Chapter 6: Virat On My Side

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"I believe you but this is not the correct way to prove anything Elliot. Wait what's your real name?" He spoke up after I finished my explanation.

"Elizabeth. I know Cheeku but I can't help it. I tried giving the tryouts as a girl but they kicked me out before I could even fill the form." I replied meekly.

He took a deep breath and then said "You are a valuable asset for our team. I've seen what you can do and it's fantastic. Your method might have been wrong but even I hate this sexist society and if this can change people's mentality then I'm with you." He smiled at me and I was so grateful that he won't rat me out than I ran towards him and hugged him.

"Thankyou so much Virat! You don't know how much this means to me!" I mumbled in his chest and I felt his arms encircling my waist.

"I know exactly how much it means Elizabeth. I know what it means to live without a father. Even my dad wanted me to be a cricketer and win the World Cup. I know exactly how it feels." He spoke in my ear and I could see how broken he was and I could hear the hurt in his voice. Just like me even he wasn't over his father's death. I felt bad for him and held him tighter.

"We will fulfill their dreams Cheeku. All of us will. Together." I promised him and pulled back from the hug. The look on his face broke my heart. He looked like a lost child and rarely could people see this side of him. Everyone just thought that he was a very intense angry and passionate person with a lot of attitude but I realised that it was all wrong. He was sweet and a hard worker. This game just meant too much to him which is why he was how he was.

I smiled at him in reassurance and stepped away from him.

"Lets go back downstairs. Everyone must be waiting for us." He said and started walking downstairs with me on his heels. I looked down and saw that his shirt was just the size that I wore and hid my shape. It still had a bit of his lingering smell along with the smell of his detergent and I inhaled it in with my eyes closed.

"Are you ok? Why are you standing there smiling to yourself with your eyes closed?" I snapped my eyes open and saw Mohammad Shami standing in front of me looking at me with concern. I mentally slapped myself for acting like a wierdo.

"I'm fine Shami. Thanks for the concern though." I said with a small smile.

He nodded and smiled back.

"So Elliot how does it feel to be standing with a superstar?" Shikhar came over to me and asked while twirling his famous moustache.

"It feels really special." I spoke and saw a grin appear on his face. "I never thought I would be standing beside THE Mohammad Shami. He is an awesome bowler and an inspiration to me." I finished with a straight face and saw Shikhar look at me in shock while Shami burst out laughing and I followed suit seeing the look of disbelief on Shikhar's face.

"I like this new kid." Shami said between laughs and I smiled over at him finally feeling at home between these superstars.

"Haww! No fair! Am I not good enough to be an inspiration?" Shikhar asked me with big puppy dog eyes pouting at me like a five year old.

"Why yes you are Shikhar! For your moustache! Everyone wants those!" I said and again Shami and I burst out laughing while Shikhar just smiled and twirled his moustache again.

"I think I like this new kid too." Shikhar said and smiled at me warmly.

I was mingling with everyone when I was suddenly blindfolded and picked up. I screamed as a reflex reaction and so someone put a cloth in my mouth. I could feel the person carrying me start walking and they held my arms so I started thrashing and kicking with my feet. My left foot connected with something and I immidiately heard a girly screech.

"Ouch!! Not the balls you idiot! Spare my balls!" I heard Raina's voice scream out and winced thinking of his poor balls. I relaxed when I realised that it was just a prank and waited paitently. They soon put me down and when I opened the blindfold I saw only darkness. Finally my eyes adjusted to the dark and I could see that I was in a small room which I supposed was a store room of sorts. I removed the cloth gagging me and suddenly heard giggling coming from the only door. I put my ear towards it and could hear voices.

"This is what you get for making fun of me!" I heard Shikhar say followed by Raina "and for kicking my precious jewels" which I suppose was him refering to his balls. "And for taking my wicket! Now stay in that dark room with rats"

I immidiately panicked before calming myself. "Virat won't have rats in his house! Obviously not." I decided not to let the guys feel convinced or satisfied with having scared me. I put my hand on the wall and started looking for the switch board before realising that maybe the lights were on the outside only and cursed my fate. I sat there silently and waited for them to open the door.

It had barely been two minutes before I heard someone speaking outside.

"Why's the kid not screaming? I hope he's not claustrophobic or something! Or maybe he fainted! Omg no! Let's open the door." Raina spoke and I smiled at his sweetness even though he had locked me up in this room I knew it was just a joke. I decided to scare them to make them have a taste of their own medicine and hid beside the door.

Soon the door opened and revealed three guys standing nearby peeping into the room.

"Where is he? Oh god! We killed him! We killed him!" Raina screamed in a high pitched voice before Shikhar slapped him upside the head.

"We did not kill him! Where is the body if we did?" Rohit spoke with rationality. The three walked into the small room and I immidiately took the chance and ran out locking them inside. When they realised what happened they started banging on the door asking me to let them out.

"I'm scared of the dark please let us out kid!" Raina spoke up hysterical and I giggled at them.

"I like you even more. You are the first one who handled the trio so well" I looked beside me and saw Cheeku leaning on the wall smiling at me.

I smiled back getting lost in his eyes before the banging on the door got me back to my senses.

"Open up please! We won't trouble you again! Promise!" Rohit pleaded with me and I opened the door feeling pity on the poor guys.

They all came tumbling out looking relieved and a bit surprised.

"You opened the door." Shikhar stated the obvious looking dumbfounded.

"I am not a sadist. I just wanted you guys to have a taste of your own medicine." I smiled at them.

(A/N):- Vote if you liked it and comment so I can know how this chapter made you feel!

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