Chapter 24: Recovery

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I opened my eyes when I felt the rays of the sun directly on them only to close them immediately due to the sun's glare. I let my eyes adjust to the light before I blinked them a few times. I looked around me and I saw Virat sleeping beside me while sitting on a chair. I instantly felt horrible that he had to sleep like that. The pour soul must be so uncomfortable. I shook him awake and he was still sleepy as I pulled him into the bed. He didn't even stur as he just sighed and cuddled into my blanket. I smiled at his cuteness before I ran my left hand through his hair and kissed his forehead before walking out of the room.

It was six o'clock and I guess I was up this early as I had slept all day yesterday. I decided to freshen up and then make breakfast for myself and Virat.

Almost two hours later as I was standing in the kitchen stirring the pasta cooking in front of me which was really hard to do with just one hand as I saw Virat barge in. He had dark circles under his eyes and I again felt awful for being the cause of his bedraggled state. He saw me and I could see relief flood into his eyes before he pulled me by my waist and crashed me into his arms hugging me tightly.

"Can't breathe." I spoke out and I could barely recognise my voice. It was wierd not just as I was being squished by Virat but maybe also because I hadn't spoken anything in about 15 hours.

He pulled back and looked into my eyes as he cupped my cheeks in his hands.

"Elize you are strong you get that? You can fight this. It's an injury and I know it will make you sit out of the team for about two months but if anyone can come out of this, it's you. You are a frontline bowler for team India and you can't just quit like this. You have to fulfill your dream not just for you but also for your dad and me and the team and even the whole country. We are all counting on you." He finally took a breath and I took that moment to lightly kiss him on his lips to shut him up.

"I'm not giving up." I said softly as I moved back.

"You have to fight through this injury babe... Wait what did you just say?" He looked surprised and confused.

I smiled softly before repeating my statement and he picked me up in his arms and swirled me around.

"You scared me so much. I have always seen you determined and ready to prove yourself I forget sometimes that you're only human. Seeing you so broken yesterday.." He looked frustrated and I could see the sadness in his eyes. Before he could complete his statement I spoke up.

"I know. I'm sorry you had to see me like that but I had to get all the negativity out of my system otherwise I would have never been able to stand up and face this injury. I had to get rid of all of my insecurities."

"Babe never be sorry for breaking down in front of me. Even though it hurts me to see you like that I want to help you through it. Always and forever remember?" He said looking into my eyes and I just nodded happily.

"Ok enough with the senti talk. Go get fresh and then we can have breakfast together before you leave for practise." I ordered and pushed him out of the kitchen.

Two Months Later

I held a worn and beaten kookabura leather ball in my right hand. It felt foreign to me as I was holding it after so long and yet it was the closest thing to my heart. It was the first leather ball daddy had given me. It was the beginning of my dream. I threw it slightly in the air before I caught it in my hand again. After two weeks of losing the plaster and physical training I had started bowling again. Now I was sat on a bench outside the selector's office waiting for them to pass a verdict on me.

I stood up as they all came out of the room.

"Mr. Elliot, you have been amazing for the Indian team and all the players on the team want you there. Even your captain is very impressed with you and so are we. We would like to give you a chance before we select the team for the World Cup and so you would be touring with the guys to the West Indies where if you can prove that you still have it in yourself to play for India we would select you for the World Cup." A guy in a suit said and I thanked them politely before I walked out of the hall and back to my car. I couldn't believe my luck. I was back in the game baby!

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