Chapter 28: Meeting His Mother

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"Uhh babe, I need to talk to you." Virat said from beside me. We were sitting in my house watching a movie and just talking. I had noticed that he had been rather fidgety all evening but I decided to let him be as I knew he would tell me what was bothering him sooner or later when he wanted to.

"Okay I'm listening." I turned towards him giving him my undivided attention and put the TV on mute.

"Don't look at me like that! You're making me nervous!" He whined and I grew even more curious. I just arched an eyebrow asking him to continue with my facial expression.

"So, uh, actually, momwantstomeetyou." He said it all in one go and I just signed at his habbit.

"Cheeku, just breathe. No matter what I will always love you. Now continue and this time speak in a language I can understand alright?" I said to soothe him and he took a deep breath before continuing.

"Mom wants to meet you." That was all he said and I started shaking my head in the negative.

"Don't say no. You know you have to. I've already met Sid's parents and they like me. Now you have to meet mum." He said in a stern tone as if talking to a child.

"But, what if..?" Before I could complete my sentence Virat kissed me to shut me up.

That is how two days later I found myself standing outside his house waiting for the door to open bouncing from leg to leg trying to calm down my nerves. I had worn a salwaar kameez to make a good impression on aunty but it personally made me extremely uncomfortable as it was not something I ever wore except on weddings or other important functions.

However when Virat had seen me in it he had hardly recognised me and kept opening and closing his mouth like a fish before complimenting me like the sweetheart that he is and that already made me wearing the suit worth it. Even my hair had grown long now that I wasn't forced to cut it so that was the reason too for the new look.

I was holding a bouquet for aunty and a box of chocolates for his nephew, Aarav, in my arms. I had thought of bringing wine or a more orthodox gift but I thought maybe that would leave a wierd impression on his mother afterall this was our first meeting.

The door was opened by the house help and we were ushered inside. We came inside the living room and I saw his mother sitting on a sofa reading the newspaper. When she saw us walking in however she folded it and kept it neatly on a table nearby.

She eyed me up and down scrutinising me. I just humbly folded my hands in namaste greeting her. Her only reply was a nod before she asked us to sit.

"Would you like to drink anything?" She asked and I could see that she was trying to gauge me and maybe this was a test. Maybe I shouldn't ask for anything to make her believe that I don't want anything more from her except her son. Or maybe she might get offended as she is a Punjabi after all.

Mentally shaking my head at my own stupidity I politely refused her.

"So, you play cricket." She stated and I looked at Virat nervously before nodding.

"You're a girl right?" She asked me bluntly and I almost choked on my spit causing me to cough a few times.

"Maa!" Virat exclaimed from beside me while patting me on the back lightly.

"Yes, yes I am." I tired to just go through with the interrogation knowing she is just the way she is because she cares about her son and I was ready to give any test to be proved worthy of the man sitting beside me.

"Why do you like him?" She asked me another question while squinting at me with her narrowed eyes.

"Ma'am I love your son. I don't know why or how but everything about him just attracts me to him." I looked at Virat before I turned towards his mother and looked into her eyes as I spoke. "I could go on and on all night about it but I think all you want to hear is that I will never break his heart. I really love him with everything I have got and I wish to marry him. After my guardians and the team he's the only family I have." I spoke sincerely and I guess she believed me as she instantly warmed up to me after that asking me to call her aunty and not be formal.

She discussed with me about cricket and my family and I told her everything she wanted to know. By the time dinner was done with we had become so close that we had even started teasing Virat about his childhood embarrassing moments.

When I was ready to leave Aunty hugged me tight and for the first time in my life I felt like the void my mother had left in my life might just be filled up by her. I had slight tears in my eyes that I hastly wiped before pulling back out of the embrace and walking out with Virat after calling out a goodbye to aunty.

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