Chapter 26: World Cup Final

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Five and a half months later I was sitting in the dressing room getting ready for the final match of the World Cup. We had won every single match and were unbeaten on the pool table. Having had a dream run we were the clear favourites and everyone expected us to win. Personally, I was among the top five leading wicket takers and Bhuvi was sitting on top of the list. I guess marraige did wonders for him as he improved loads after that. Even our batmen had been amazing and Shikhar and Raina were in the top five while Cheeku was the highest run getter.

We all walked out to the field together. Virat had won the toss and chosen to field first as there was a bit of dew expected during the evening which would help the team batting second. Coming into the huddle we all looked at Cheeku waiting for his speech.

"Guys, you know how we do this. It's what we have all been dreaming about since we were kids and first started playing. So keep the intensity up and no matter what happens remember that I am proud of each and everyone of you. Now let's go and win this match." We all felt pumped up after his speech and roared together before separating and walking over to our places.

After the first innings Australia had set us a target of 280 with the loss of two wickets taken by Shami and Jaddu. We were four down by the end of 25th over at 100 and most people would have probably written off our chances to win this. Only Virat was still at the crease and as long as he was there we had hope in our hearts. Afterall he isn't the master of chasing for nothing now right?

We saw with our hearts in our throat beating loudly and chewing on our nails as the fate of the whole team depended on him but all we could see on his face was peace.

The next ball came as a full toss and he creamed it above the fielder's head to the midwicket boundary. It was unusual of him to make runs off sixes in ODIs. He usually just played shots on the ground which had minimum chances of getting out but I guess the required run rate was getting to him though his face was just a mix of concentration and determination.

All too soon Saha, me and Jaddu were back in the dugout after getting out much to the frustration of Virat. He stood like a lone solder fighting a battle. He walked up to Ashwin and talked to him most probably just telling him to rotate the strike and not get out. The same that he had said to me and Jaddu but we had failed him.

We needed 15 runs off the last over and it seemed very difficult except Cheeku was on strike.

The first ball struck his bat and they quickly ran for two. The next ball was a full toss which Virat played with a flick off his wrists towards square leg and it would have been a boundary had the australians not been such amazing fielders. Luckily we did get three off that ball but now Ashwin was on strike.

I could feel my heart beating loudly and the crowd around us cheered for both the teams.

Ashwin just blocked the ball off to the side and completed a single and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 9 were needed off the last three balls.

The next ball was a perfect yorker and I felt my body deflate before I saw that Virat quickly adjusted in his crease and turned the yorker into a full length ball before sending it to the cover boundary. This time even the fielder couldn't stop it. The bowler groaned in frustration. We all were bouncing in our seats because of the nervousness.

I waited with bated breath as the next ball was bowled. It was intended to be another yorker but this time he erred in it's placement and it turned out to be a low full toss and it was impossible that Cheeku wouldn't cash in on that. I was correct. He send it sailing high over the commentator's box hitting a perfectly straight six.

I couldn't believe it. We had won. We were the world champions! I didn't realise when I started running towards the pitch where Virat was sitting down on his knees and looking up to the sky. I reached him and jumped at him as he caught me but we still went tumbling down. I had never been so giddy and happy in my life and to share this moment with the guy I loved just made it that much more fabulous. Maybe that it why I crashed my lips on his on autopilot and forgot about the rest of the world.

When he broke the kiss I came back to the world and noticed the pindrop silence in a packed cricket stadium for the first time in my life.

Me laying on top of Cheeku was being shown on the large screen and I only then understood what it looked like to the world.

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