Chapter 29: Expect The Unexpected

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Me and Cheeku had been going steady for about three years now. I was 25 and he was 29, the age gap between us not meaning much.

His mother and I had gotten extremely close and I could say that she loved me alot and the feeling was mutual.

The world had come to accept me in the team and there was even talk of making a separate women team but it would take a few years to implement it. For now though I was allowed to play with my team and even the country was finally off my back, most of them actually supporting me now.

Currently I was bowling the last ball in a match we had already won. It was just a formality that we needed to complete.

I ran up to bowl the last ball and the batsman swung his bat at it but missed it by an inch or so. I smiled at my teammates happy that this series against Bangladesh was finally over and we had beaten them 5-0 officially.

We all started walking off the pitch as everybody started chanting my name. I was confused as even though I had taken two wickets I was hardly the reason we had won today. I looked up ready to acknowledge the applause as what I saw made me stop dead in my tracks.

On our way to the dressing room small fireworks were going off on either side of the passage and the people sitting above that area were holding up different playcards with one letter painted on them in black. When I read it it said- Marry Me Elize?

I felt my hand fly to my mouth as happy tears pricked my eyes. Before I could say anything more the playcards went down and the crowd held up different ones in their place while spelled- Don't say no.

I was still reeling from this surprise when I felt Virat come and stand before me. He knelt down infront of me and held my hand in his.

"I told you I would do something extraordinary." He said with a wink and I didn't even have it in me to smack him for spoiling the moment as I chuckled.

"God Elize you look so beautiful with a smile on your face. I want to see you happy everyday for the rest of your life. I want to see your face beside me on the pillowcase when I wake up every morning. I want to hold your hand whenever I feel sad. I want to feel your hand on your arm to calm me down each time I lose my temper. I want to fight with you about stupid stuff only to makeup with you five minutes later. I want you by my side as we reach new heights. But more importantly I want you to smile and I can do anything for your happiness. I want to be with you to console you in your sad times and laugh with you in your happy ones. You mean so much to me Elize. From the day you told me everything about yourself I felt so connected with you. You are the person who understands me more than myself. You get what I want everytime. You are a ball of sunshine and I want to make this ball to be all mine. So will you be mine Elize? Forever and always? Will you do me the honour of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?" As soon as he finished his speech more fireworks went off and if I could've looked away from his face I might have seen the beautiful pattern they made in the night sky.

I should have been screaming yes and jumping into his arms. Instead what did I do? I fainted. Yes, infront of thousands of people and my whole team. Oh god I will never get to hear the end of this from them.

Thankfully when I woke up two minutes later as Virat slightly slapped my cheeks I said what I wanted to say.

"Virat, you are the best thing to happen to me. I love you and I would like all of that, so if you will let me be yours I would love it. Forever and always. Yes, yes I will marry you." I said gazing into his eyes and as soon as I was done he had a dazzling smile on his lips and he crashed them onto mine and we kissed with applause and whistles going off in the background.

(A/N):- As I've realised my posting chapter23: Processing over the aurthor's not was not a smart idea. It doesn't change the story line but it is one of the closest chapters to my heart. If most of you have not read it please go back and do so. You might be able to do so after refreshing your library. Please comment and vote if you like. Thanks for reading. Special shoutout to AyeshaK_ for being really helpful.

The Secret: A Virat Kohli Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें