Chapter 3:TryOuts

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I filled in the form for tryout while looking around me with wide eyes every five seconds thinking any moment now someone would jump up and scream FEMALE but it didn't happen. I shook my head on my own foolishness and completed filling up the from before getting up to hand it over to the same guy who had made fun of me yesterday.

"Go right in." He informed me without looking up.

Now was that so difficult?! Did you have to make me a guy?! I let out a long sigh and walked towards the pitch where certain people were present in suits holding clipboards. They were noticing everything and jotting down notes every now and then.

I moved towards everyone else who was in workout clothes pulling my kit bag behind me. After reaching the group I start doing basic stretches to loosen up my muscles. I took out a medicine ball from my kit and did arm stretches for a minute.

When I was ready I got in line to start bowling and I could feel my heart beat rising due to my nervousness.

I measured my lay up and walked up to my starting point. I looked at the cones kept on the pitch indicating a batsmen's feet and decided which ball to bowl. I started running up to the stumps of the non striker's end aiming for the ball to bounce right beside the cone and then move in towards the wicket. I released the ball when my hand was ramrod staight in the air and completed my follow through never once taking my eyes off the ball's trajectory. It hit the point I wanted it on but didn't turn like I had expected it to. I let out a frustrated noise from my throat and ran my hands through my barely there hair, still suprised at the new feeling on my head. I gathered my ball and walked right back, continously attempting the same delivery.

The tryouts were over very quickly or maybe it seemed that way to me. I had almost gone through the motions without thinking, though I was impressed with my bowling performance in front of the selectors. Before I knew it we were all told to go home and that they will infrom us of the results within a week. All I had to do was wait now.

I was a bundle of tension the whole week, doubting myself, feeling insecure, thinking what I would do if they don't take me. Every time my phone rang I jumped up and ran towards it incase they had called and changed their decision when I didn't pick up. But it had been six days and I was at the brink of my patience. If they didn't call me today I was going to go personally to find the results and beg them to take me if I had to. I was shaken out of my thoughts by the sound of my ringtone and rushed to pick it up from the table a few feet away from me. How I managed to fall twice in that distance is beyond me but I finally reached the phone and picked up the call. "Hello?" I breathed into the phone with my eyes closed waiting for the worst. I started to chew on my nails waiting for the person on the other end to respond.

"Hello. Is this Mr. Elliot Ganguly speaking?"

I could feel the energy leaving my body with dissapointment coursing through my veins ready to hang up and not let the selectors find my phone engaged if they called before I remembered that I had to change my name to Elliot in the pretense of being a guy.

"Yes. Yes, this is him." I spoke a weird mix of desperation and agitation.

"Congratulations. You have been selected for being a part of the Indian Cricket Team. Practise starts from tomorrow. The schedule will be emailed to you shortly and you will have to come sign a contract with the Board of Cricket sometime this week." The feeling of relief I felt was so overwhelming that I sank down to my knees. I hung up the call after politely thanking the caller.

I immidiately called up Sid and informed him of this news. He told me he would be over soon and hung up. I was so giddy I started doing a little happy dance all around the room. I looked at my dad's picture I kept on the table and remembered that this was just the first step in a very long journey.

Sid walked in immidiately after with a huge box in his hands and kept in on the table. Running towards me he hugged me tight and swirled me around. We both were laughing loudly by the time he set me down.

"I'm so happy for you my sister. You deserve the best in the world!" He exclaimed with pure happiness on his face before pulling me towards the box. He opened it eagerly revealing a cake and a knife kept inside.

"If this wasn't a secret because of you changing your gender, I would have had a grand party to celebrate but right now you have to make do with just me."

I just cut the cake in answer and fed him a part sending a quick thank you to god for giving me this wonderful person to share my happiness and sorrows with.

Soon he held a part of the cake in his hand and came towards me with an evil smirk. I understood his intentions and backed away from him, the whole time asking him not to do what he was thinking. He started running after me and applied the cake on my face after he had caught up to me. I just shook my head on his childish antics, refusing to waste more food and started eating the delicious chocolate cake.

(A/N):- Comment and vote to show your appreciation or to tell me what you would like me to do differently.

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