Chapter 3

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                       -MARK'S POV-
I wake up sore. Last night is a blur. All I remember is.. Cesar on top of me?! I sit straight up. Cesar's next to me, reading a book. "How'd you sleep? Need hangover pills or something?" I grab his shoulders and violently shake him. The book flies out of his hands. I stop shaking him. "Augh, dude! My head.." He puts his hands on his temples. I grab his shoulders again. "WHY WERE YOU ON TOP OF ME LAST NIGHT?!?!" I yell at him. He looks frightened. "What do you mean? I never did such a thing!" His propperness is back. "Well, I remember you being on top of me and kissing my neck!" He turns red. "Well... y-you must be lying!" Cesar averts his gaze. I shake him again to make him look at me. "What did you do? I won't be mad." "Uhm.. well.." "Spit it out, Cesar." "You.. you kind of confessed to me and started kissing me. And I wanted to 'return the favor', I guess. So, I just gave you a good little time and you blacked out afterwards!" "..." I'm speechless. ".. is this true?" He takes a moment to respond. "Yeah? Why would I tell you if it wasn't?" I stay silent. "So, I seduced you? And you FELL for it?" I laugh. I must have been really good to seduce someone like Cesar. He's really stubborn, even when he isn't drunk. "I see that as more of an accomplishment." He turns away from me again. "You're not mad at me?" Cesar questions. "No, all charges dropped. But if it happens again, I will take your clothes off, understand?" Cesar's pupils dilate and he turns into a tomato. "Y-yes, sir." He gets off the bed and turns to me. "What's for breakfast?"
After we eat breakfast, Cesar takes his shower. I need to get him back to his house since we were so drunk last night, I couldn't take him home. Plus, he has two cats he needs to look after. One is named Sugar, and she's a golden tabby. The other is named Spice, and he's a pitch black cat. Cesar says I'm like Spice. I'm feisty and sometimes rude, but I can be nice if I try. He loads into the passenger seat of my car and immediately starts jacking with the radio settings. A new song comes on that I've never heard before. I pull out of my driveway. I can hear Cesar singing along with the song. "I wish I knew you wanted me~" He has a beautiful voice. It sounds like the actual singer. "Wow. You sound amazing, Cesar!" I compliment his singing. "Oh, it's nothing. It's just that this is one of my favorite songs." He continues singing. We arrive at his house. I turn off my car and we walk to the front door. Immediately, we are greeted by Cesar's cats. "Hello, Sugar! Hey, Spice!" He scratches both of the cats on their heads. They purr at his presence. "Come on!" He gestures me inside. "Oh, I thought I was just dropping you off." I take a step back. He grabs my arm. "Please~?" He pulls out his puppy eyes. I have no choice. "Alright, but only for a little bit." I step inside. Woah, it smells like gingerbread in here. "Oh, I also noticed that you didn't have your tree up or anything!" He's right. It is Christmas time, but I don't usually celebrate all that much. I don't even bother to put the tree up, because it's always a pain in the ass to get down. "I waited to put mine up this year. I thought that.. maybe we could put it up together?" He uses puppy eyes again. I don't go down easy this time. "No, Cesar. Not happening. Maybe next yea-" He grabs my hoodie strings and pulls me close to him. "It's just a tree, Mark~" He hugs me. "Pweaseee?" I let out a long sigh. "Fine. But only because you're holding me hostage." He shows me a big smile and runs to the garage. A few minutes later, he hauls out a giant box. "I decided to buy a new Christmas tree this year. It took a giant chunk out of my budget, but it was worth it because I get to decorate it with my best friend!" He sets the box down in the living room and goes back into the garage. He emerges with a box cutter. He slices open the box and lifts open the flaps. Inside, there is a giant green tree. He lifts out the base and sets it in the corner. "Are you gonna just stand around?" I walk over to the box and take out the bottom of the tree. I carry it over to the base and slip it into the slot. It screws into place and the branches fall. Cesar comes up from behind me and sits down by the tree. He starts to fan out the branches. I do the same.
About an hour and a half later, the tree is almost complete. All of the pieces are assembled and all there is left to do is to put on the star. "I wanna do it!" Cesar runs to the box where all the ornaments were kept and fishes out the star. He runs back to me and stands on his tiptoes. "Come on..." He outstretches his arms. No matter how hard he tries, he can't reach the top of the tree. "Ugh!!" He shouts in frustration. "Do you need any help?" I ask. "No. I guess no star this year." He pouts and lowers his arms. I go up behind him and grab his waist. He gasps. "W-what are you doing?" I tighten my grip and hoist him up onto my shoulders. I grab his ankles and walk up to the tree. "There! Now you can reach it." I can feel him wobbling on my shoulders. He's trying to keep his balance. He outstretches his arms again and reaches for the top of the tree. He can reach it now. He sets the star on the tree and smiles. "Back up!" I do as I'm told and he takes a moment to look at the tree. "Its.. its gorgeous." He leans down and hugs my neck. Shit. I'm losing my balance. I fall back and he follows. Luckily, he falls back onto the couch. I'm not so lucky. I bang my head on Cesar's hardwood floor. "AUGH!! GODDAMNIT!!" I clutch my head. It starts to throb. I take my hands off my head. They're covered in blood. "Shit. Cesar, are you ok?" "Yeah. I'm fine. Are you oka- OH CRAP!" He sits up and looks at me. I can feel blood running down my neck. "Cesar, I don't think I'm okay."
The world fades to black.

             ---END OF PART THREE---

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