2.0 Teenage years

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Three years have passed since first meeting Eka. I was fifteen now once again, on my way to training.

Mother said the way I fought with my knife was sloppy, so I decided to fix that.
I was walking to the big lake at the end of the forest, where I could be all on my own.

My height increased over the years as everything else changed with it. My hair has gotten longer, so long that it covered my entire back. I had gotten my first beads braided into my hair. And I was now allowed go wear my own knives, strapping each one to both my legs.

I started to look like a woman more and more as the days went by. I mainly noticed that because there were some boys around my age who would look at me longer than usual, and give me compliments.

Of course I liked hearing them, but I never really took them seriously. Words didn't mean anything to me.

„Yani, wait for me."
My train of thought was interrupted by Kiri who was walking to catch up with me. She had also grown into a beautiful young woman.

„What is it?"

„I want to go with you, mom is in a bad mood and I would rather not be there right now." she explained with an annoyed look.

That made me chuckle „Well you can help me train." I walked faster, knowing she would protest.
„Nooo." I heard her complain.

When we were at the lake I took out both of my knives and handed one to her.
„Okay try and stab me."

She looked at me dumbfounded „You want me to do what?"

I rolled my eyes and corrected her hold on the knive „Just try and hurt me, don't worry you won't succeed." I told her confidently giving her a wink.

Instead of an answer all I got was a blank, uninterested stare. „I'm not doing that." and she walked over to the water, looking at the fish inside.

„What, come on Kiri." it was my turn to complain, as I held the knive she gave me back in my right hand, with my arm outstretched.

In the blink of an eye the knive was snatched out of my hand „Rule number one: Never leave your weapons out of sight."

It was Neteyam, holding the knive in his hand offensively with a playful glint in his golden eyes.

„Finally someone who knows how to have some fun." I said, feeling excited as I attacked him with my knife.
He moved out of the way and instead went to stab me, but I moved as well and hit his hand away.
We went on like that until I got my knive knocked away from him and it landed on the ground. I used my legs to kick his away from his hand as well.

Suddenly I heard something fall behind me and instinctively I turned around.

Before I could see anything Neteyam grabbed my waist and pulled me again his chest. Trapping me with his arm around my shoulder.

„Looks like I won." he whispered into my ear with his low voice. And I would have lied if I said that my insides weren't turning upside down.

I tapped his arm and he let me go, grinning at me.
„But you held up well, I must admit."

„Please, you only won because I got distracted." I picked up my knives from floor and looked at him.
He'd gotten even taller and just like us he had grown up, with a deep voice, stronger arms, broader shoulders, nice hair and okay I'll stop now.

„Sure I'll let you believe that."
I slapped his arm for that, earning a noise of pain in return.

It was only then that I noticed Kiri was gone.

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