Chapter 23: Processing

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The whole team looked at me with disbelief in their eyes when I told them the news about my injury and what the doctor had said about my recovery.

I was standing in my living room where they had all come to straight after practise to see me. Virat sensed that I wasn't in the mood to talk about it and before the boys could ask anything more he told everyone that he would answer all their questions but that would happen later. For now they just decided to let me be.

Soon one by one all of them reluctantly left and I could see concern lacing their features. When it was just me and Virat I didn't even have strength to hold anything in anymore. I just slid down the wall beside the door to my house and stared straight ahead. The visuals of my injury kept passing infront of my eyes and the doctor's words were ringing in my ears. I couldn't even cry anymore. I felt broken and beaten. After coming so far I was going to lose due to a stupid loss in concentration. I felt like an idiot. The numbness faded away and paved way for anger. Hot uncontrollable anger. I felt like breaking all the things in my house.

I fisted my hair into my left hand, hanging the other by side uselessly and put my head between my knees. I felt like I was sinking and there was nothing that could save me. I clenched my eyes shut and every second the scene of me breaking my finger played in my mind like a broken record.

I lost. After coming so close to victory I lost. I made a basic mistake in taking my eyes off the ball and it cost me my dream, my everything. I couldn't hear anything around. Everything was a dull silence and the silence hurt me. I felt the silence suffocating me.

I opened my eyes and I felt the room spinning around me. I could see Virat coming towards me somewhere in the back and his freaked out face was all I saw before I lost consciousness.

I groggily opened my eyes and tried to rub them with my right hand. As soon as I moved my hand I could feel something wrong and when I looked at it I saw the plaster covering it and all the memories came flooding back to me. I pushed everything to the back of my mind deciding to ignore everything. I sat up and looked around to see that I was in my room. The clock on my bedside table said 7:00pm. I had been sleeping for quite a long time. I picked up my water bottle and gulped in water as my throat felt raspy. As I set the bottle back down my room door opened and Virat entered in with a tray.

He saw me awake and set the tray beside my bed before holding my hand.

"After everyone left you had gone to leave them till the door and when you didn't come back I came to look for you and I found you on the verge of passing out beside your door. After I reached you, you just passed out in my arms and I brought you to your room knowing you just needed some rest." He explained how I reached here and I just nodded.

"Elize? I know you are hurting but you need to talk to me about it. I know that I have never been in your place so I can't really say this but I do understand what you are going through. I know the world cup is close but you can't lose hope like this. You are a fighter and you will fight this injury and get back in the team to prove your worth to the world." I looked into his eyes and nodded when he was done. I felt numb and the words barely registered into my mind before I pushed them out. I didn't wanna hear anything right now. I just wanted to be alone. Without another word I looked away and walked into the washroom.

When I came back I saw Virat pacing the room. He looked at me exasperated and I could see the tension in his stance. His hair was all over the place as if he had run his hands through it multiple times. I simply ignored him and went back to my bed and turned away from him before closing my eyes and trying to sleep. I lay awake for a long time trying my best to keep my mind blank and not let anything in. I figured that I could have a day of weakness before I could be myself again. After what seemed like ages I finally felt sleep engulf me.

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