{Entertainment District // Chapter 11}

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(Went ahead and posted this one early because I didn't update last week!)

A small laugh echoed in the room, "You can summon all the underlings you want, that doesn't change that you've sealed your fate from the start." You kept your eyes on the male demon in front of you. His demeanor had changed. He seemed a bit more worried but the confidence still oozed from his being. Your ears caught up on the heavy breathing coming from Tanjirou and you flashed him a worried look. "You're all going to die anyways, right? So drop the look in your eyes." You looked around the room. "There are five of us, which means we do actually have a decent chance. However, it's not enough for it to be a decent chance we have to have the security of having a 100% chance. These two demons are strong." You glanced at Daki before looking back to Gyutarou.

"There's no doubt that he's the strongest of the pair. But killing just him won't do, we have to kill both of them at the same time." "We will WIN, because we are Demon Slayer Corp!" Uzui chimed up with excitement in his tone. "Yeah, right fat chance, not when you're only hope is ravaged by poison." Daki protested against him angrily. Uzui laughed in response, "I'm at the top of my game when I have a little poison in my system. Not to mention these youngins are my Tsuguko. They'll fight until their limbs fall off." Tanjirou looked at him with a distant look. "Not to mention both me and (Y/N) have already figured out how to kill you." You smiled at him and he nodded to you. "We just have to behead you at the same time." You chimed up with a confident tone. "Otherwise you would have just absorbed your weaker sister," Uzui finished off beside you.

Tengen grinned, "This will be easy peasy!!!" Inosuke laughed loudly, "It's as simple as that, huh? We've already won." You envied his confidence. You wished that you could be confident in the face of such an obvious chance that you could lose, and, well, perish. Gyutarou grins widely, "You say that, but none of the other Demon slayers who perish before you found the task that simple." He glanced at Uzui, "Not even the Hashira. 15 for me and 7 for my sister." You did the math in your head, trying not to impulsively use your fingers. "22 Hashira have died at the hands of these monsters," you felt rage bubble up in your chest at the thought. Determination filled your body, "See the thing is... I know what true power is." You tried not to laugh as you spoke clearly. "I've seen the power rolling off of demons. Demons much more powerful than you two will ever be." Daki and Gyutarou looked enraged at you. "In fact, you're nothing compared to the demons I've faced. I'm sure you both know Akaza, Uppermoon 3?" Daki scowled, "Akaza isn't dead, you lying rat." You flashed an impatient look at her. "I didn't say I killed him. Your assumptions are stupid, wrong, and unflashy." She growled and Gyutarou groaned at you. Tengen grinned at you with pride. "Since you demons are clearly unable to engage in critical thinking, I'll say it loud and clear so try to keep up." You laughed loudly, "YOU ARE NOTHING. YOU AMOUNT TO NOTHING. YOU WILL BE BEAT TONIGHT." You chuckled softly, "For if I can survive a fight with upper moon 3 with nothing but my bare hands, you, upper moon 6, are nothing but the dust under my shoe." Daki stood up immediately, rage evident in her eyes, "Cut the crap, you maggot. No matter what you say, Your deaths are inevitable, so just DIE."

She swung her arms out, her obi sashes following her movement, dead set on you and Tengen. With no hesitation and lightning speed, Zenitsu surged forward in retaliation, leaving the air fizzling with electricity as he shot toward the female demon. Making direct contact with her as she blocked, the sheer momentum of his move shot the two through the roof, causing them to take their battle outside. "Zenitsu!" Tanjirou looks after the two with worry in his eyes. Inosuke headed towards the battle, "Leave the worm lady to me and Mr. Sleepy-head. You three stay here and beat the praying mantis guy." Gyutarou grinned, "I won't let you kill my sister." Gyutarou spilled out his guttural monologue and you couldn't help but tune him out. You didn't care what he had to say. You were only focused on taking him down.

