Chapter 1:Introduction

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I walked over to the team selection for the Indian Cricket Team camp with my kit hanging off of my right shoulder. I reached the table where three boys sat answering questions and handling over forms for filling up. I stood in line and waited my turn.

After about two minutes of watching people ask silly questions about the forms I finally got to the front of the line.

The guy in front of me looked up. "What's the name of the guy you are filling up this form for?"
This person's sexist mentality made my blood boil.

"I'm here to participate in the tryouts." I growled out.

Suddenly all three of them looked at me and there was silence all around. That was before everyone around me burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked stubbornly even though I knew the answer too well.

The guy just turned towards a burly looking guy standing nearby and asked him to escort me out.

"This is not fair! You should atleast give me a chance to prove my talent before you throw me out!" I screamed enraged but I knew I was fighing a losing battle and these cowards won't let a girl prove them wrong so I walked out myself determined to find a way to get into the team. If not for me then for my dad. The dad who would have had his name on a World Cup win if not for his untimely demise. He was India's frontline bowler until a freak accident on the pitch took him away from us, from me. He was an amazing father. He taught me everything about the game. This was my way of remembering him. I had to get into the team. Even if it meant going against all odds. I had to become a guy. Not permanently though. It just meant hiding my gender and acting like a guy. I didn't think the second part would be difficult because I already behaved like a male. I walked back to my car and got in after keeping my kit on the backseat of the car. I called Siddharth, my best friend via Bluetooth and started the car.

"Sid, I'm ready to take up your offer. I want to show these sexist assholes what this girl can do. Make me a guy." I was still fuming with anger my fingers clasping the steering wheel with a tight grip, my knuckles turning white.

"Elize I know you are angry. Just calm down first and take a deep breath. Uncoil your body and just relax the grip on the wheel before either your fingers or the wheel fall off." He commented and I realised that he was correct. I had to think with a cool mind. I took three calming breaths and released the iron grip on the wheel. I immidiately felt myself relax.

"Good girl. Now come over to my place and we can start the transformation. I'm out right now and will reach the house in about half an hour so wait for me there. Though you don't need to do much to transform you act more like a guy than me. But then again I'm gay so maybe that's the reason..." He rambled on and on and I just chuckled at this idiot whom I loved and wished him goodbye before hanging up.

I took the road to his house and switched on my music to calm down further. Hall of Fame came blaring out of the speakers and it had me enthusiastic and excited all over again thinking about my ultimate goal.

My dad always dreamt of lifting the World Cup trophy and he would have been able to had it not been for the ball that hit him on his head during a practise match before the World Cup which took him away from me. I closed my eyes remembering the sight and clenched my left hand into a fist. I opened my eyes quickly and a lone tear escaped my eye. The memory was still crystal clear in my head though it had taken place 8 years ago when I had been 13. Mom had died giving birth to me and I had been brought up the rest of my teenage years by Siddharth and his parent.

My parents had had a love marriage after eloping with each other and so had cut all ties with their families. After mom died dad was scared so he had immidiately made a will on my name and kept updating it every year along with giving my guardianship to his bestfriend, i.e. , Sid's parents. They had loved me like they loved Sid but I had always been independent and moved out as soon as I turned 18 to not be a liability on them anymore. I took up meagre jobs in libraries and cafes to take care of my day to day needs even though I didn't need to as dad had left me quite alot.

I didn't even realise when I reached Sid's house and mentally slapped myself for being so careless and driving on autopilot. I checked my face in the mirror in case anyone could notice that I was sad and after being satisfied with my poker face I got out of the car and went inside the house after unlocking the door with the spare key they had given me announcing that I'm home.

I saw Sid's mom, Sunita suddenly come out of the kitched while rubbing her hands on her towel and engulfed me in a hug. I reciprocated the hug happily. She was like a mother to me and I loved her alot. She pulled back and started bombarding me with her usual motherly questions asking about how everything was and why I didn't call every day etc. I just pulled her to the nearest sofa and sat down with her and answered all of the questions in detail knowing that she won't leave me if I didn't.

After chatting with her for about 20 minutes I heard the front door open and Sid walked inside the living room, picking me up and hugging me just like Sunita had done a while ago.

(A/N)-Please comment and vote if you found the chapter interesting and would like to read more. Would appreciate feedback.

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