Chapter 13: Back Home

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I got off the plane in Delhi and I saw a little crowd gathered waiting for our arrival back in the country. We all boarded off and as soon as we reached the gate to exit off the airport many people came forwards with garlands and boards or sheets of paper in their hands. I wasn't as scared this time so I walked keeping my eyes only on the gate and let my bodyguards do their job. In India cricketers were practically worshipped and Cricket was considered to be a religion. It was one of the reasons this diverse country of ours came together for. I could hear people shouting my name despite the headphones on my ears as there was no music playing at the moment. I saw something in my peripheral vision and looked to my right to have something smacked right on my face. It didn't hurt at all and I caught it quickly to see that it was a red rose. I looked up to see who had thrown it and I was horrified to see girls holding up boards written with stuff that made me blush. Stuff like "I'm free tonight if you would take me Elliot". I shuddered from the thought that these poor girls didn't even know the truth about me. I heard my team mates chuckling behind me and some were even flirting with the girls. Most were signing autographs with a polite smile but I walked out quickly and looked around for Sid. I decided to call him but as I was about to dial his number I spotted him standing between a horde of girls looking horrified. I waved to him and about ten girls waved back. I facepalmed mentally but Sid had seen me and pointed towards his right where I suppose his car was. I called out goodbye to all my other teammates and after they had waved to me walked out following Sid. I had Bob with me and he helped in controlling the crowd.

I soon got in Sid's car and drove off towards my house after thanking Bob for his help.

"Congratulations bitch! You were fantastic out there man! But dude how do you even handle all those girls! If I was straight I would have loved how they all were practically grinding over me but it was so disturbing for me at the moment." He spoke with a horrified expression and I just laughed at him in answer knowing exactly what he meant.

"So, I have to tell you something." I said and explained to him about Cheeku and me in detail. He squealed so loudly I doubted if my ear still worked after that. He should probably enter a contest of who screams loudest if there was ever such a thing. Thankfully I had told him when we were waiting for the traffic light to turn green otherwise he would have probably jammed the car into something and killed us both.

Before I could answer any of the questions he threw at me, my phone pinged with a message so I checked it. It was a message from Virat itself and it said-

Hey Elize! I suppose you would have landed and got your phone on by now. How was your flight? I hope your "fans" didn't trouble you after. I should have probably warned you about how nasty they can be.

I smiled looking at him and Sid awwed from beside me as he had read the message looking over my shoulder but I didn't mind. I messgaed back.

I'm fine. How are you? The flight was good. Watched a movie on the way. The fans... Ah well I can just say that you have competition as certain girls wanted to get in my pants.. It was a disturbing incident to be true.

We chatted for a few more minutes before I told him to leave as he was supposed to go to the masseuse to help kink out his sore muscles.

I reached home and I immidiately jumped on my bed with happiness and started fawning all over it. What can I say this girl loves her bed? We were in a relationship you know. Our bond was too strong to break.

I quickly showered off the tiredness from travel and went with Sid over to his house. His parents knew all about me and cricket and they supported me well. I was supposed to have dinner with them tonight.

As soon as I walked inside the door I was engulfed in hugs by both auntie and uncle and after they had congratulated me and told me how proud they were of me we sat down to have dinner. We didn't do this often as I used to be doing jobs all the time and now I was supposed to be travelling or training most of the time. I missed them alot and had alot of catching up to do with them so I didn't realise when the time flew and I had to go back home.

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