Gyutarou lunged forward with top speed, heading straight for Tanjirou. "Tanjirou isn't fast enough! I need to worry about defending him and taking the offense against this demon." Before you could even move to grab Tanjirou, Uzui had grabbed him while swinging his other sword. "Get a grip, (Y/N). You need to be more useful after all that talk." Uzui and Gyutarou immediately began engaging in battle as Tanjirou was thrown out of the way. You ran over to Tanjirou and helped him up, "Tanjirou, you're in the battle now. It's time to get serious." You mocked Uzui's words before springing into the battle immediately, your sword drawn with your body heated up. The tingling across your skin changed from before you to all around you. You glanced up before gracefully twisting and moving around the numerous belts that slashed at your body. "Daki is attacking here even as she battles Inosuke and Zenitsu." The three of you held back the belts with your swords as Gyutarou laughed. "Them being your Tsuguko was a lie, your movements are so out of synch it's laughable. and here I thought you'd be different." He turned his venomous gaze on you, "You aren't putting up much of a fight. I'll have fun taking my time with you. I'll save you for last, and when I'm done, I'll tell Akaza of my adventures with his little slayer friend." Uzui growled with rage.

"You won't lay a finger on them, I would never let you." Simultaneously, You and Tengen jumped into the fight clashing blades with Gyutarou's sickles. He was focused on Tengen while you evaded his swings. Pursuing him from behind, you make slashes at the male demon while fending off the belts from his sister. Tengen kept being pushed back by the demon and you realized with fear that he was actually having a hard time. You shook the feeling back and pursued anyways spinning your blade to slash at the demon while evading the sharp belts. Tengen flipped back while throwing explosives in the air that exploded on contact with his blades and the belts. Gyutarou lunged forward again and continued his relentless pursuit on the hashira and you struggled slightly to keep up. "So fast, SO FAST. I HAVE TO KEEP PUSHING!!!!" Gyutarou's slashes surged forward and back to hit Tengen from behind and Tanjirou blocked the blades with struggle. Tengen pushed Gyutarou back before spinning his blades quickly. You jumped out of the way, dodging Gyutarou's stray blades. "He's not coming for me. He really meant it when he said that he was saving more for last. I can't be on defense forever. I've got to get close and actually land hits on him, otherwise, nothing will change." Tengen shot forward, "Sound Breathing: Fifth Form: STRING PERFORMANCE!" He drove the demon right through the walls of the building, straight into the open air of the alley outside. You quickly followed suit, ready to lunge into battle. Both you and Tanjirou lunged for the belts shooting Uzui's way. Tanjirou stabbed the belts holding them in place. You launched yourself in the air, performing a perfect front flip."Flame Breathing: Third Form: Blazing UNIVERSE," you slam your blade down with extreme force, effectively cutting the belts.

Tengen and Gyutarou kept going at each other. A belt shot straight for Tanjirou throwing him back several feet and you glanced between Tengen and Tanjirou. "Tanjirou's injured and I don't know how long he will hold up. I have to protect him." You jump and slash the belts pursuing Tanjirou as he rolled across the dirt. He got up quickly and you both got to work deflecting and slashing at the obi.

Atop the roof, Hinatsuru sat weakly. Her face was pale and she looked sickly. She stood with speed and pulled out a large device that launched over a dozen Kunai. Gyutarou looked up at her with confusion. You watched with hopeful eyes as you dodged and swung your blade at the attack belts. Gyutarou must have figured something was up as he created a dome of protection with his blades. The slight distraction allowed Uzui to surge forward. Gyutarou sliced at him as Tengen dodged and cut both of his legs off with ease. A kunai lodged itself into Gyutarou's throat and you cheered internally. Glancing over at Tanjirou, you noted that he seemed to be holding his own against the belts. You shared a look as you both nodded and dashed off to reunite with Tengen and Gyutarou.

In syncopation, both you and Tanjirou jumped forward with blades ready to decapitate the demon with full force and speed, your blades aimed for his neck.

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