Chapter 17: Small Blessings

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I was sitting on a chair being questioned by the boys about everything they still didn't understand, when I send a message in a group for people to come to my place, without anyone noticing.

Suddenly Shikhar spoke up. "Oh shit when Ayesha gets to know about this she will gather all her kickboxing skills and beat me to a pulp. After all I had been sharing a dressing room, travelling and even staying in the same hotel with a girl. I hope she understands and doesn't overreact." He was in hysterics and I did every thing I could not to laugh at him.

"Oh god I don't wanna sleep on the couch man! My neck hurts for two days after and it's very annoying. Plus I've just got married to Priyanka." Raina whined.

"Atleast you are married. I hope Ritika doesn't break off the engagement." Rohit spoke with his head in his hands.

Ashwin spoke up next. "No no guys. They would understand. Right Elize?"

Everyone looked at me and I replied with a straight face. "Oh I don't know. If I got to know all this I might just forgive you guys." They all visibly relaxed. "But after making you pay for it ofcourse." And they again went into hysterics. Only Virat saw through my facade but he stayed shut, only raising an eyebrow in question which I ignored.

"Arre I know my Hasin won't mind. She will understand yaar." Shami spoke up and soon Rahane agreed with him. "Yes, even my Radhika won't mind."

"This is precisely the reason why I'm single. No tension. Right Bhuvi?" Jaddu said while holding up a hand to Bhuvi which he hi5'ed but reluctantly. I noticed but decided to ask him about it after and not infront of everyone.

Seeing how worried they were I couldn't stop myself and I burst out laughing. They all turned to me with a glare and before they could do anything I was saved by my doorbell ringing. They were finally here. I went towards the door and let all their wives or going to be wife(Rohit) inside.

The boys dropped their jaws when the saw them and immidiately started explaning themselves to their better halves.

The girls looked at me and we all started laughing at the guys' behaviour. They all looked curiously at me and so I decided to not torture them anymore and come out with the truth.

"Actually remember before going to SriLanka we had all partied together? Well I had told the girls my secret because they deserved to know about me. They trust me completely. And even Virat didn't know about this so please don't blame him."

"What?! How could you do this to us? You held this big a truth from your own husbands?" They all asked flabbergasted.

"Well as we are all strong independent women we wanted to back Elizabeth with what she wanted. Afterall none of us found anything wrong in what she was trying to do. She had promised us to let you all know when the time was right and we supported her." Ayesha spoke up and the others also nodded. The boys seemed to accept that explanation.

"But you knew all about this and still decided to torture us Elize?!" Rohit asked still angry with me and they all started to throw pillows and other stuff at me. I just laughed at them and knew I deserved it.

Soon we were all just sitting talking over snacks and drinks when Bhuvi called us to attention.

He stood in the middle of the room looking timid. I found it wierd as he has played infront of millions and here he stood nervous of his own friends. He cleared his throat and started-

"Actually guys and girls, I'm going to get married next week. My mom fixed the match for me and she's a childhood friend that I always had a crush on so I said yes." He spoke with a light pink tinge on his cheeks and rubbed the back of his head with nervousness. We all jumped up and congratulated him.

"So that's why you were so reluctant in giving a hi5 to Jadeja about being single huh?" I asked him and just nodded in a response.

I hugged him happily and he reciprocated after which I left him alone to be congratulated by everyone else.

"So Jaddu you're the only bachelor left in this team. Any intentions of getting married anytime soon?" I asked Jadeja a little later.

"Nahh. I'm single and right now I just want to enjoy. Anyways after marriage girls become too clingy and I don't want that." I slapped him lighty on his arm for that comment.

"Actually when you meet the right girl you would understand why people want to get married Jaddu." Virat spoke from beside me while he put his arm around me and looked at me with those beautiful eyes of his. I couldn't help but blush on his statement.

"I'm so happy for you guys." Jadeja spoke and got us out of our moment before he left us alone.

Cheeku put his arms around me and brought me closer to him.

"Stop it Cheeku. Everyone's here." I tried pushing him even though I didn't actually want to get out his embrace but he didn't budge.

"So? Don't you remember you just told them about us?" He asked with a confused look.

"Ya, but still." Was my only reply as I got breathless from his proximity.

"If they want to see they can. Now that they all know about us I won't shy away from flaunting you as my girlfriend babe." He said and my stomach did a backflip on his words. He moved towards me and I met him halfway. When our lips met I forgot all about everything else and just closed my eyes to the beautiful feeling in my heart. After a few minutes we both pulled back and I opened my eyes to stare at him.

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