Chapter 2: Transformation

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He just whispered into my ear "Let the tranformation begin." only for me to hear and after calling out goodbye to his mother he pulled me up towards his room. We got in and he made me sit on the edge of his bed while he paced the room with a finger on his chin and the other arm crossed around his chest. Every two minutes he looked at me as if examining a lab rat and I got more and more nervous with each passing second. My leg started to shake like it always did when I was in tension.

Sid walked up to me and sat down beside me with a notebook and pen in his hands and started jotting down something. I looked over his shoulder and read his list.


Before he could write more I lost my patience and finally asked him what he was doing. Without replying he just got up and pulled me out of the house along with him.

When we got into his car he looked at me and held out the sheet for me to read."These are the things about you that we have to change."

"Oh." I replied like an idiot.

"I know you are confused. First we will go to a barber and cut off your hair. As much as I love your hair we have to do this because a wig is too risky." He tried explaining while driving off to what I assumed was a salon.

"Ok." I replied understanding completely what he meant.

"Seriously? Most girls would cry had they have to cut off their hair and here you are saying ok?! Why am I even surprised? This dream means so much to you, you can probably give both your kidneys for it" He was rambling again and it brought a smile on my face.

After stepping into the salon we were escorted to a seat where some guy sat me down and draped a cloth over my shoulders.

"What would you like me to do madam?" He asked me politely while ruffling my hair with his hands.

"Cut it all off." I said after taking a deep breath and he looked up at me in shock while his hand stilled in my hair.

"Oh you don't need to cut it all off. You can just get them shortened like a boycut." Sid said from beside me and breathed a sign in relief thanking the lord that I didn't have to part with my hair completely. "Ok. Give me a boycut then."

The hairddresser still looked wide-eyed but soon recovered and started cutting my hair. I felt the pain phycially when he snipped the scissors through my long locks. I never liked to act like a girl but I loved my hair. It was the most beautiful part of me according to me and it hurt getting it cut. I just squeezed my eyes shut and thought about the trophy for which I was doing all this.

We were soon walking out of the salon with me in a boycut after paying for my haricut. Looking at myself in the mirror even I couldn't recognise myself. I looked weird. And that was an understatement. I just shook off the dissapointment of losing my hair and followed Sid to his car.

"Where to next?" I asked him as soon as I sat on the passenger side.

"I had thought maybe we should go shopping but you already wear your clothes a size bigger than you should and with your small chest and new haircut I can't even think that there is a girl underneath all that so we can stratch shopping and straightaway take you to your place to teach you how to walk like a guy. Plus as you already talk like one you can go right ahead and cross that off the list too."He said and didn't even stop when I protested about him saying my chest is 'small'. I looked down at my chest and huffed in irritation to which he replied just by laughing.

We climbed up the stairs into my room and Sid immidiately started looking around the room for something.

"What do you even know about walking like a guy though? You don't walk like one." I asked Sid still pissed at his comment about my chest while standing in the middle of the room with my arms crossed over my chest.

He looked at me and smirked. "Babe I may not walk like a guy but I do observe them alot so I do know how they walk." He replied with a wink and I shuddered thinking how dirty he could be sometimes.

He soon spotted what he wanted and shouted "Ah ha!" while walking towards my sports equipment collection. I loved cricket but I used to play many other sports in my free time too so I had the equipments for all of them lying in a portion of my room. He picked up a football and a volleyball and came over to me.

"Keep these under your arms." He ordered and handed them over to me. I put each of them on either side on me and put my elbow over them holding them in place before I looked at him as if asking what to do next.

"Hustle hustle we haven't got all day. Start walking missy." He commanded and I started pacing the room with the balls awkwardy fitted under my elbows.

"You should open your legs a little more too. Guys aren't usually this conscious of flashing their panties." He commented and I glared at him.

I tried taking his advice and felt weird doing all this. After a while he took the balls from me and I resumed the walking while still holding my arms out like the balls were under them and my legs a bit wider than usual.

"Good. I guess that's it for today. But do remember than open your legs and be comfortable even when you sit. And last but not the least thing of a guy name for yourself." Sid said after what felt like hours and I finally relaxed and laid down on the bed ready for the next day.

(A/N):- Please comment and vote so I can know how you found this chapter!

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