Chapter 4:Practise

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Walking into the stadium, I felt blood ringing in my ears and goosebumps on my skin. I felt electric with the buzz running through my arms. I always felt excited when I walked inside a cricket stadium but this time was different. This time I wasn't a spectator but a player and just the thought made me feel high.

I shook all thoughts out of my head and paid attention to my surroundings. I caught sight of the prestiged team walking around and couldn't believe my luck.

The coach called us all into attention. He had set up basic fitness drills for us to practice by putting out three cones at around a distance of ten metres from each other after which twelve cones were kept with about 1&1/2 feet difference from each. He made us start with basic running then sprinting after which we were supposed to jump till the next cone and finally run through the twelve cones doing knee ups.

After completing fifteen of these rounds, he made us do some fielding excersises. Most of the guys around me were breathing hard by this time and I smiled and silently thanked dad for inculcating in me the habit of vigerous exercise every morning.

Soon after we stood in two lines, one for taking the high catches our fielding coach was throwing in the air and the other to take the ball from us back to the coach. When my turn came to catch, I had my eyes glued to the ball. Running after it, I realised I had misjudged it slightly so I tilted to my left to correct my position and as soon as my hands touched the ball I was pushed to my right with incredible force. I didn't let the ball escape from my fingers and looked up at the disturbance only when I was sure the ball was secure in my hands.

On top of me was the great Virat Kohli. My idol and inspiration after dad and not to miss the super hot captain of Team India whom girls were crazy about. I felt my heart flutter when I looked up into his hazel brown eyes which looked oh so beautiful.

He was off me the next instant and started screaming at me for what was clearly his mistake. But all I could think of was that he was laying on top of me just two seconds ago. The great mightly Kohli fell on me. I wasn't even angry that he pushed me with such force I probably had bruises on my arms and knees.
Coach came over and gave Virat a piece of his mind sending us back to our places.

After a while we started working in the nets finally. I held a leather ball in my hand and gripped the seam with my finger. I measured my run up and ran in hard to bowl the first ball. I miscued it and it went well wide of Rohit Sharma.

It's ok. Next ball. Concentrate on the next ball. I mentally chanted this again and again. I ran in hard again. And this time it missed the edge of Rohit's bat by mere millimetres. I smiled happy with this ball. I collected the ball and walked back to my starting position to run in hard again. This time the ball fell right beside his toes and swung inside hitting the stumps, talking the bails with it. I jumped in joy with my arm in the air. The players around me came over congratulated me patting me on the back. I felt a slap on my butt and leaped ahead shocked. I tried to control my facial expression because that's what players did in appreciation. I ignored it, turned around and walked right back to my starting point doing everything all over again.

After three hours of practice, some good balls and some horrible ones which were fairly punished by Rohit we were finally let off to go shower and change. I started walking with everyone before I stopped dead in my tracks. I had to share the dressing room with everyone. I reminded myself that there were different stalls for every player to shower in and steeled myself to walk inside. I opened the door and took a step inside only to be pulled towards a hard body crashing into the person's side.

"You're so light. Don't you eat anything? Where does all that energy on the field come from?" Virat mused while putting his hand around my shoulders as he started steering my towards the showers. "Anyways, welcome to the team kiddo. Oh and sorry about what happened out there. I was in the moment and I thought you would spill it. Nice catch and nice wicket by the way. Now that you are a part of the team I would like you to come to my house party tonight. I'll text you the address to the number you filled on the selection form." He spoke everything in one go and without waiting for a reply patted me on my lower back with two of this fingers brushing my ass and walked away not looking back. I was not as unaffected by his touch. I could feel my body burning wherever he had touched. I controlled my emotions and walked in towards the showers. I took a quick shower and changed into guy shorts and a superman tshirt. It was loose on my frame and hid my curves easily. Most of my clothes were like that. I didn't like fitted clothes and fashion to me was being comfortable and so my clothes usually hid my body well.

As soon as I stepped out of the stall I was greeted with guys in just a towel all around me. They were athletes and so had amazing bodies. I looked the other way and saw a guy in a towel coming out of the shower with his body glistening with water beads. I stood still and appreciated the greed god looks of my captain while his attention was on his hair. I mentally slapped myself for ogling him and walked out as quick as I could without drawing attention to myself.

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