Chapter 26 - Yule Ball

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A/n: Before this begins, I just wanna specify AND clarify few things. I have decided to have this specific chapter as a third person POV, just because this very particular scene, chapter or whatever you wanna call it, has a very special place in my heart, and I want this chapter to be as special as that. And, when it comes to the dress, makeup and everything, I'm such a weirdo and so much different, and it's not just me. I believe each of us is an individual and has a specific taste of their own. I would kindly request you to discard the paragraph consisting the content of the dressing style of Y/n, as it is completely based off on my opinions and ideologies. And surely, idk, but some people may be commenting, like what's the need of putting that paragraph in, if ultimately it's getting discarded. Well, it's nothing other than to satisfy my desire of going to the Yule ball (alright, yes, my chapters do make me feel alive and reliving those scenes). I guess I've said just enough, and sorry for this long text.

Third person POV

Today was Yule Ball, one of the events that most Hogwarts students anticipated and were excited for. It is no ordinary event. It is a chance, an opportunity for those young ladies and gentleman to have a little fun this night. Crushing on someone and being crushed on, but on the other side, jealousy and anger also resides. Everyone was trying to be their best self, most prominently choose a dress that not only suited them, but glorify their personality. But are we really not going to talk about them who don't HAVE A CHOICE, for instance, we have Mr Weasley complaining about his Great Aunt Tessie's Ancient Dress Robes.

"Bloody hell! Bloody hell!" Ron kept commenting, while seeing how his lace and collar malfunctioned. "Bloody, oh, bloody!" Ron kept jabbering while seeing his reflection on the mirror. There, his best friend, Harry Potter, was all dressed up, nicely and smoothly. His hair this time, however, was not at all messy, and it slicked back. No one knew how he did that, because his hair always chooses to be messy. Ron, on having him entered in the dorm, turned around and asked, "What are those?"

Harry was aghast for a second. Anyone would've been. He replied, "My dress robes!"

"Well, they're alright! No lace, no dodgy little collar," Ron complained. Harry tried to make him feel better, saying, "Well, I expect yours are more traditional."

"Traditional?" Ron spoke at once, "They're ancient. I look like my Great Aunt Tessie!" He sniffed, "I smell like my Great Aunt Tessie." Both of them turned to the mirror. Ron, still not convinced how he looked, said, "Murder me, Harry!"

On the other hands, the girls, and by that I mean, Hermione and Ginny looked absolutely stunning. They complimented each other. Their hairstyler for today was Y/n.

Ginny chose straight hair, with little braids crossing over each other at the back. Her makeup was light. Her dress though was a Christmas combination of sparkly light green collar and skirt. Her bodice was a light pink with dark pink buttons as a contrast. The third year girl was all set to go.

Hermione, on the other hand, admired herself in the mirror. Y/n and Ginny admired her too. Hermione never paid attention to her looks, but now, she did. "Blimey Hermione! You don't look like yourself!" Y/n remarked and Hermione giggled. She looked pretty indeed in robes of floaty, periwinkle-blue material. "Blue suits her, doesn't it Y/n?" Ginny asked. Y/n nodded and smiled. Y/n surely did something to Hermione's hair. It was no longer bushy, but sleek and shiny, twisted up into elegant knot at the back of her head. Her makeup was light as well, while her lips looked glossy.

Y/n looked absolutely gorgeous, in fluffy and glossy red and matte black fabrics. Her skirt had many layers of different shades of red, the bottom border of jet but shiny black. Her bodice was again mixed with shades of both the prominent colours, designed like a corset. The neckline of the bodice was Queen Anne style. Her sleeves were that of bishop sleeve style, but transparent. She was wearing red ballet flats.

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