Chapter 20: After Party

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I was introduced to the bride and she was as cute as a button. She seemed like a perfect match for our Bhuvi. The rest of the proceedings took place peacefully and soon enough Bhavna was added to our huge cricket family. We let the newlyweds enjoy their first night in peace as we had planned amazing shocks for them tomorrow.

They had to leave for the honeymoon three days later due to them not getting any plane tickets for the marriage took place in such a hurry. So we all had planned an after party for them both instead of a bachelor party. After all we didn't want Bhavna bhabhi to run away and now that she was legally married to Bhuvi we had no problems in pulling their leg. I know that was a lame excuse and actually we were just lousy friends. But hey, atleast we tried to make up for it in this party.

The next morning the whole cricket team along with their other halves were celebrating in a banquet hall booked especially for this reason.

The boys and me had planned certain surprises for the newly married couple and so we brought them down to the hall. We made them sit on a love seat and showed them a video of Bhuvi's most embarrassing moments captured on camera including one where during his early years in cricket he had dived to stop a boundary and when the was sliding along the ground his trackpants came down and he was left just in his underpants. We were all laughing on the floor by the end. I could see that Bhuvi had a cute smile on his face while Bhavna bhabhi was trying very hard to control her laughter.

After that was done we moved on to a gift giving session. We started with cute gifts like a collage of their childhood and then more recent pictures together.

Rohit and Shikhar gifted them bedsheets with a smirk and a wink and they were soon chased down by a blushing Bhuvi while Bhavna just hid her face in her hands.

Next came mine and Raina's gift. When they opened the gift and held out little kid booties Bhavna started blushing again while the rest of us roared in laughter. But our poor cute Bhuvi didn't understand what it meant and very sweetly said. "Hey guys I think you got the wrong gift. These are cute but definately not my size." We all didn't even bother correcting him and just facepalmed. But thankfully soon realisation dawned on his features and he threw one of the booties each at Raina and me.

Next the whole team gave him passes to this theatre drama that I know Bhuvi was dying to go to which he thanked us for profoundly before we had to make him shut up or he would have gushed on about the gift for ages.

Before we could move on to our next gift we heard someone screaming outside to be let in. We had told Bob, who had accompanied us to Jaipur, to not let anyone in. Raina peeped outside and informed us that it was 'the chick' asking to be let in as she was the bride's cousin from America and didn't wanna miss out on any tradition. I felt irritated by her but as she was related to Bhavna I decided to ask Bob to let her in even though it would spoil our plans.

But as I started moving towards the door I heard Bhavna groaning. "Oh god when will this girl leave me alone! All she keeps commenting on is America this America that or she keeps flirting with my Bhuvi." She said with a frown.

"You mean, you don't like her either?" I said with a smirk immidiately forming a plan in my mind and when Bhavna nooded in the affirmative I decided to implement it. I asked everyone to follow my lead and by now I knew that my partners in crime won't dissapoint me. I let 'the chick' inside and she immidiately started whining about different things in the party. I was almost about to wringe her neck when Virat's hand on my back calmed me down. I decided to use mental force rather than physical force against her and started screaming rat! Rat!

She jumped on a chair and started looking around wildly. "Where is it?! Where?" She screamed before Raina who had by now understood my plan screamed back at her. "Oh my god I just saw it behind you. I had heard that rats in Jaipur bite. And it's not a normal bite you know. They stalk their prey and then they mark them. After they mark them they come back at night to bite them. And once you have been bitten by a Jaipur rat unfortunately you can't be saved then." He spoke in a spooky voice as if sharing an age old secret.

"But wait Raina. There is a way to excape them. If you colour your face black for two days and find a Bamboo tree and tie a thread around it chanting 'go away rat ghost' five times they won't trouble you." Jaddu said in the same tone.

I looked at 'the chick' and by now the poor girl was white in her face and was shaking uncontrollably buying all the crap we were selling her.

"But guys, we have already done that when we were young. Right Bhavna?" I asked Bhavna as I knew that being her sister 'the chick' would most probably believe her.

"Why? Didn't you do it before? Even now is not late. Go run before the rat curse falls on you." I adressed 'the chick' and before the words had even left my mouth completely she was running out of the room in full speed. We all just laughed at her like the evil people we were.

For our next and the most important gift we had decorated the terrace of the place with candles, roses and blankets and pillows to sit on. We took the bride and groom upstairs on the pretence of the view and as soon as they had walked through the door we locked them out alone on the terrace. We had left food and champagne for them to enjoy and had even made arrangements for a portable toilet for them. After fifteen minutes of banging on the door the newlyweds realised that we weren't gonna open up and hopefully enjoyed the rest of the evening with each other.

(A/N)- The above video is actually not of Bhuvi losing his pants but of Virat. It's hilarious but at the same time I feel bad for him too.

Bhabhi= sister in law

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