28.0 No mistake

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All that was heard was his words muffled by my lips meeting his. And immediately it took me back to our first kiss and that night. The warm feeling in my chest and the soft feeling of his lips moving with mine. Tingles going up my arms and legs as his scent made its way up my nose.

Pulling away after just a few seconds I broke up the moment and opened my eyes slowly. He had a dazed look on his face and I found myself staring at his golden eyes. When mine wandered to his lips I suddenly remembered the injury.

Wincing I said „Sorry, forgot about your lip." and leaned over to get the oinment and help him treat it.

But I felt his hands grip my waist holding onto me, before pulling me back. Startled I let out a noise of surprise as he sat me on his lap with his now sprayed out legs. With wide eyes I stared at him, as he did the same, still in a daze. Holding my cheek and tilting his head he dove his lips back into mine. I tasted a little bit of blood from his wound as our lips embraced each other.

This time around, the kiss felt different. An almost euphoric feeling washing over me the second our lips locked. I instantly felt a connection build between us, as our bodies explored each other, heating the other one up in the process of it.

I could feel his strong pulse pound against his skin when I moved one hand to his chest. An igniting feeling flourishing from my hand, spreading through my whole body.

A moment later, his hands slipped from my cheek as his fingers gripped my hair. His hands felt like warm live coal, raising a fire from within me. Making me release a noise from the back of my throat, I didn't even know I could make. While his other hand crept to my waist, pulling me even closer to him.

I let my other hand travel down to one of his hands on my waist. That's when I felt the open wounds on his hands and I grew concerned.

Not being able to ignore it, I forced myself to pull away, my body immediately missing the heat. Breathing heavily I slowly opened my eyes again, trying to recover from the faintness in my head.

When I focused my eyes on him for the first time, he was looking at me with slightly swollen lips, making me wonder what I must look like at the moment. And like before, his eyes were a tone darker.

Only that this time, it wasn't out of anger.

After a long moment of silent eye contact his lips formed into a satisfied grin, making me smile back.

„Please tell me this one wasn't a mistake?" he spoke in a deep and and throaty voice, making me want to lean in again.

Pulling myself together I shook away the thought and bit my lower lip „No, that was definitely not a mistake."

His grin turned into a smile, an almost relieved smile and he exhaled loudly, dropping his head into my chest. A wholehearted laugh erupted from my chest as I held his head, longing for closure.

„But next time you see someone bother me, give me at least five more seconds because I was this close to punching Aonung myself." I made a small space with my fingers to show him how close.

I heard him laugh and felt the vibrations too. Leaning back I grabbed his chin into my hand, inspecting his injury. Out little session definitely didn't help the wound that was now ripped up a bit more. Then I grabbed his hands from my waist, looking at the redness and open wounds on his knuckles.

„We should really treat these." I mumbled, letting his hands go and turning my head to stand up and get the oinment once again.

„Don't move. Do it from here." he insisted as he held onto my thighs. He looked at me with captivating eyes, making me forget what I wanted to do in the first place.

The position did feel very intimate, making my cheeks heat up as I reached for the oinment to treat him.

„You're not getting shy now, are you?" his head tilted to the side slightly with an amused glint in those golden eyes, he must've noticed me getting flustered.

„Shut up." I replied, focusing on the treatment.

„Make m- Ou!" he retorted smartly and I quickly put a big amount of oinment on his lip. I knew that it had the tendency to sting, so this was my way of shutting him up.

„Stay still." I ordered quietly, trying not to get distracted by the sight of his lips so close to me.

My cheeks were getting hotter with every moment I had to stare at them so I quickly moved on with the healing, taking his big hands into mine.

„I've never seen you like this before, you know." I mumbled, spreading the medicine over his knuckles.

„Well, did you like it?" he asked with his voice in a teasing tone while watching me.

„No, I was worried- can you be serious for once?" I glared at him, expecting him to turn serious again but his light expression stayed.

„No, because you are the only one I can be unserious with. You bring out my light and happy side." he took his hands out of my grip and held my face in his hands now.
„And you don't need to worry, I'm okay." with a comforting smile he reassured me and looked me in the eyes, making my heartbeat pick up its pace.

I gave him a gentle smile and nodded, accepting his words.

Then he started leaning in again but I put two fingers on his forehead, pushing him back „No, you need to let the oinment dry. No more kisses." and stood up, despite his protest.

Setting the medicine away I teased „By the way your punching could've used a little more speed."

When I turned around I saw him standing up. He started grinning and he poked his cheek with his tongue while looking at me „Oh yeah?"

I hummed in approval and walked up to him, not breaking eye contact. While he stared at me in amusement.

„Is that why you smacked me in the head, with your bow?"

I had completely forgot about that, clapping a hand over my mouth I couldn't help but start laughing.
„Yeah, don't think I forgot about that." he laughed and watched me.

Reaching up, I grabbed his cheek with one hand „I'm sorry, my brave warrior." pushing some of his hair out of his face, trying to hold in my laughter.

„Now, don't deny and say that you didn't like the show. Hm?" he asked one more time, watching me intensely for a reaction.

Dropping my hand from his face unimpressed „Skxawng." I muttered, lightly slapping his forehead „If I tell you, you'll start doing this regularly." I gazed up at him while shaking my head.

I had to be honest, he looked hot doing it. But at the exact moment that was one of the furthest things on my mind. I had genuinely started worrying.

„If I have to. I won't hesitate." he stated in a low voice, observing my face intensely.

Sighing and shaking my head I took his face into my hands again „Now go home and rest. And promise me you won't get into anymore trouble today."

Nodding he obeyed „Promise." he whispered and I smiled, pushing him away to leave my hut.

As soon as he was out of sight I turned back around and started letting myself feel the excitement. I couldn't believe I actually kissed him. Putting a hand on my mouth I released a squeak and skipped around the space. Happiness filling up my body.

I can't believe I did that

There were still so many things left in the open, like would we tell everyone? Keep it secret for the time being? What will happen when I go back home?

Before the thoughts could set off panic in my body, I decided to stop thinking.

Everything will be okay

Your ProtectorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora