16.0 Changes

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The next day I was sitting by the water, looking at the ocean. I had gone swimming and my hair was dripping with water. Additionally I also managed to hunt today and got quite a big catch.

Since the Olo'eyktan and his mate let me stay here I wanted to thank them.
My father always said if someone showed you kindness you should always return double the amount.

So to catch my breath, I decided to sit down. The sun was up already, blinding me with its sunbeams. Although I was not excited to see Aonung,
who would most likely be there, I was excited to see Tsireya.

I grabbed the net full with fish and went to their hut. Still remembering it from my first day when Tsireya showed me.

Once I arrived, I saw that the whole family was there.
„Oel ngati kameie, Tonowari. Oel ngati kameie Ronal." I greeted them, doing the gesture as well.

Tsireya spoke up first „Vawayani, how nice of you to visit." with a bright smile. That girl was really too nice, it was adorable.
I smiled back and set the net down „Thanks to your children, I learned how to hunt. So today I got lucky and I wanted to share my my catch with you, as a thank you."

I looked at them the whole time. While Tsireya was also looking at her parents, I could feel Aonungs stare burning into my side.

Tonowari was the first to respond „That is very nice of you, seems you were raised well." he nodded.
Ronal glanced at me and then back to the net for a moment, the whole room fell silent.

I was afraid that I had somehow unintentionally offended her. But thankfully she broke the silence only a few moments later in a quiet tone „Thank you my child."

I smiled politely before leaving the hut.
It was still early and I had the whole day left. I started thinking if I should train today. Since I didn't want to disturb the Sullys, I would have to do it alone. My mind was already on the next thing when I heard footsteps behind me.

„So I see my lesson helped you." Aonungs voice sounded in a confident tone.

Rolling my eyes, I groaned internally „No, all that came from me. You just happened to be there."

Trying to walk to my hut as fast as possible, my feet kept sinking.
I probably should train today

His obnoxious laugh brought me back to the conversation „Okay whatever you say, oh wait you have something here."

I looked at him to see his hand reach out to me, more specifically my hair. Instinctively I stepped back from him, making him sigh.

„You have something in your hair, don't move." he stepped closer to me now, touching my hair. I stayed still, turning my head into his direction.

„Don't mess it up." I warned him, trying to find what he meant, myself. It would be better than having his fingers all up in my hair.

„I won't." he replied softly and I felt him take something out. He threw it to the ground, it was just a little seagrass.

„Thank you." I said quietly and ran my hands through my hair. When I looked at him he opened his mouth like he wanted to say something.

But he was interrupted by a loud yell „Vawayani!" instantly recognizing the voice a smile formed on my lips and I turned around.

Tuk was running towards me with open arms and a big smile.

„Tuk!" I exclaimed excitedly and opened my arms as well, picking her up when she got to me.

„I missed you." She hugged me and I cooed.
„So did I, little one." I brushed some of her hair out of her face. She looked very similar to Neytiri and so did Neteyam. There were many physical features they shared.

I completely forgot about Aonung next to me until she said „Hello Aonung." and greeted him.

To my surprise, he smiled at her and greeted her back. I guess he was decent enough to leave a small kid out of the bullying, he was giving the other sully kids.

„Come, we're about to eat breakfast." as soon as I set her back to the ground, she started pulling my hand towards her hut.

„Tuk, I have to go and train." I crouched down to her, hoping she wouldn't insist on it.

She pulled her face into a sad expression but replied „Alright, but can I watch?"

I chuckled at the thought. Even back home she always wanted to watch me and her brothers train.
„Of course, you'll just have to find me. Now go eat." I ushered her to go home. She made her way home while I watched her.

Once she was out of my sight I stood back up, continuing to my hut. I needed to get my things, if I wanted to train. Aonung was just standing there, looking at me. He had what looked like a smile on his face. It was creeping me out.

„What are you looking at." I mumbled, walking past him. As a reply he started laughing and followed me, again.

„What are you going to train?" he asked me, walking besides me.

My gaze shifted to the side of his head and back, why would he be asking that.
„Archery." I replied hoping he would get the hint and leave me alone.

„Can you I come too?"

Scoffing I replied „No."

„Come on, I taught you something now you have the opportunity to return the favor."

Groaning I put a hand on my head and stopped in my tracks „You didn't teach me anything I just needed practice. Now leave me alone."  I sped up and walked to my hut.

Thankfully he stopped following me and I could get my weapons and go.
I chose a place near the water, secluded from the village.

I also took some items with me, to create targets. When I was done setting everything up, I began.

Training always brought me peace, it distracted me from what was happening around me.

After some time Tuk actually found me and started watching me. I hit all of my targets, honestly archery had become a therapeutic thing more. But it also made me think of home, of my family. I wonder how Ratxaw was doing. Or if my mother even missed me.

With that, I missed a shot and Tuk gasped.

This is why I should stop thinking about it, she only brings out bad things in me.

Something on your mind?" A voice said behind me.
I turned around and saw Jake, looking at me. Tuk ran up to her father, bringing back memories of my father. A small smile made its way onto my face before I dropped it.

„Yeah, something like that." I mumbled, turning my head back and setting my bow and arrow down.

„Whatever it is, never let it distract you from your target." he stood next to me now „Try again, this time, try thinking of nothing."

I couldn't help but smile, setting my bow up straight again. With my eyes closed, I tried taking his advice by clearing my mind and thinking of, nothing.

When I opened my eyes again I quickly shot the arrow, hitting it this time.
My smile broadened as I looked to him „Thank you, that was easier than I thought."

He also smiled and nodded „See, sometimes the issue is within."
I started thinking about his words, how my mind sometimes got in the way of my actions. I needed to stop letting other people influence, my life with, their actions.

I took one good look at my arrows with the red feathers, and for the first time ever, I wanted to do something other than throw arrows. That's when a thought occurred to me.

Glancing up at Jake I asked „Do you think you could teach me how to use a gun?"

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