27.0 High point

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The same afternoon I was in my hut preparing some food when Tsireya came to visit me. I smiled upon her arrival „How nice of you to visit me."

She practically skipped over to me with a much bigger smile, beaming at me. When she didn't say anything for a few moments, my smile slightly dropped and I asked „What is it?"

She sat down next to me „So how long have you and Neteyam been together? I've been dying to ask you since yesterday but-" her voice light and full of curiosity.

„Oh no. We're not together ." I replied

I watched her face fall and her smile lessen „What? Why not?"

Redirecting my gaze to the ground below me I thought of how to tell her in a simple way.

„Well, it isn't allowed in our clan." I informed her, shrugging and going back to the food.

„But why? How?" she questioned again, her tone now set lower as she spoke softly.

I sighed and explained it to her, keeping it as short and possible. She listened intently and I watched her frown.
„Oh, well what do your parents say?"

I let out a short unamused laugh while my gaze stayed on the food in front of me „My parents are especially respectful of that rule."

„And your brother? Do they treat him the same?" she  followed up with another question.

„How do you know about my brother?" I asked startled, looking up at her.

„Aonung told me." she replied plainly and we held eye contact for a moment. Hers unfazed while mine were filled with confusion.
How come he remembered that?

„Well they don't really keep that much of an eye on him, unlike me who is under their radar way more." I paused „Or was anyways."

If I had to be honest, I was enjoying the freedom that this island gave me. No belittling comments or criticism from my mother, no fear of being caught with Neteyam.

„I'm sorry." she said after a moment of silence, her gaze filled with pity.

„You don't have to be, really." I nodded and smiled lightly. I never liked people pitying me.
Not knowing what else to say I focused back on the fruit in front of me.

„Do you think you could teach me archery?" her voice asked out of the blue.

My head snapped back up surprised „Why the sudden interest?"

„Well, after you showed us I thought of trying it myself. But I think I need some real lessons." she chuckled and I felt myself smiling.

„Let's go."

≿————- ❈ ————-≾

We went to the forest together as I introduced her to the weapon. I gave her a quick summary of all the important details to remember before I positioned her arms.

„Now, try to shoot the tree." I commanded and stepped away from her.

She aimed with a concentrated face and let go of the arrow. Despite her best effort the arrow flew right by the tree. Which surprised me, because last time we showed her how to shoot, she did it effortlessly.

Her shoulders slumped with disappointment as she sighed loudly.
„That's okay, you can try again." I encouraged her and watched her posture closely.

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