to me. "You want the cookie? I won't get mad if you do." "No, I'm fine." "Mark..?" Cesar sways the cookie near my mouth. "Cesar, really I'm fine." He gives me a look. "I can tell you want it~!" He sways it faster. I've had enough. I grab his wrist and shove the cookie into my mouth. I must've bitten his finger by mistake, because he reels back. "OW! You bit my finger!" "Hehe.. sorry." I try to talk with the cookie in my mouth. He holds his finger. I swallow the rest of my cookie. "Are you okay?" I ask. He gazes at me. "Are you crazy?! You just shoved my hand in your mouth!" I'm taken aback. "No I didn't! I shoved the cookie in my mouth." He bites his lip all of a sudden. "What if... what if I liked it?" What the FUCK is his problem?! There is no way in hell he is this kinky. "You don't. Trust me." He scoots closer to me. "What if I wanted you to kiss me right now?" I can't speak. "What if I wanted to take your hoodie off?" He tugs on my hoodie strings. "Ces.." I don't get it. What is making him act like this? "Well? Are you gonna kiss me?" Cesar's face is pink. "WHAT?! NO-" "Enough talking." He grabs onto my hoodie and pulls me into him. Our lips meet. He wraps his legs around my waist. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. This guy is a hella good kisser. I pull back. "Ces, I don't think we should continue thi- mmph!" He tugs me back into him. I'm heated as fuck. I don't even know what to do with myself. Why did I even open my mouth earlier? I know this night is gonna end in either me going home or me fucking Cesar. Whichever comes first. He leans more into me and put his arms around my neck. I put my hands on his shoulders and squeeze him. "Ahh~" He moans. He stops. "I know what your favorite spot to be kissed is~!" I'm flustered. "What is it then?" I ask. "Why tell when I can just..?" He leans down and starts kissing my neck. My mind goes blank. "Oh, Cesar!~" I moan. I guess he really does know where my spot is. I grit my teeth together. God, this feels AMAZING. I lift my head to the ceiling so he has more room. I start to rustle his hair. It feels soft, like a small cloud. "Ahh~" I am very turned on and I'm sure Cesar is, too. I close my eyes and start to feel at Cesar's suit. I'm looking for buttons. Found some. I slowly try to unbutton his suit. He disconnects from me. "Wanna continue this at your house?" Cesar asks. "Oh, hell yeah!~" I say. We drive to my house. All the drive, I have my hand on Cesar's thigh. When we arrive, I open the door for Cesar. He waddles through and I close the door behind us. He leads me to my bedroom. "Now, shall we continue~?" He wraps my hoodie strings around his fingers. I have to bend down to meet his eye level. "Why tell when I can just.." I use his words as I pull him into me. Just like that, the party has continued. We kiss each other with growing passion, as Cesar claims his spot on top of me while I'm laying flat on my bed. That's got to change. I flip Cesar over and clamber on top of him instead. "Who's got the high ground now~" His eyes narrow and he seductively smirks at me. I lean back to kiss him when my door suddenly swings open.


I turn to look at the voice. It's Sarah, my sister. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!" I quickly roll off of on top of Cesar and jump off the bed. I slam my door shut and be sure to lock it this time. "WHO THE HELL IS THAT!?" Sarah shouts at me, but its muffled because of the closed door. I let out a giant sigh. I fall back onto the bed and sit up. "Dumbass is always ruining my fun." I mumble to myself. All of a sudden, I feel warm breath on the back of my neck. Two arms come slinking around my waist and connect around my stomach. There are also legs spread around me. I hear a seductive whisper in my ear. "Who said we had to stop~?" I feel myself starting to get horny again. His face leans by my right shoulder. I turn my head to face his. Our lips brush each other. I close my eyes as he kisses me once again.

               ---END OF PART FIVE---

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